Junit java的单元测试框架.
Watij - Web Application Testing in Java
Watij (pronounced wattage) stands for Web Application Testing in Java. Based on the simplicity of Watir and enhanced by the power of Java, Watij automates funtional testing of web applications through the real browser. Currently Watij supports automating Internet Explorer on Windows only. Future plans are in place to support others like Mozilla.
Brian Knorr, April 30, 2006
Do you want to code for testing? Of course NOT! If you think so, please try TestCaseMaker/Runner. This is Test Case Document driven functional test tool. You don't have to do coding and don't create newly input data for test tool, you just need to update test case document.
Masayuki Otoshi, December 06, 2003
XmlTestSuite helps with the testing of complex web applications. Tests are written in XML. Supports "test driven development". Separate page structure from tests and test data Test can also verify databases.
David Rutter, November 04, 2002
TagUnit is a framework whereby JSP custom tags can be tested inside the container, and in isolation to the application specific pages on which they will ultimately be used. In essence, it's a tag library for testing tags within JSP pages. This means that it is easy to unit test tags, including the content that they generate and the side-effects that they have on the environment such as the introduction of scripting variables, page context attributes, cookies and so on.
Simon Brown, May 19, 2002
jWebUnit provides a high-level API for navigating a web application combined with a set of assertions to verify the application's correctness. This includes navigation via links, form entry and submission, validation of table contents, and other typical business web application features. This code utilizes HttpUnit behind the scenes. The simple navigation methods and ready-to-use assertions allow for more rapid test creation than using only JUnit and HttpUnit.
ThoughtWorks, October 30, 2002
MaxQ is a free web functional testing tool. It includes an HTTP proxy that records your test script, and a command line utility that can be used to playback tests. The proxy recorder automatically stores variables posted to forms, so you don't have to write that stuff by hand. The paradigm of MaxQ is similar to commercial web testing tools like Astra QuickTest or Empirix e-Test. These products are quite expensive. MaxQ hopes to provide the essential features: HTTP test recording, scripting, and playback without the huge cost. Source code to MaxQ is provided as part of the distribution.
Bitmechanic, September 04, 2002
Web Application Testing Framework
Based on HttpUnit and Rhino, this framework is intended to be used for testing web application using JavaScript on HTML pages. It executes JavaScript if it would be a real JavaScript supporting browser.
Leonid Kuoza, Actimind Inc., June 28, 2002
HtmlUnit is a java unit testing framework for testing web based applications. It is similar in concept to httpunit but is very different in implementation. Which one is better for you depends on how you like to write your tests. HttpUnit models the http protocol, HtmlUnit models the returned document.
Mike Bowler, March 16, 2002
KaCoMa is a tutorial for beginners of custom taglibraries including unit testing of such systems.
Kaarle Kaila, May 01, 2002
Canoo WebTest
Canoo WebTest is a free OpenSource tool for XP style acceptance testing of web applications. It calls web pages and verifies the result against expected properties. The engine is based on HttpUnit. Tests are described in terms of ANT scripts. Test reporting is done via XML/XSLT.
February 14, 2002
Epicentric JUnit JSP test harness
A web-based (JSP) JUnit test harness providing the following benefits: JUnit test harness providing an intuitive, point and click interface for running unit tests and viewing results, quickly and easily upload and run test classes against remote servers for platform testing/debugging, provides JSP developers with an effective framework to verify Java code running within a particular JSP framework, and commercial load testing software can be used to drive the web-based interface to conduct Java or JSP framework load testing.
December 23, 2001
StrutsTestCase for JUnit
StrutsTestCase for JUnit is an extension of the standard JUnit TestCase class that provides facilities for testing code based on the Struts framework. StrutsTestCase uses mock servlet objects to actually run the Struts ActionServlet, allowing you to test your Struts code without a running servlet engine. Because StrutsTestCase uses the ActionServlet controller to test your code, you can test not only the implementation of your Action objects, but also your mappings, form beans, and forwards declarations. And since StrutsTestCase does not require a running servlet engine, it's quick and easy to write unit test cases.
November 30, 2001
Simple classes to help test JSPs
JSP TEST is a collection of Java classes to help you test JSPs automatically.
web, June 19, 2001
A framework for accessing websites from a Java program, with support for following links, submitting forms, handling cookies, and many other browser functions. When used with JUnit, HttpUnit provides an easy way to write automated functional tests for websites, regardless of the technology used to implement them.
