作为Apache ServiceMix4.0的微内核开源项目Apache SeriveMix Kernel已经成为Apache Felix
子项目了,并更名为Apache Felix Karfa
Hot deployment
: Karaf supports hot deployment of OSGi bundles by monitoring jar files inside the [home]/deploy
directory. Each time a jar is copied in this folder, it will be
installed inside the runtime. You can then update or delete it and
changes will be handled automatically. In addition, the Karaf also
supports exploded bundles and custom deployers (a spring one is
included by default).
Dynamic configuration
: Services
are usually configured through the ConfigurationAdmin OSGi service.
Such configuration can be defined in Karaf using property files inside
the [home]/etc
directory. These configurations are monitored and changes on the properties files will be propagated to the services.
Logging System
using a centralized logging back end supported by Log4J, Karaf supports
a number of different APIs (JDK 1.4, JCL, SLF4J, Avalon, Tomcat, OSGi)
Provisioning of libraries or applications can be done through a number
of different ways, by which they will be downloaded locally, installed
and started.
Native OS integration
: Karaf can be
integrated into your own Operating System as a service so that the
lifecycle will be bound to your Operating System.
Extensible Shell console
Karaf features a nice text console where you can manage the services,
install new applications or libraries and manage their state. This
shell is easily extensible by deploying new commands dynamically along
with new features or applications.
Remote access
: use any SSH client to connect to Karaf and issue commands in the console
Security framework
based on JAAS
Managing instances
Karaf provides simple commands for managing multiple instances. You can
easily create, delete, start and stop instances of Karaf through the
Apache Felix 是一个基于 Java 的开源框架,它是 OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)规范的实现。OSGi 是一套用于管理 Java 应用程序模块化、动态部署和版本控制的框架。Apache Felix 演示(apache-felix-demo...
Apache Felix 是一个开源项目,属于 Apache 软件基金会,主要致力于实现 OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)规范。OSGi 是一种Java模块化系统,它允许开发人员将应用程序分解为独立的、可管理和可升级的组件。...
Apache Felix是Apache软件基金会开发的一个开源实现,它遵循OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)规范,为Java应用程序提供模块化运行时环境。OSGi框架的核心功能是将Java应用程序分解成独立的、可交互的模块,...
2. **Apache Felix**:Apache软件基金会的项目,实现了OSGi 4.x规范。Felix以其轻量级、灵活性和对标准的严格遵循而受到青睐。它提供了一个强大的管理控制台和REST API,便于管理和监控OSGi环境。启动Apache Felix的...
这些子项目是Apache Felix项目下的一些附加工具和扩展,它们提供了额外的功能和服务来增强基本的OSGi实现。 在设置OSGi和Apache Felix环境的过程中,需要检查是否安装了合适的Java开发工具包(JDK)。接着,下载并...
标题 "org.apache.felix.main-6.0.3.rar" 提供了我们即将探讨的核心信息:这是Apache Felix项目的一个版本,具体来说是6.0.3版本。Apache Felix是一个开源实现,它遵循OSGi(开放服务网关倡议)规范,用于创建Java...
标签“felix”进一步明确了这个压缩包与 Apache Felix 相关,Felix 是一个广泛使用的 OSGi 框架,被许多企业和开源项目所采纳,用于构建模块化的、可扩展的 Java 应用程序。 在提供的压缩包子文件的文件名称列表中...
标题中的"org.apache.felix.main.distribution-3.2.2.tar.gz"是一个Apache Felix项目的发行版文件,版本为3.2.2,文件格式为tar.gz,这是一种常见的Unix/Linux系统下的归档压缩格式,由tar进行文件打包,然后用gzip...
Build a completely operational real-life application composed of multiple bundles and a web front end using Felix. Get yourself acquainted with the OSGi concepts, in an easy-to-follow progressive ...
2. **引入OSGi支持到Spring**:在Spring项目中引入Felix的库,如`org.apache.felix.scr`和`org.apache.felix.dependencymanager`,这些库提供了在OSGi环境中注册和管理Spring Bean的能力。 3. **配置Spring Context...
最新版 org.apache.felix 4.5.0
Apache Felix是Apache软件基金会的一个项目,它实现了OSGi(Open Services Gateway Initiative)规范,是一个Java框架,允许你在运行时动态地创建、配置和管理服务。OSGi的主要目标是提供模块化系统,使得Java应用...
Apache Felix是Apache软件基金会开发的一个开源实现,它遵循OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)规范,为Java应用程序提供了一个模块化运行时环境。OSGi框架的主要目的是解决Java平台上的类加载问题,促进组件...
标题 "org.apache.felix.inventory-1.0.2.zip" 提示我们这可能与Apache Felix项目有关,Felix是基于OSGi(开放服务网关协议)的Java框架。OSGi是一种模块化系统,用于管理Java应用程序的生命周期和依赖关系。...
【标题】"org.apache.felix.http.samples.filter-2.2.2.zip" 是一个与Apache Felix框架相关的HTTP过滤器示例项目的压缩包。Apache Felix是一个流行的开源Java框架,它实现了OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)...
《OSGi and Apache Felix 3.0 Beginner's Guide》是一本专为初学者设计的书籍,深入浅出地介绍了OSGi(Open Service Gateway Initiative)框架和Apache Felix这一实现OSGi规范的开源项目。源代码包包含了书中各个...
org.apache.felix-4.5.0 源代码 JAR,方便学习、调试felix。
Apache Felix 是一个开源的 OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) 框架...通过实践和学习提供的 demo,你将能够深入理解 OSGi 模块化系统的运作原理,以及如何在实际项目中利用 Apache Felix 实现高效的软件开发。