
Ibatis N:1避免N+1查询的方法



public class Employ {
private int id;
private String enployName;
private int salary;
private Department department;

public Employ() {

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;

public String getEnployName() {
return enployName;

public void setEnployName(String enployName) {
this.enployName = enployName;

public int getSalary() {
return salary;

public void setSalary(int salary) {
this.salary = salary;

public Department getDepartment() {
return department;

public void setDepartment(Department department) {
this.department = department;

public class Department {
private int did;
private String departmentName;
private List<Employ> employees;

public int getDid() {
return did;

public void setDid(int did) {
this.did = did;

public String getDepartmentName() {
return departmentName;

public void setDepartmentName(String departmentName) {
this.departmentName = departmentName;

public List<Employ> getEmployees() {
return employees;

public void setEmployees(List<Employ> employees) {
this.employees = employees;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE sqlMap     
    PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN"     

<sqlMap namespace="Employ">

  <!-- Use type aliases to avoid typing the full classname every time. -->
  <typeAlias alias="Employ" type="com.test.domain.Employ"/>

  <!-- Result maps describe the mapping between the columns returned
       from a query, and the class properties.  A result map isn't
       necessary if the columns (or aliases) match to the properties
       exactly. -->
  <resultMap id="EmployResult" class="Employ">
    <result property="id" column="id"/>
    <result property="enployName" column="employ_name"/>
    <result property="salary" column="salary"/>
    <result property="department.did" column="did"/>
    <result property="department.departmentName" column="department_name"/>

  <!-- Select with no parameters using the result map for Account class. -->
  <select id="selectAllEmploy" resultMap="EmployResult">
  select * from employees e, departments d where e.departmentid = d.did
  <!-- A simpler select example without the result map.  Note the
       aliases to match the properties of the target result class. -->
  <!-- Insert example, using the Account parameter class -->
  <insert id="insertEmploy" parameterClass="Employ">
  insert into employees (employ_name, salary, departmentid) values(#enployName#, #salary#, #department.did#)

  <!-- Update example, using the Account parameter class -->

  <!-- Delete example, using an integer as the parameter class -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE sqlMap     
    PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN"     

<sqlMap namespace="Department">

  <!-- Use type aliases to avoid typing the full classname every time. -->
  <typeAlias alias="Department" type="com.test.domain.Department"/>

  <!-- Result maps describe the mapping between the columns returned
       from a query, and the class properties.  A result map isn't
       necessary if the columns (or aliases) match to the properties
       exactly. -->
  <resultMap id="DepartmentResult" class="Department">
    <result property="did" column="did"/>
    <result property="departmentName" column="department_name"/>

  <!-- Select with no parameters using the result map for Account class. -->
  <select id="selectDepartmentById" parameterClass="int" resultMap="DepartmentResult">
  select * from departments where did = #did#
  <!-- A simpler select example without the result map.  Note the
       aliases to match the properties of the target result class. -->
  <!-- Insert example, using the Account parameter class -->
  <insert id="insertDepartment" parameterClass="Department">
  insert into departments (department_name) values(#departmentName#)

  <!-- Update example, using the Account parameter class -->

  <!-- Delete example, using an integer as the parameter class -->



1 楼 tiankang 2009-05-19  




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    6. **最佳实践**:学习如何优化SQL,避免N+1查询问题,以及如何利用缓存提高性能。 7. **实战项目**:通过参与实际项目或复刻JpetStore_4,提升对iBatis的运用能力。 总之,iBatis是一个强大且灵活的持久层框架,...

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    10. **最佳实践**:了解如何优化Ibatis的使用,如合理设计SQL,避免N+1问题,使用动态SQL等。 这个教程将引导初学者一步步完成Ibatis环境的搭建,理解其基本工作原理,并通过实际操作掌握Ibatis的使用。通过这些...



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    - **避免 N+1 Select(1:M 和 M:N)**:进一步讲解如何优化多对多查询。 - **组合键值或多个复杂参数属性**:当一个参数由多个属性组成时的处理方法。 - **支持 ParameterMap 和 ResultMap 的数据类型**:详细...


    10. **最佳实践**:分享一些使用 iBatis 的最佳实践,如避免N+1查询问题,提高性能的技巧等。 通过学习这个 iBatis 的 demo,开发者可以更好地理解和掌握 iBatis 在实际开发中的运用,提升数据访问层的构建能力。...

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    8. **最佳实践与案例分析**:提供实际开发中的最佳实践,如如何优化SQL,避免N+1问题,以及在大型项目中如何有效地组织和管理映射文件。 9. **与其他框架集成**:探讨如何将iBatis与Spring、Struts等其他框架整合,...


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