As we start talking more and more about Eclipse RCP, I find it important to be able to describe when someone should consider using Eclipse RCP, instead of alternative technologies. If anything it starts to help people better understand the capabilities of Eclipse RCP.
In the space of platforms for rich user applications there seems to be a number of potential solutions, including Eclipse RCP, AJAX, MS .Net and Flash. (I am sure I am missing other potential solutions, feel free to add a comment.) At the high level, I think there are a couple of decision points that lead you to a different technology alternative.
Point #1 - Organization Culture
Is your organization considered a Microsoft or Java shop? Are most of the programmers trained on .Net or in Java or something else? Do you have a strategic direction to develop all applications on Java or .Net. Lets face it, an organization that is 100% Microsoft probably won't/shouldn't consider Eclipse RCP. If it is 100% Java, then I would hope Eclipse RCP would have a lot to offer. Lots of shops are heterogeneous, so the decision might be less than obvious.
Point #2 - Type of End User
What is the user profile of the application end user? Is it a casual user that uses the application occassionally or a power user that 'lives' in the application. For instance, I am fine doing my on-line banking via a browser, since I do it only once or twice a month. However, a bank employee that manages high-end banking customers probably wants to have a desktop application. They need to be able to save local information, switch between different contexts and tasks. Also integration with other applications on the desktop is often important. Here I think something like MS .Net or Eclipse RCP would be a big win.
Point #3 - Type of Application
I think there are different types of applications that are better suited for AJAX, Flash or RCP. At a very simplistic level I think there are three types of applications: 1) content delivery, ie portals, dashboards, where presentation is very important. 2) collaboration/workflow applications,where context and tasks switching is important and 3) transactional applications. For the content delivery, AJAX and Flash seem to be better suited for presentation and ease of content delivery. However, when you get into sophisticated workflow or collaboration, the ability to work offline and have persistent data is pretty important. Here I think RCP might be better suited. For transactional applications, I think it will depend, maybe on the type of user?
Eclipse RCP中使用第三方包 Eclipse RCP(Rich Client Platform)是一种基于Java的插件式软件架构,允许开发者创建跨平台的桌面应用程序。使用Eclipse RCP,可以快速构建功能强大的客户端应用程序。然而,在实际...
《Eclipse RCP与Spring OSGi:技术详解与最佳实践》由资源的Eclipse专家亲自执笔,并得到了Eclipse官方技术社区的强烈推荐,权威性毋庸置疑!内容全面,系统讲解了利用Eclipse RCP和Spring OSGi开发大规模Java应用的...
NaskCodeIDE是一款基于Eclipse RCP构建的开发环境,旨在为Java和C语言编程提供支持,并专注于操作系统开发。该IDE集成了JFinal插件,便于开发者进行高效开发。项目包含188个文件,涵盖32个Java源文件、30个C头文件、...
Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) 是一个强大的框架,用于构建桌面应用程序。它提供了一整套工具和功能,使得开发者可以构建出具有丰富用户界面的应用。在开发完成后,我们需要将这些应用打包并发布,以便用户...
Eclipse RCP,全称Eclipse Rich Client Platform,是一个基于Java的框架,用于构建桌面应用程序。这个框架由Eclipse基金会维护,是Eclipse IDE的一部分,允许开发者创建功能丰富的、可扩展的应用程序,拥有类似IDE的...
Eclipse RCP,全称Eclipse Rich Client Platform,是一种基于Java的开源框架,用于构建桌面应用程序。它由Eclipse基金会维护,是Eclipse IDE的核心组成部分,提供了丰富的UI组件、插件系统以及工作台(Workbench)...
### Eclipse RCP 入门详解 #### 一、Eclipse RCP 概述 **Eclipse RCP**(Rich Client Platform)是一种构建丰富客户端应用程序的框架,它利用Eclipse平台的强大功能来创建高度定制化的桌面应用程序。通过RCP,...
【标题】"eclipse RCP mp3工程"指的是一个基于Eclipse Rich Client Platform(RCP)构建的专门处理MP3音频文件的应用程序。Eclipse RCP是一个强大的开发框架,允许开发者创建桌面应用,它提供了丰富的用户界面组件和...
Eclipse RCP 教程 Eclipse RCP(Rich Client Platform)是一种基于 Eclipse 平台的客户端开发技术,能够帮助开发者快速构建功能强大且界面美观的桌面应用程序。在本教程中,我们将详细介绍 Eclipse RCP 的开发过程...
eclipse RCP Plug-in开发自学教程 eclipse RCP(Rich Client Platform)是一种基于eclipse的插件式开发平台,允许开发者使用eclipse结构风格设计弹性的可扩展的应用程序。RCP插件式开发方式可以重用eclipse中的方法...
### Eclipse RCP+Spring构建富客户端Web程序 #### 摘要 随着技术的发展和用户需求的变化,构建高效、响应迅速且用户体验良好的客户端应用变得尤为重要。传统的Web 2.0和丰富的互联网应用(RIA)虽然流行,但在某些...
### 使用Eclipse RCP进行桌面程序开发:详细指南 #### 一、Eclipse RCP简介与快速起步 **Eclipse RCP** (Rich Client Platform) 是一种基于Java的开源框架,用于开发桌面应用程序。自从Eclipse 3.0版本以来,RCP...
《ECLIPSE+RCP应用系统开发方法与实战》这本书是高岗先生关于使用Eclipse RCP(Rich Client Platform)进行应用系统开发的一本实战指南。Eclipse RCP是Eclipse IDE的一部分,它提供了一个框架,使得开发者可以构建...
Eclipse RCP(Rich Client Platform)是Eclipse IDE的一个核心组成部分,它提供了一个框架和工具集,用于构建桌面应用程序。Eclipse RCP允许开发者利用Java和SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit)构建功能丰富的、可定制...
Eclipse RCP是一种基于Eclipse平台的富客户端平台技术,它允许开发者创建独立于Eclipse环境的Java桌面应用程序。RCP通过提供一套标准组件和API,简化了桌面应用程序的开发流程,使开发者能够专注于业务逻辑而非界面...
Eclipse Rich Client Platform(RCP)是Eclipse框架下的一个核心组成部分,用于构建桌面应用程序。这个"Eclipse RCP培训.zip"文件很可能包含了关于如何开发基于Eclipse RCP的应用程序的各种教程、示例代码和讲解材料...
Eclipse RCP(Rich Client Platform)是一个开源框架,由Eclipse基金会开发,用于构建桌面应用程序。这个框架基于Java,提供了一套完整的工具集,包括插件系统、工作台管理、视图、编辑器、透视图等,使得开发者可以...
Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) 是一个强大的框架,用于构建桌面应用程序。它基于Java,由Eclipse基金会维护,是Eclipse IDE的核心组成部分。RCP允许开发者利用已有的插件系统构建可定制、模块化的应用,具有...
在eclipse开发中, 使用cssTheme和applicationCSS来设置主题样式,需要创建product运行文件,然后在plugin.xml设置product的属性. 学习网站
### Eclipse RCP 插件开发指南 #### Eclipse RCP Plugin 开发快速入门 Eclipse RCP(Rich Client Platform)插件开发是构建基于Eclipse框架的应用程序的核心技术之一。本指南旨在帮助开发者从零开始掌握Eclipse ...