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收藏一下,好东西。 xp 的快捷键用的非常爽,到win7缺没有 ...
Windows7: 右键任务栏上的一个窗口, 用快捷键c关闭它 -
Java GC 监视方法与工具 -
今天在excel 2010上面写了一些代码,果然lookup有 ...
Excel 公式: 根据一个单元格的用户输入值, 自动设置另一个单元格的值 -
因式分解:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wi ...
教孩子学编程: 数学题1 -
不错 找了好久了
VS2010: 在Solution Explorer中,自动关联当前正在编辑的文件
今天整了一下我.net的环境, 配了svn和unit test, en~~ 感觉vs2008比以前爽了不少.
AnkhSvn: visual studio 2008的svn插件
csUnit: Unit Test
看了一下, ms还有其他的unittest工具,NUnit, Nunit AddIn..
我没有比较, 感觉这个能满足我的需求. 虽然他好像有bug...
下面这个帖子介绍了.net上面的其他一些常用工具, 我考一份,存一下:
.net Tools
Here are listed some of the existing companion tools for .NET development
Although quite comprehensive, this list is not exhaustive. You can submit new tools or report a dead link by dropping me a line
Note: I have to restrict myself to tool products, and avoid components, class libraries, articles, techniques... otherwise the list would be way too long! That does not mean that I won't make exceptions if I decide to cover a particular area (probably I did already ;-) ).
Chad Osgood has created an RSS feed for this list. Check it out right now to keep informed when the list is updated.
Code generation
- NVelocity
- CodeSmith
- X-Code .NET
- XGoF - Part of the NMatrix project by DEVerest
- eXtensible C# - ResolveCorp
- Mono
- DotGNU - GNU
- Delta Forth .NET - Valer Bocan
- S# - SmallScript Corp.
- LSW-IL-Obfuscator - Lesser Software
- Demeanor for .NET - Wise Owl
- Salamander .NET Obfuscator - Remotesoft
- Salamander .NET Protector - Remotesoft
- IL-Obfuscator - 9rays.Net
- Deploy.NET - Jungle Creatures
- Dotfuscator - PreEmptive Solutions (lite version included in Visual Studio 2003)
- XenoCode - Oak Vale Networks
- Thinstall - Jonathan Clark
- Salamander .NET Decompiler - Remotesoft
- Anakrino
Object browsing - Assembly viewers
- .NET Reflector - Lutz Roeder
- .NET Resourcer - Lutz Roeder
- LSW-DotNet-Reflection-Browser - Lesser Software
- .NET Component Inspector - nogoop software
- Object State Browser - Jeff Key
- ControlInspector - Jabes
- Asmex - Ben Peterson
- C# Refactoring Tool - .NET Refactoring
- C# Refactory - Xtreme Simplicity
Persistence and data-related code generation
See also "RAD Tools - Application Development Automation" below
- OlyMars (SQL Server Centric .NET Code Generator)
- LLBLGen - Solutions Design
- .NET N-Tier Framework Generator - Gavin Joyce
- Entity Broker - Thona Consulting
- KickStarter.Net
- TierDeveloper - AlachiSoft
- SP/Invoke
- Data Tier Modeler for .NET (DTM) - Evaluant
- Pragmatier Data Tier Builder
- ORM.NET - Olero Software
- .Net Persistence - Netica
- ObjectSpaces - Microsoft
- Sisyphus Persistence Framework
- Objectz.NET - Mongoose solutions
- Visible Developer - Visible Systems
- NHibernate
- ObjectSpark - Firestar Software
- Bamboo.Prevalence
- ADO.NET Powertoys - The ADO Guy
- Database to .NET - Nantronix Software
- Xheo.Enterprise - Xheo
- PERST - Konstantin Knizhnik
RAD tools - Application development automation
Modeling - Software design - Architecture - Model driven architecture - UML
- Rational XDE - IBM
- Visio - Microsoft (part of Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Architect edition)
- Visual Case - Artiso
- MagicDraw - No Magic
- Constructor() - Dot Net Builders
- Wilde - WildeTechnologies
- Enterprise Architect - Sparx Systems
- Codagen Architect - Codagen Technologies
IDEs - Code editors - IDE add-ins for code edition
- Visual Studio .NET - Microsoft
- SharpDevelop
- PrimalCode - Sapien
- ASP.NET Web Matrix - Microsoft
- Improve C# Plugin for Eclipse - Improve
- QuickCode.NET - Development Expertise
- CodeWright for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET - Borland
- Eiffel ENViSioN! - Eiffel Software
- EiffelStudio - Eiffel Software
- Visual Perl - ActiveState
- Visual Python - ActiveState
- Visual XSLT - ActiveState
- Visual SlickEdit - SlickEdit
- Total .NET SourceBook - FMS
- Total .NET XRef - FMS
- NAnt
- SLiNgshoT
- Draco.NET
- CruiseControl.NET
- FinalBuilder - Atozed Software
- BuildIt - Microsoft
- Visual Build Professional - Kinook Software
- Hippo.NET
- NUnit
- NUnitAddin
- NUnitAsp
- csUnit
- .NET Mock
- X-Unity - MIIK Ltd.
