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据知情人士透露,随着政府继续与银行就“压力测试”的结果进行谈判,花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)可能需要再筹集至多100亿美元的资金。这些知情人士说,跟许多其他银行一样,花旗也在与美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)进行谈判,如果监管机构接受该行对自身财务健康状况的评价,它可能不需要筹集100亿美元那么多。在最好的情况下,花旗的资金可能会比政府要求的约多5亿美元。有关资金的讨论来源于“压力测试”。美联储和财政部联手进行了压力测试来评估美国19家大型银行的健康状况。测试结果将于周四公布,晚于最初计划的公布日期。压力测试将预测每家银行在严峻的经济形势下,特定资产类别的潜在损失。预计政府将要求包括美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)在内的数家银行通过进一步筹资或是将现有证券转换成普通股来提振资金水平。官员们说,政府强烈倾向于让需要更多资金的银行通过私人投资者或是出售资产进行筹资。这种方法对某些较弱的银行不适用,它们可能不得不让政府持有大量普通股,以提振资金水平。这样的举措将帮助满足银行的资金需求,不过也会带来棘手的问题,即政府可能会在银行的日常运营中起多大的作用。知情人士说,预计奥巴马政府将很快粗略地说明政府在持股的公司中将属于哪类投资者。财政部正在讨论根据政府在公司的持股规模,实施不同等级的监管。总体目标是要尽快撤出投资,将政府对银行业务的干预降到最小。美国政府对遭受重创的金融体系进行干预,压力测试的结果可能会对下一个阶段的干预方式发挥重要影响。结果公布后,银行将有30天的时间向政府提交一份计划,并有6个月的实施时间。预计银行将于下周公布计划。出于对投资者和储户可能会出现恐慌的担忧,政府官员们表示,需要更多资金的银行不应该被视为有垮台的危险。实际上,政府一直表示,它不会听任进行了压力测试的19家银行中的任何一家倒闭。一些银行仍可能需要从政府争取更多资金。高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)和摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)被普遍认为是美国最有实力的两家银行。知情人士说,预计政府不会要求它们提振资金水平。目前尚不清楚官员们是否会批准这些银行立即偿还政府在其中的现有投资。David Enrich / Damian Paletta(更新完成)相关阅读花旗周五将宣布向三井住友出售在日业务 2009-05-01花旗希望美国政府批准其发放奖金 2009-04-29花旗前亚洲主管将组建新基金 2009-04-29Fed要求花旗集团和美国银行增资 2009-04-28不可盲目听信美国政府的压力测试结果 2009-04-27 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日07:31', 'JPM'));摩根大通公司英文名称:JPMorgan Chase & Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:JPMdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日07:31', 'C'));花旗集团英文名称:Citigroup Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:Cdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年05月04日07:31', 'GS'));高盛集团英文名称:Goldman Sachs Group Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:GS
Citigroup Inc. may need to raise as much as $10 billion in new capital, according to people familiar with the matter, as the government continues negotiations with banks over the results of its so-called stress tests.The bank, like many others, is negotiating with the Federal Reserve and may need less if regulators accept the bank's arguments about its financial health, these people said. In a best-case scenario, Citigroup could wind up having a roughly $500 million cushion above what the government is requiring.The discussions stem from the tests being run by the Fed and the Treasury to assess the health of the country's 19 largest banks. Those results will be released Thursday, later than initially planned.The tests will predict each bank's potential losses in certain asset categories under dire economic scenarios. The government is expected to direct several banks, including Bank of America Corp., to bolster their capital by raising new funds or converting existing securities into common stock.The government's strong preference is for banks in need of fresh capital to raise it either through private investors or selling assets, officials say. That won't be an option for certain weaker banks, who may have to give the government big stakes in their common equity to boost capital levels. Such a move would help fill banks' capital needs but would also raise thorny questions about how large a role the U.S. might play in their daily operations.The Obama administration is expected soon to outline what type of investor it will be in companies where it has a stake, according to people familiar with the matter. The Treasury is discussing applying different levels of governance depending on the size of the U.S. government's stake. The overall goal is to get out of the investments as quickly as is possible and minimize government intervention in banks' operations.The outcome of the stress tests could play a major role in shaping the next phase of the U.S. government's intervention in the nation's ravaged financial system. After the results, banks will have 30 days to give the government a plan and six months to put it into effect. The banks are expected to reveal their plans next week.Concerned about investor and depositor panic, government officials have said banks needing more capital should not be viewed as being at risk of collapse. In fact, the government has said it would not allow any of the 19 banks undergoing the test to fail.Some banks still might need to seek more money from the government.Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., widely regarded as two of the nation's strongest banks, aren't expected to be required to boost capital, according to people familiar with the matter. It's not clear whether officials will permit the banks to immediately repay the government's existing investments in these banks.David Enrich / Damian Paletta
Citigroup Inc. may need to raise as much as $10 billion in new capital, according to people familiar with the matter, as the government continues negotiations with banks over the results of its so-called stress tests.The bank, like many others, is negotiating with the Federal Reserve and may need less if regulators accept the bank's arguments about its financial health, these people said. In a best-case scenario, Citigroup could wind up having a roughly $500 million cushion above what the government is requiring.The discussions stem from the tests being run by the Fed and the Treasury to assess the health of the country's 19 largest banks. Those results will be released Thursday, later than initially planned.The tests will predict each bank's potential losses in certain asset categories under dire economic scenarios. The government is expected to direct several banks, including Bank of America Corp., to bolster their capital by raising new funds or converting existing securities into common stock.The government's strong preference is for banks in need of fresh capital to raise it either through private investors or selling assets, officials say. That won't be an option for certain weaker banks, who may have to give the government big stakes in their common equity to boost capital levels. Such a move would help fill banks' capital needs but would also raise thorny questions about how large a role the U.S. might play in their daily operations.The Obama administration is expected soon to outline what type of investor it will be in companies where it has a stake, according to people familiar with the matter. The Treasury is discussing applying different levels of governance depending on the size of the U.S. government's stake. The overall goal is to get out of the investments as quickly as is possible and minimize government intervention in banks' operations.The outcome of the stress tests could play a major role in shaping the next phase of the U.S. government's intervention in the nation's ravaged financial system. After the results, banks will have 30 days to give the government a plan and six months to put it into effect. The banks are expected to reveal their plans next week.Concerned about investor and depositor panic, government officials have said banks needing more capital should not be viewed as being at risk of collapse. In fact, the government has said it would not allow any of the 19 banks undergoing the test to fail.Some banks still might need to seek more money from the government.Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., widely regarded as two of the nation's strongest banks, aren't expected to be required to boost capital, according to people familiar with the matter. It's not clear whether officials will permit the banks to immediately repay the government's existing investments in these banks.David Enrich / Damian Paletta
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- **定位**:作为花旗集团的旗舰思想领导产品,Citi GPS旨在帮助客户应对全球经济最严峻的挑战,识别未来趋势,并在快速变化且相互联系的世界中获得利润。 - **非投资建议声明**:报告明确指出这不是一份研究报告,...
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