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Bawbees at Guangzhou Rail Station

That day I went Guangzhou for signing a agreement.
After doing this,I gotta returned to school.
With a bag of luggage and a tow truck,I headed for the rail station.
What a shamed that I jump the queue and upset the booking clerk,I got nothing.
There was no idea that stood in a line and I knew I could not return to school tonight.
To tell you the truth,it was out of your imagination that it took me an hour to reach the front.
However,it was wrong of me.
Do be a civilized citizen and thought a lot of others.
The ticket I bought was at 11:55,so there was enough time for me do other things.
Fortunately,I found a seat beside a shop and sat down.
To kiss time,I was reading Guangzhou Daily.
It was so hot that day that I drunk almost a bottle of table-water.
Around the plaza filled the people,who were going home or other place.
Also I saw lots of foreigners walk through.
I didn't know where they were coming from and what they did in Guangzhou.
But at least,for some reason,such as doing bussiness or just on vocation or living there.
The sunshine blazed point-blank,as to the worrying frame of mind of people.
Two hours passed.When I met the mistress,I realized the unamiable face of the mistress and I had to go.
I could go nowhere and sat on the unused paper.
A dejected man lay on the side of me.
We talked a lot and learned that he was caught with chaff.
He didn't having anthing for three days.
I was emotional but be careful.
I shared food which I bought from a supermarket with him and left a bottle of water for him.
So moved of him that he said nothing.
The dawn broke down and he told me to go the waiting-room friendly.
It was not safe outside at night especially in Guangzhou.
I appreciated him for that and left.
A moment later,I chose a seat near the WC and opened the mp3 player.
It was three hours before I got on the train.
There were people everywhere.
A woman suddenly asked me whether I went to Shandon.
I said no.
We chatted and I heard from her that she with her husband came to Guangzhou for interceding on business.
She was cheated by network invest.
It reminded me of that be ware of internet.
Then they left earlier than me.
I was alone again.
A moment later,to my surprise,a man came across me.
He said to me that he had got to lots of places in China,such as Xingzhang province,Tibet and so on.
And Hubei province was his hometown.
He had a child who learned cooking and worked in a restaurant in WuHan.
From his eyes,I can see the happiness and satisfaction.
It lasted for a long time.
Then it was time for me to go on the train and I had to say good-bye to him.
Lost in the deep thinking,I cannot tell what the life was.
I see,there are lots of unhappy things around you,it's up to you to find the answer.
I see,life is born to be unfair,we have to learn how to choose.
But remember,no matter when and no matter where,do be yourself and think more about people beside of you.


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