- HarnessIt - United Binary
- SilkPerformer .NET Explorer - Segue
- Test.NET - Parasoft
Code analysis - Standards verifiers
- FxCop - Microsoft
- Total .NET Analyzer - FMS
- CLRxLint - Software4net
Profiling - Monitoring - Performance Testing - Optimization
- nprof
- Application Center Test - Microsoft (part of Visual Studio .NET Enterprise editions)
- DevPartner Profiler - Compuware Corporation
- DevPartner Studio - Compuware Corporation
- AQtime .NET - AutomatedQA
- Rational Quantify for Windows - IBM
- .NET Memory Profiler - SciTech Software AB
- Allocation Profiler (source ) - Microsoft
- ANTS Profiler - Red Gate Software
- ANTS Load - Red Gate Software
- ASPNETWatchDog - ASPNETWatchDog
- Optimizeit Profiler - Borland
- VTune Performance Analyzer - Intel
Documentation - Code commenting
- NDoc
- Documentor for .NET - Lutz Roeder
- Visual Studio .NET Help Integration Kit - Microsoft
- VB.NET XML Comments Creator - Fesersoft
- VB.NET XML Commentor - Tor-Erik Hagen
- TeeGofer - Steema Software
- CodeReview - Macadamian Technologies
- NetDoc - Sydlow LLC
- Mere Mortals .NET Framework - Oak Leaf Enterprises Solution Design
- Odyseus - Radical Technologies
- ACES for .NET - Silver Leap Technologies
Code versioning - Source control
- Visual SourceSafe - Microsoft (part of Visual Studio .NET Enterprise editions)
- SourceGear Vault - SourceGear
- SourceOffsite - SourceGear
- SourceOffsite Collaborative Edition - SourceGear
- Jalindi Igloo
- Ankh
- AccuRev
- Enterprise Localization Toolkit - Microsoft
- ActiveReports - Data Dynamics
- Crystal Reports - Crystal Decisions
- Report Sharp-Shooter - 9rays.Net
Page templating
- Page Template Generator - Paul Wilson
- Xheo.WebTemplate - Xheo
- Xheo.WebSkin - Xheo
- Alintex Script Host - Alintex
- DOTNET Scripting Host - Holger Schwichtenberg
- Toolsack DotNet Script Host - Toolsack Software
- PerlASPX - ActiveState
- InstallShield - InstallShield
- Wise for Visual Studio .NET - Wise Solutions
Regular Expressions
- RegexDesigner.NET - Chris Sells
- Expresso - Ultrapico
Mainframes - Legacy Systems
- ClientBuilder - ClientSoft
- ServiceBuilder - ClientSoft
Code conversion - Language migration
- ASP2ASPX - Netcoole
- WinFormToWeb - ArtinSoft
- Java Language Conversion Assistant - Microsoft
- Page ViewState Parser - Paul Wilson
