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if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name = 'sp_gent' and type = 'P') drop procedure sp_gent go create procedure sp_gent @tblname varchar(30) = null, @prechar varchar(4) = null, --$:no print @table_dll varchar(16384) = null out, @dbname varchar(32) = null, @droptg char(1) = '1', @prxytx varchar(255) = null, @replace varchar(20) = null, @tabtype varchar(1) = 'A', --A:所有表;P:代理表;U:用户表 @indextg varchar(3) = 'TPI', --T:纯表;P:主键;I:纯索引;J:除主键外的纯索引(和TP使用与I相同,和I同时使用I失效) @table_seg varchar(32) = null, @index_seg varchar(32) = null as begin set nocount on if @tblname is null begin declare @c_tblname varchar(30) declare cur_1 cursor for select name from sysobjects where type = 'U' order by name open cur_1 fetch cur_1 into @c_tblname while @@sqlstatus = 0 begin exec sp_gent @tblname = @c_tblname, @prechar = @prechar, @dbname = @dbname , @droptg = @droptg , @prxytx = @prxytx , @replace = @replace, @tabtype = @tabtype, --A:所有表;P:代理表;U:用户表 @indextg = @indextg, --A:表和索引;T:纯表;I:纯索引 @table_seg = @table_seg, @index_seg = @index_seg fetch cur_1 into @c_tblname end close cur_1 deallocate cursor cur_1 return end declare @obj_id int declare @sysstat2 int declare @username varchar(30) select @obj_id = id, @sysstat2 = sysstat2 ,@username = user_name(uid) from sysobjects where name = @tblname and type = 'U' if @@rowcount <> 1 begin print 'table %1! not exists', @tblname goto err end if @sysstat2 & 1024 = 1024 begin if upper(@tabtype) in ('U') goto ok end else begin if upper(@tabtype) in ('P') goto ok end declare @colname varchar(30) --列名 declare @typename varchar(30) --类型名称 declare @usertype smallint --类型ID declare @length int --长度 declare @prec tinyint --有效位数 declare @scale tinyint --精度 declare @def_id int --默认值id declare @nulls tinyint --空值 declare @ident tinyint --标识列 declare @index_dll varchar(16384) declare @def_text varchar(100) declare @ide_text varchar(30) declare @nul_text varchar(30) declare @cns_text varchar(500) declare @uni_pri varchar(40), @non_clu varchar(40), @non_uni varchar(40) declare @lock_scheme varchar(100) declare @keys varchar(500), @i int declare @thiskey varchar(30) declare @sorder char(4) select @keys = "", @i = 1 declare @cns_name varchar(30), @status int, @indid int declare @idx_name varchar(50) declare @CRNW varchar(2) --回车换行 declare @TAB char(1) select @CRNW = convert(varchar(2), 0x0d0a) select @TAB = convert(char(1), 0x09) declare @dbname_dot varchar(35) if ltrim(@dbname) is null select @dbname = null,@dbname_dot = null else select @dbname = @dbname + '.',@dbname_dot = @dbname + '..' declare @table_name varchar(30) select @table_name = case when ltrim(@replace) is not null then @replace else @tblname end declare @prefix_table varchar(2) select @prefix_table = case when ltrim(@prxytx) is not null then 'r_' else null end if charindex('T',@indextg) > 0 begin if @droptg <> '0' select @table_dll = "if exists(select 1 from "+@dbname_dot +"sysobjects where name = '"+@prefix_table +@table_name+"' and type = 'U')" +@CRNW+@TAB+'drop table '+@dbname+@username + '.' +@prefix_table +@table_name+@CRNW +case when @sysstat2 & 1024 = 1024 then @TAB+'exec sp_dropobjectdef '+@table_name+@CRNW when ltrim(@prxytx) is not null then @TAB+'exec sp_dropobjectdef r_'+@table_name+@CRNW else null end +'go'+@CRNW else select @table_dll = null if @sysstat2 & 1024 = 1024 begin declare @OS_file varchar(255) select @OS_file = char_value from sysattributes where class = 9 and attribute = 1 and object_cinfo = @tblname if @@rowcount = 0 begin print '取代理表前缀失败%1!', @tblname goto err end select @table_dll = @table_dll+"exec sp_addobjectdef " +@table_name +", '"+@OS_file+"', 'table'"+@CRNW+ "create existing table " + @dbname+@username + "." +@table_name + " (" end else if ltrim(@prxytx) is not null select @table_dll = @table_dll+"exec sp_addobjectdef r_" +@table_name+", '"+@prxytx +@table_name+"', 'table'"+@CRNW +"create existing table " + @dbname+@username + ".r_" +@table_name + " (" else select @table_dll = @table_dll+'create table ' + @dbname+@username + '.' +@table_name + ' (' --如果在sybsystemprocs数据库下提交,以下注释掉 declare @tablna varchar(255) --select @tablna = tablna from knp_tabl where tablcd = @tblname --if @@rowcount = 0 select @tablna = null if ltrim(@tablna) is not null select @table_dll = @table_dll + ' --'+@tablna select @prechar = case when @prechar is not null then left(@prechar+space(4),4) else @prechar end if @prechar <> '$' begin if @prechar is not null begin declare @temp_dll varchar(16384),@print_dll varchar(16384) select @temp_dll = @table_dll select @temp_dll = @prechar + @temp_dll while charindex(@CRNW,@temp_dll) > 0 and char_length(@temp_dll) <> charindex(@CRNW,@temp_dll)+1 begin select @print_dll = @print_dll + left(@temp_dll,charindex(@CRNW,@temp_dll) - 1) + @CRNW+@prechar select @temp_dll = substring(@temp_dll,charindex(@CRNW,@temp_dll)+char_length(@CRNW),char_length(@temp_dll)) end select @print_dll = @print_dll + @temp_dll print '%1!',@print_dll end else print '%1!',@table_dll end select @table_dll = @table_dll + @CRNW if ltrim(@table_seg) is null begin select @table_seg = s.name from sysobjects o, syssegments s, sysindexes i where o.id = object_id(@tblname) and i.id = o.id and i.indid < 2 and i.segment = s.segment if @@rowcount = 0 begin print '表%1!所在的段不存在',@tblname goto err end end end --确定表是否有完整性约束 declare @have_con char(1) if exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = @obj_id and status2 & 2 = 2 ) and (ltrim(@prxytx) is null or @sysstat2 & 1024 = 1024) select @have_con = '1' else select @have_con = '0' if charindex('T',@indextg) > 0 begin declare @col_int int select @col_int = count(*) from syscolumns where id = @obj_id declare cur_col cursor for select b.name, b.usertype, c.name , b.length, b.prec, b.scale, b.cdefault, convert(bit,b.status&8) as Nulls, convert(bit,b.status&128) as Ident from sysobjects a, syscolumns b, systypes c where a.name = @tblname and a.type = 'U' and a.id = b.id and b.usertype = c.usertype order by b.colid open cur_col fetch cur_col into @colname, @usertype, @typename, @length, @prec, @scale, @def_id, @nulls, @ident while @@sqlstatus = 0 begin --系统定义的数据类型 if @usertype < 100 begin if rtrim(@typename) in ('char','varchar','nchar','nvarchar') select @typename = @typename + '('+ convert(varchar,@length) +')' else if @typename in ('numeric','decimal') select @typename = @typename + '(' + convert(varchar,@prec) + ',' + convert(varchar,@scale) + ')' else if @typename in ('float','double') select @typename = @typename + '(' + convert(varchar,@prec) + ')' else if @typename in ('binary','varbinary') select @typename = @typename + '(' + convert(varchar,@length) + ')' end select @ide_text = case @ident when 1 then 'identity' else null end select @nul_text = case @nulls when 1 then ' null' else 'not null' end if @def_id > 0 begin select @def_text = ltrim(rtrim(b.text)) from sysobjects a, syscomments b where a.id = @def_id and a.id = b.id if @@rowcount <> 1 begin print '取default失败%1!', @def_id goto err end while charindex(@TAB,@def_text) > 0 select @def_text = stuff(@def_text,charindex(@TAB,@def_text),char_length(@TAB),' ') while charindex(' ',@def_text) > 0 select @def_text = stuff(@def_text,charindex(' ',@def_text),char_length(' '),' ') select @def_text = rtrim(ltrim(@def_text)) end else select @def_text = null declare @thiscol varchar(500) select @thiscol = case when char_length(@colname) <= 10 then left(@colname+space(10),10) else @colname end + ' ' + case when char_length(@typename) <= 15 then left(@typename+space(15),15) else @typename end + ' ' + @def_text + ' ' + @ide_text + ' ' + @nul_text if @i = @col_int and (@have_con = '0' or charindex('P',@indextg) <= 0) select @thiscol = @thiscol + ' ' else select @thiscol = @thiscol + ' ,' --如果在sybsystemprocs数据库下提交,以下注释掉 declare @colmna varchar(255) select @colmna = null --select @colmna = colmna from knp_colm where tablcd = @tblname and colmcd = @colname if ltrim(@colmna) is not null select @thiscol = @thiscol + ' --'+@colmna if @prechar <> '$' print '%1!%2!',@prechar, @thiscol select @table_dll = @table_dll + @thiscol + @CRNW select @i = @i + 1 fetch cur_col into @colname, @usertype, @typename, @length, @prec, @scale, @def_id, @nulls, @ident end end if @have_con = '1' and charindex('P',@indextg) > 0 begin select @cns_name = name, @status = status, @indid = indid from sysindexes where id = @obj_id and status2 & 2 = 2 --print 'exist constraint... status = %1!', @status if @indid = 1 select @non_clu = 'clustered' else if @indid > 1 begin if @status & 16 = 16 select @non_clu = 'clustered' else select @non_clu = 'nonclustered' end if @status & 2048 = 2048 select @uni_pri = 'primary key' else select @uni_pri = 'unique' select @cns_text = 'constraint ' + @cns_name + ' ' + @uni_pri + ' ' + @non_clu select @i = 1, @keys = '' select @thiskey = index_col(@tblname, @indid, @i) while @thiskey <> null begin if @i > 1 begin select @keys = @keys + ", " end if ltrim(@keys) is null select @keys = @thiskey else select @keys = @keys + @thiskey select @sorder = index_colorder(@tblname, @indid, @i) if (@sorder = "DESC") select @keys = @keys + " " + @sorder select @i = @i + 1 select @thiskey = index_col(@tblname, @indid, @i) end select @cns_text = @cns_text + ' (' + @keys + ')' if ltrim(@table_seg) is null begin select @table_seg = s.name from sysobjects o, syssegments s, sysindexes i where o.id = object_id(@tblname) and i.id = o.id and i.indid < 2 and i.segment = s.segment if @@rowcount = 0 begin print '表%1!所在的段不存在',@tblname goto err end end if charindex('T',@indextg) <= 0 select @cns_text = 'alter table '+@dbname+@username + '.'+@table_name+' add '+@cns_text+ " on '" + @table_seg + "'" if @prechar <> '$' print '%1!%2!',@prechar,@cns_text select @table_dll = @table_dll + @cns_text end if charindex('T',@indextg) > 0 begin if @prechar <> '$' print '%1!%2!',@prechar, ') ' select @table_dll = left(@table_dll,char_length(@table_dll)-1) + @CRNW + ')' --表锁计划 if @sysstat2 & 8192 = 8192 select @lock_scheme = 'lock allpages' else if @sysstat2 & 16384 = 16384 select @lock_scheme = 'lock datapages' else if @sysstat2 & 32768 = 32768 select @lock_scheme = 'lock datarows' select @table_dll = @table_dll + @CRNW + @lock_scheme if @prechar <> '$' print '%1!%2!',@prechar, @lock_scheme select @table_seg = "on '"+ @table_seg+"'" select @table_dll = @table_dll + @CRNW + @table_seg + @CRNW+'go'+@CRNW if @prechar <> '$' begin print '%1!%2!',@prechar, @table_seg print '%1!go',@prechar end end if ltrim(@prxytx) is not null or @sysstat2 & 1024 = 1024 goto ok if charindex('T',@indextg) > 0 begin declare @part_num int,@partition varchar(255) select @part_num = count(*) from syspartitions where id = object_id(@tblname) if @part_num <> 0 begin select @partition = 'alter table '+ @username + '.' + @table_name + ' partition '+convert(varchar,@part_num) select @table_dll = @table_dll + @CRNW + @partition if @prechar <> '$' print '%1!