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Ruby's primary focus is productivity of program development, and users will
find that programming in Ruby is productive and even fun. Ruby is well suited
for the problem domains such as these:

    Text processing
    —Ruby's File, String, and Regexp classes help you
    process text data quickly and cleanly.

    CGI programming
    —Ruby has everything you need to do CGI programming,
    including text-handling classes, a CGI library, database interface, and even
    eRuby (embedded Ruby) and mod_ruby for Apache.

    Network programming
    —Network programming can be fun with Ruby's
    well-designed socket classes.

    GUI programming
    —GUI tool kit interfaces such as Ruby/Tk and Ruby/Gtk
    are available.

    XML programming
    —Text-handling features and the UTF-8-aware regular
    expression engine make XML programming handy in Ruby. The interface to the expat
    XML parser library is also available.

    —With its high productivity, Ruby is often used to make
    prototypes. Prototypes sometimes become production systems by replacing the
    bottlenecks with C written extensions.

    Programming education
    —You can teach students that programming is

    Freedom and Comfort
    Bill Venners
    : One of the design philosophies in the Python
    community is providing one and only one way to do things. If you provide fifty
    different ways to do the same thing, then you've provided convenience for code
    writers. People can write things in their favorite way. The tradeoff is for code
    readers. When I read your code, you might have written it one way. When I read
    the next person's code, they may have written it another way. So as a reader I
    end up needing to be familiar with all ways to accomplish the task, not just my
    favorite way of writing it. That's the design tradeoff. The Python community
    seems to prefer the one and only one way approach, but Ruby seems to provide
    multiple ways to do the same thing.

    Yukihiro Matsumoto
    : Language
    designers want to design the perfect language. They want to be able to say, "My
    language is perfect. It can do everything." But it's just plain impossible to
    design a perfect language, because there are two ways to look at a language. One
    way is by looking at what can be done with that language. The other is by
    looking at how we feel using that language—how we feel while programming.
    Because of the Turing completeness theory, everything one Turing-complete
    language can do can theoretically be done by another Turing-complete language,
    but at a different cost. You can do everything in assembler, but no one wants to
    program in assembler anymore. From the viewpoint of what you can do, therefore,
    languages do differ—but the differences are limited. For example, Python and
    Ruby provide almost the same power to the programmer.




    1. MRI (Matz's Ruby Interpreter):这是Ruby的原始实现,也被称为CRuby。它由Ruby的创始人松本行弘(Yukihiro Matsumoto)开发,基于C语言实现,是标准的Ruby解释器。 2. JRuby:JRuby是Ruby的一个Java实现,它...


    Ruby是一种功能强大的面向对象的脚本语言,她可以使您方便快捷...1993年2月24日Ruby诞生了,1995年12月Matz推出了Ruby的第一个版本Ruby 0.95。不久Ruby便凭借其独特的魅力横扫日本,相信在不久的将来,Ruby将走向世界。


    Ruby是一种简洁而功能强大的编程语言,由日本的松本行弘(Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto)在1993年开发,并于1995年公开发布。Ruby语言设计之初就非常注重开发人员的编程体验,它拥有自然、表达性强的语法,易于阅读和...




    Ruby是一种面向对象、动态类型的脚本语言,由Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto于1995年创建。它以其简洁、优雅的语法和强大的编程能力而闻名,广泛应用于Web开发、脚本自动化、服务器管理等领域。RubyInstaller是Windows...

    Ruby编程Ruby Programming

    根据提供的文件信息,我们将深入探讨与“Ruby编程Ruby Programming”这一主题相关的几个核心知识点。这本面向初学者和高级读者的指南旨在全面介绍Ruby编程语言的基础及其高级特性,因此我们将从多个角度来解析这些...


    Ruby语言的历史可以追溯到1995年,由日本程序员Matz设计的。 Ruby是一种面向对象的脚本语言,它的设计目标是提供一种简单、易用的语言,以便开发者快速地创建程序。 Ruby的特点包括:动态类型、垃圾回收、闭包、块...

    ruby under a microscope

    - **mri**:MRI(Matz's Ruby Interpreter)是Ruby的官方参考实现,本书将对其进行详细的解析。 #### 部分内容分析 ##### 样例代码 ```ruby 10.times do |n| puts n end ``` - 这段代码展示了Ruby中的一个简单...

    ruby - ruby tutorial

    Ruby 是一种由 Yukihiro Matsumoto(通常被称为 Matz)设计的脚本语言。它能够在多种平台上运行,包括但不限于 Windows、Mac OS 以及各种版本的 UNIX。本教程旨在为读者提供一个全面深入的理解 Ruby 的途径。 #### ...




    The goal of the RubyInstaller project is to provide users and developers working on Windows systems with an easy way to quickly get ...containing a fully functioning baseline MRI (Matz' Ruby Implementation)...


    7. **兼容性**:Ruby-Whois兼容多种Ruby版本,包括MRI(Matz's Ruby Interpreter)、JRuby和Rubinius,确保在不同环境中都能稳定运行。 在项目"weppos-whois-9de74ae"中,我们可以看到这是Ruby-Whois的一个特定版本...

    《Ruby Programming—向Ruby之父学程序设计(第2版)》电子书

    Ruby编程语言是由Yukihiro Matsumoto(又称为Matz)创建的一种面向对象的语言,它以其简洁、优雅的语法和强大的功能而闻名。《Ruby Programming—向Ruby之父学程序设计(第2版)》这本书旨在帮助初学者,甚至是完全...

    ruby中文手册 chm

    Ruby是一种面向对象的、动态类型的编程语言,由Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto于1995年创建。它的设计目标是让代码更加简洁、优雅,同时提供高度的可读性和可维护性。Ruby中文手册CHM是为中文用户准备的详尽参考资料,...

    Working with Ruby Threads

    - **MRI内部机制**:MRI(Matz's Ruby Interpreter)是Ruby的标准实现,它通过GIL保证了内存安全性和数据一致性。 - **特殊情况:阻塞I/O操作**:当线程执行阻塞I/O操作时,GIL会被释放,允许其他线程执行。 #### ...


    Ruby是一种面向对象的、动态类型的编程语言,由Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto于1995年创建。它的设计目标是让代码更加简洁、优雅,同时提供高度的可扩展性和灵活性。Ruby在软件开发领域,尤其是Web开发中,因其强大的...

    eloquent ruby

    - 它由日本的程序员松本行弘(Matz)于1995年设计并开发。 - Ruby的设计哲学强调程序员的生产力和代码的可读性,它具有强大的类库支持,并且语法简洁明了。 2. **面向对象编程(OOP)** - Ruby是一种纯面向对象的...

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