February 14, 2001
### JUnit单元测试原则与工具详解 #### 一、单元测试概述 单元测试(Unit Testing)是一种软件测试方法,主要用于验证程序中的最小可测试单元(通常是单个函数或方法)是否按预期工作。对于Java这样的面向对象语言来...
5. **持续集成/持续部署(CI/CD)**:结合单元测试和模块测试,CI/CD工具如Jenkins、Travis CI或GitHub Actions可以在每次代码提交时自动运行测试,确保代码质量。 6. **回归测试**:当新代码被添加或修改后,运行...
#### 四、常见的单元测试误区及其纠正 1. **误区一:单元测试是在浪费时间** - **纠正**:实际上,单元测试不仅不是浪费时间,反而能够节省时间和成本。通过早期检测和修复问题,可以大大减少后期调试所需的时间和...
- **Xcode开发环境**:了解Xcode的使用方法及其提供的工具和服务。 - **测试驱动开发(TDD)**:虽然不是强制性的,但了解TDD的思想和实践会更有助于编写有效的单元测试。 #### 结论 单元测试对于保证软件的质量和...
- **测试工具**:确定用于自动化单元测试的工具,例如JUnit、PyTest、NUnit等,这些工具可以生成测试套件,自动执行测试并报告结果。 - **测试模块**:详细说明每个模块的测试范围,包括输入数据、预期输出和边界...
### 单元测试(Junit,Selenium) ...通过本文的介绍,希望读者能更好地理解这两种工具的特点及其在单元测试中的应用场景。无论是对于新手还是有一定经验的测试工程师来说,掌握这些技能都是非常有价值的。
**软件单元测试报告模板详解** 单元测试是软件开发过程中至关重要的一环,它旨在验证软件的最小可测试单元,如函数、方法或类,确保它们按照预期功能正确运行。本篇文档将详细介绍一个典型的软件单元测试报告模板,...
### 数据库操作的单元测试 #### 一、测试环境的搭建...通过上述内容的详细阐述,我们可以看出数据库单元测试的重要性及其实施过程中的关键点。希望以上信息能帮助读者更好地理解和掌握数据库单元测试的相关知识。
这篇博文“C++单元测试、压力测试、快速测试工具”显然关注的是如何有效地对C++代码进行验证和性能评估。让我们深入探讨这些测试方法及其相关工具。 单元测试是对软件的最小可测试单元,如函数、方法或类进行的独立...
《单元测试的艺术》是Roy Osherove所著的一本经典著作,主要探讨了软件开发中的单元测试技术及其重要性。源代码的提供使得读者能够更深入地理解和实践书中的理论知识。下面,我们将深入探讨单元测试的核心概念、相关...
- **工具列表:** 列举了本次单元测试将使用的所有工具,包括测试管理工具、测试执行工具以及缺陷跟踪工具等。每个工具还指出了其供应商信息和版本号,便于后续维护和支持。 #### 九、进度及分工 - **任务分解:** 将...
Simulink模型的MIL单元测试是指使用Simulink测试工具对模型进行单元测试,以确保模型的正确性和可靠性。在这个过程中,我们需要创建测试框架,生成测试用例表格,并执行测试。 首先,我们需要有一个供测试的模型,...
- **依赖VS独立**:讨论依赖型和独立型单元测试目标的区别及其优缺点。 - **创建测试目标**:指导如何在Xcode中创建单元测试目标。 - **创建依赖型的测试目标**:具体步骤介绍如何配置依赖型的测试目标。 - **将测试...
持续集成工具如Jenkins、Travis CI等通常会集成单元测试,每次代码提交都会自动运行这些测试,确保新代码不会引入新的错误。同时,覆盖率工具(如JaCoCo)可以帮助我们了解测试覆盖了多少代码,从而找出可能遗漏的...
### 持续集成与单元测试 #### 一、引言 随着软件开发行业的快速发展,对软件质量和开发效率的要求也越来越高。在软件开发过程中,如何有效地提高开发质量、确保核心模块的质量成为了一个重要的议题。本篇文章将...
### 单元测试JUnit学习专题知识点详述 #### 一、单元测试概述 **单元测试定义**:单元测试是软件开发中的一个测试方法,通常针对软件中的最小可测试单元进行验证,例如一个类或者一个函数。其目的是确保每个单元...