using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics; namespace VPN { /// <summary> /// Class to maintain connectivity to a specific VPN connection /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public class VPNS { #region --Const-- /// <summary> /// Where the rasphone.exe lives /// </summary> private const string VPNPROCESS = "C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\rasphone.exe"; #endregion #region --Fields-- /// <summary> /// Internal variable for VPNConnectionName /// </summary> private string _VPNConnectionName = ""; /// <summary> /// Internal variable for IPToPing /// </summary> private string _IPToPing = ""; /// <summary> /// Internal variable for IsConnected /// </summary> private bool _isConnected = false; /// <summary> /// Timer that manages the Manage function /// </summary> private System.Timers.Timer MonitorTimer; /// <summary> /// Bool to flag if the system is currently checking for network validity /// </summary> private bool _isChecking = false; /// <summary> /// Bool to flag if the system is currently in a Manage loop /// </summary> private bool _isManaging = false; #endregion #region --Events-- public delegate void PingingHandler(); public delegate void ConnectingHandler(); public delegate void DisconnectingHandler(); public delegate void IdleHandler(); public delegate void ConnectionStatusChangedHandler(bool Connected); /// <summary> /// Fires when validating connectivity /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public event PingingHandler Pinging; /// <summary> /// Fired when it is trying to connect to the VPN /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public event ConnectingHandler Connecting; /// <summary> /// Fired when it is trying to disconnect from the VPN /// </summary> public event DisconnectingHandler Disconnecting; /// <summary> /// Fired when it is done working for the moment /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public event IdleHandler Idle; /// <summary> /// Fired when the IsConnected Property changes /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public event ConnectionStatusChangedHandler ConnectionStatusChanged; /// <summary> /// Call to raise Pinging event /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> protected void OnPinging() { if (Pinging != null) { Pinging(); } } /// <summary> /// Call to raise Connecting event /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> protected void OnConnecting() { if (Connecting != null) { Connecting(); } } /// <summary> /// Call to raise Disconnecting event /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> protected void OnDisconnecting() { if (Disconnecting != null) { Disconnecting(); } } /// <summary> /// Call to raise Idle event /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> protected void OnIdle() { if (Idle != null) { Idle(); } } /// <summary> /// Call to raise ConnectionStatusChanged event /// </summary> /// <param name="Connected">If connected to network</param> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> protected void OnConnectionStatusChanged(bool Connected) { if (ConnectionStatusChanged != null) { ConnectionStatusChanged(Connected); } } #endregion #region --Properties-- /// <summary> /// Returns if you are connected to the network /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public bool IsConnected { get { return _isConnected; } } /// <summary> /// IP to ping to validate connectivity /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public string IPToPing { get { return _IPToPing; } set { _IPToPing = value; } } /// <summary> /// Name of VPN connection as seen in network connections (not case sensitive) /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public string VPNConnectionName { get { return _VPNConnectionName; } set { _VPNConnectionName = value; } } #endregion #region --Private Methods-- /// <summary> /// Pings the provided IP to validate connection /// </summary> /// <returns>True if you are connected</returns> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public bool TestConnection() { bool RV = false; _isChecking = true; try { OnPinging(); System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping ping = new System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping(); if (ping.Send(_IPToPing).Status == System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus.Success) { RV = true; } else { RV = false; } ping = null; if (RV != _isConnected) { _isConnected = RV; OnConnectionStatusChanged(_isConnected); } OnIdle(); } catch (Exception Ex) { Debug.Assert(false, Ex.ToString()); RV = false; OnIdle(); } _isChecking = false; return RV; } /// <summary> /// Shells the command to connect to the VPN /// </summary> /// <returns>True if connected</returns> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> private