- ViewState Decoder - Fritz Onion
- FormBuilder.NET - Dan Wahlin
- Cassini Web Server - Microsoft
- Web.Config Editor - HunterStone
- Xheo.Licensing - Xheo
- xmlspy - Altova
- SP Compare - Bewise
Useful links
通过Windows命令行,自动设置Windows IP地址
2010-09-11 22:27 2033最近经常拿F同学的本本,到实验室做一些测试。 办公楼上网用的 ... -
使用AutoHotKey扩展VS2008, 打开文件时, 指定文件的编码
2010-02-23 10:44 2199最近从日本人手里拿到了一个vc的工程,打开一开,果然注视都是乱 ... -
VC++ SP6:创建socket出错 & 补丁不是白打的
2010-01-07 14:31 1974最近我需要维护的一个 ... -
原来VS2008的Breakpoints Window在这里
2009-10-28 18:37 1673我最近在使用visual studio 2008, 本来好 ... -
工具(Tray Friend):将任何程序,最小化到系统托盘
2009-10-15 13:59 3123这一需求的因由是Notes ... -
VC++: 在双显示器间,移动最大化的窗口
2009-10-10 16:32 5216最近升级成了双显示器, 以前只是知道双显示器爽,但用过之后才 ... -
2009-06-16 13:29 2068我们有一个用InstallShield制作的安装器, 在vis ... -
2009-03-18 13:12 1864这篇blog讲述的是由公司内部的软件vp引起的故事. 要知道现 ... -
配置Windows的开机 关机脚本
2009-02-14 17:13 4269想在windows开关机的时候 ... -
2008-09-04 14:19 1128在上一篇博客:"使用Excel制作逆序词典 &am ... -
2008-08-06 16:21 2279项目中的需求:windows sh ... -
批处理文件bat 语法备忘 zz
2008-07-09 12:55 1561bat的优点大概只有不需要安装解析器,比如perl,pytho ... -
【bat脚本】 and 【 "net helpmsg..." command】
2008-07-09 12:43 3575两个问题,前一个是收获,以前不知道,后一个是被郁闷 呵呵~ ... -
Windows Service实现方案之华山论剑 - 包装一个java程序为Windows服务
2008-07-07 11:09 2208前面发表了3篇博客,围 ... -
Install Windows Service @WinServer2003
2008-07-04 17:12 1660前面介绍了Windows service wrapper,在W ... -
Java Service Wrapper
2008-07-04 17:11 2196Project name: Java Service Wrap ... -
文本语音转换入门 使用微软语音 zz
2008-07-03 11:35 3569zz sorry to 原作者 这篇帖 ... -
2008-06-27 14:45 2570作为一名java程序员,最近正好用到了C#,想学习一下。于是想 ... -
netsh命令详解 zz
2008-01-07 08:36 1969?zz一篇 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s ... -
2008-01-16 01:11 2220如何将VS2005的默认启动语言设置成C#,而不是C++? ...
jfinal-undertow 用于开发、部署由 jfinal 开发的 web 项目
成绩管理系统C/Go。大学生期末小作业,指针实现,C语言版本(ANSI C)和Go语言版本
内容概要:本文主要探讨了在高并发情况下如何设计并优化火车票秒杀系统,确保系统的高性能与稳定性。通过对比分析三种库存管理模式(下单减库存、支付减库存、预扣库存),强调了预扣库存结合本地缓存及远程Redis统一库存的优势,同时介绍了如何利用Nginx的加权轮询策略、MQ消息队列异步处理等方式降低系统压力,保障交易完整性和数据一致性,防止超卖现象。 适用人群:具有一定互联网应用开发经验的研发人员和技术管理人员。 使用场景及目标:适用于电商、票务等行业需要处理大量瞬时并发请求的业务场景。其目标在于通过合理的架构规划,实现在高峰期保持平台的稳定运行,保证用户体验的同时最大化销售额。 其他说明:文中提及的技术细节如Epoll I/O多路复用模型以及分布式系统中的容错措施等内容,对于深入理解大规模并发系统的构建有着重要指导意义。
基于 OpenCV 和 PyTorch 的深度车牌识别
把代码放到Word中,通过开发工具——Visual Basic——插入模块,粘贴在里在,把在硅基流动中申请的API放到VBA代码中。在Word中,选择一个问题,运行这个DeepSeekV3的宏就可以实现在线问答