1. 用keytool生成server.keystore文件
keytool -genkey -alias tc-ssl -keyalg RSA -keystore c:\server.keystore -validity 3650
2. 配置server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\server.xml文件
<!-- SSL/TLS Connector configuration using the admin devl guide keystore -->
<Connector port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}"
maxThreads="100" strategy="ms" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="false"
keystorePass="als123" sslProtocol = "TLS" />
3. 访问https://localhost:8443/jmx-console/index.jsp,可以了。
同时http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/index.jsp也可以访问,如果将http转向到https: 修改WEB应用的web.xml
<description>An example security config</description>
<!-- <http-method>GET</http-method>
<http-method>POST</http-method> -->
</auth-constraint> -->
<description>Protection should be CONFIDENTIAL</description>
4.Installing an SSL Certificate
We purchased an SSL Certificate from Verisign.
The company offers excellent documentations and instructions on how to install the certificate on their website. Once you purcahse the certificate Verisign we email the you the certificate only after you go through the process of getting all the information they require to verify the web server and wesite.
Below I included a screenshot of the installation process. It is a simply as using one of the java apache tools to install the certificate in the keystore file.
It also provides detailed insight into configuring the various component services such as security, performance, and clustering. Beyond coverage of the core application server, the book also teaches ...
### JBoss in Action: Configuring the JBoss Application Server #### 关键知识点概览 - **JBoss Application Server**: 一种开源的应用服务器,适用于Java应用程序的部署与管理。 - **JBoss in Action**: 一本...
第四章“Securing applications”深入讨论了应用程序的安全性问题,包括身份验证、授权机制、SSL/TLS加密等技术,以及如何在JBoss应用服务器上实现这些安全措施,保护应用程序免受外部威胁。第五章“Securing web ...
1. "The Apache Tomcat Connector - Reference Guide - Configuring IIS.htm":这份文档可能来自Apache Tomcat的连接器(也称为ISAPI重定向器),它提供了关于如何配置IIS以与Tomcat或JBOSS等Java应用服务器通信的...
Configuring the JBoss Utility ServerJBoss in Motion is the primary e-book to deal with educating readers intimately how you can use the JBoss utility server. In contrast to different...
Configuring HSTS 286 Ensuring Hostname Coverage 287 Cookie Security 288 Attack Vectors 289 Robust Deployment Checklist 290 Browser Support 291 Privacy Implications 293 ix Content Security Policy 293 ...
A common problem for administrators of IIS servers is configuring and troubleshooting SSL enabled websites. To assist in administrators efforts, Microsoft has designed a tool - SSL Diagnostics - to ...
本文将基于《Configuring Siebel Business Applications》(版本8.1)的内容,详细介绍如何配置Siebel业务应用程序。 #### 二、软件许可与版权信息 根据文档开头部分提供的信息,该文档为Siebel业务应用程序配置... Packet Tracer - Configuring Extended ACLs Scenario 2.pka
Configuring OSPF Authentication OSPF实验配置指南,认证配置方法,拓扑图,实验过程,实验现象。
Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-410 – and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of implementing and configuring core services in Windows Server 2012 R2. Designed for experienced IT professionals ...
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- **Configuring JBoss for Alfresco**:进一步介绍如何为 Alfresco 配置 JBoss。 - **Installing Alfresco on WebLogic**:为使用 WebLogic 服务器的用户提供安装指南。 #### 十、其他组件安装 - **Installing ...
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