%2!',@prechar, @partition end end --select @table_dll as table_dll ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --检查其他索引 declare @idx_seg varchar(32) if charindex('I',@indextg) > 0 or charindex('J',@indextg) > 0 begin if exists (select 1 from sysindexes where id = @obj_id and indid <> 0 and (status2 & 2 <> 2 or charindex('P',@indextg) <= 0 and charindex('J',@indextg) <= 0)) begin declare cur_idx cursor for select name, indid, status from sysindexes where id = @obj_id and indid <> 0 and (status2 & 2 <> 2 or charindex('P',@indextg) <= 0 and charindex('J',@indextg) <= 0) -- (status2 & 2 <> 2 or charindex('P',@indextg) <= 0) open cur_idx fetch cur_idx into @idx_name, @indid, @status while @@sqlstatus = 0 begin if @indid = 1 select @non_clu = 'clustered' else if @indid > 1 begin if @status & 16 = 16 select @non_clu = 'clustered' else select @non_clu = 'nonclustered' end if @status & 2 = 2 select @non_uni = 'unique ' else select @non_uni = null select @i = 1,@keys = '' select @thiskey = index_col(@tblname, @indid, @i) while @thiskey <> null begin if @i > 1 begin select @keys = @keys + ", " end if ltrim(@keys) is null select @keys = @thiskey else select @keys = @keys + @thiskey select @sorder = index_colorder(@tblname, @indid, @i) if @sorder = "DESC" select @keys = @keys + " " + @sorder select @i = @i + 1 select @thiskey = index_col(@tblname, @indid, @i) end if ltrim(@index_seg) is null begin select @idx_seg = s.name from syssegments s, sysindexes i where s.segment = i.segment and i.id = object_id(@tblname) and i.indid = @indid if @@rowcount = 0 begin print '索引%1!所在的段不存在',@idx_name goto err end end else select @idx_seg = @index_seg if ltrim(@keys) is not null begin declare @thisidx varchar(500) select @thisidx = 'create ' + @non_uni + @non_clu + ' index ' + @idx_name + ' on ' + @dbname + @username + '.' + @table_name + "(" + @keys + ") on '" +@idx_seg+"'" select @index_dll = @index_dll + @thisidx + @CRNW if @prechar <> '$' print '%1!%2!',@prechar, @thisidx end fetch cur_idx into @idx_name, @indid, @status end if ltrim(@index_dll) is not null begin if @droptg <> '0' begin select @index_dll = @index_dll + 'go' + @CRNW if @prechar <> '$' print '%1!go',@prechar end end select @table_dll = @table_dll + @CRNW + @index_dll end end ok: set nocount off return 0 err: set nocount off return -1 end go
在SYBASE中用于生当前数据库中所有表的建表语句的过程。 在系统备份的加上BCP,那是相当的好。
以下是一个示例脚本,用于遍历当前模型中的所有表格、字段和视图,并将其名称设置为备注: ```vbscript Option Explicit ValidationMode = True InteractiveMode = im_Batch Dim mdl ' 当前模型 mdl = ...
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### PowerDesigner基础知识与实践应用详解 #### 一、PowerDesigner简介...在实际应用过程中,应当注意遵循最佳实践,比如在建表语句中避免不必要的双引号使用,以及充分利用PowerDesigner提供的正向和反向工程等功能。
在 Oracle 数据库设计过程中,合理地规划和使用表空间对于提高数据库性能、优化磁盘空间使用率至关重要。例如,可以将经常访问的数据放在高性能磁盘上的表空间中,而将不常用的数据存放在较低性能的磁盘上,以此来...
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根据EXCEL中的表结构,生成建表语句SQL文。 6。多用户使用该软件时,可以随时记录某个用户对数据库的操作。 7。可以为进行压力测试,自动生成数据。 8。导出表结构,根据表结构和数据库中的表结构进行差分。 9。...
解决 Oracle 生成的 SQL 创建语句中的双引号问题 在使用 PowerDesigner 导出 Oracle 数据库的建表 SQL 时,默认情况下,PowerDesigner 会为表名和字段名添加双引号,这可能会给数据库操作带来不便。要解决这个问题...
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一、去掉 Oracle 生成的 SQL 创建语句中的双引号 在 PowerDesign 里,导出 Oracle 数据库的建表 SQL 时,默认会给表名和字段名加上双引号。解决方法是设置 Database 菜单,然后点击 Edit Current DBMS 菜单,再依次...
生成建表脚本是将PDM模型转化为数据库创建语句,以便在数据库中实施。在PDM中,选择“数据库”>“生成”>“SQL脚本”,定制脚本选项,如表空间、存储过程等。 5. PDM生成REPORT REPORT功能用于创建模型报告,展示...
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