bool ConnectToVPN() { bool RV = false; try { OnConnecting(); Process.Start(VPNPROCESS, " -d " + _VPNConnectionName); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); RV = true; OnIdle(); } catch (Exception Ex) { Debug.Assert(false, Ex.ToString()); RV = false; OnIdle(); } return RV; } /// <summary> /// Shells the command to disconnect from the VPN connection /// </summary> /// <returns>True if successfully disconnected</returns> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> private bool DisconnectFromVPN() { bool RV = false; try { OnDisconnecting(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(VPNPROCESS, " -h " + _VPNConnectionName); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(8000); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); RV = true; OnIdle(); } catch (Exception Ex) { Debug.Assert(false, Ex.ToString()); RV = false; OnIdle(); } return RV; } /// <summary> /// Handles the grunt work. /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> private void Manage() { try { if (!_isManaging) { _isManaging = true; if (!_isChecking) { if (!TestConnection()) { ConnectToVPN(); if (!TestConnection()) { DisconnectFromVPN(); ConnectToVPN(); if (!TestConnection()) { DisconnectFromVPN(); ConnectToVPN(); } } } } _isManaging = false; } } catch (Exception) { _isManaging = false; } } #endregion #region --Public Methods-- /// <summary> /// Overloaded end point to begin monitoring VPN status /// </summary> /// <param name="VPNName">Name of VPN connection as seen in network connections (not case sensitive)</param> /// <param name="IPtoPing">IP to ping to validate connectivity</param> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public void StartManaging(string VPNName, string IPtoPing) { _VPNConnectionName = VPNName; _IPToPing = IPtoPing; StartManaging(); } /// <summary> /// End point to begin monitoring VPN status /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public void StartManaging() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_VPNConnectionName) & !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_IPToPing)) { MonitorTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(15000); MonitorTimer.Enabled = true; MonitorTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(MonitorTimer_Elapsed); System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange.NetworkAvailabilityChanged += new System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler(NetworkChange_NetworkAvailabilityChanged); Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged += new Microsoft.Win32.PowerModeChangedEventHandler(SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged); Manage(); } } #endregion #region --Constructors-- /// <summary> /// Overloaded constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="VPNName">Name of VPN connection as seen in network connections (not case sensitive)</param> /// <param name="IPtoPing">IP to ping to validate connectivity</param> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public VPNS(string VPNName, string IPtoPing) { StartManaging(VPNName, IPtoPing); } /// <summary> /// Default empty constructor /// </summary> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> public VPNS() { } #endregion #region --Event Handlers-- /// <summary> /// Handles the event that is raised when the computer goes into, or comes out of, standby. Very useful for laptops /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> void SystemEvents_PowerModeChanged(object sender, Microsoft.Win32.PowerModeChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.Mode == Microsoft.Win32.PowerModes.Resume) { MonitorTimer.Stop(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15000); MonitorTimer.Start(); } if (e.Mode == Microsoft.Win32.PowerModes.Suspend) { MonitorTimer.Stop(); } } /// <summary> /// Handles the event that is raised when the network status changes /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> void NetworkChange_NetworkAvailabilityChanged(object sender, System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs e) { if (e.IsAvailable) { if (!MonitorTimer.Enabled) { MonitorTimer.Start(); } } else { MonitorTimer.Stop(); } } /// <summary> /// Handles the event the timer raises when it elapses /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <history> /// [Tim Hibbard] 01/24/2007 Created /// </history> void MonitorTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { Manage(); } #endregion } }
C++ 学生考勤管理系统 课程名称:C++程序设计课程设计 设计题目:学生考勤管理系统 已知技术参数和设计要求: ...在学生考勤管理系统中,考勤信息记录了学生的缺课情况,它包括:缺课日期、第几节课、课程名称、...
此外 Remote Desktop Manager 还支持保存多个远程桌面连接、多个ftp连接和vpn连接,最大程度的为用户提供高效率的服务器管理能力,更有利于IT维护人员对日益增多的服务器的集中控制,remotedesktop使用非常简单,...
项目还通过Ubus框架与底层系统交互,支持网络配置管理、VPN连接控制、端口转发设置以及网络详细信息获取等操作。此外,项目还包含一个HTTP服务器和客户端,用于接收和转发遥测数据。 ## 项目的主要特性和功能 1. ...
雅马哈路由器配置大全 雅马哈路由器 设置说明手册 ... 远程VPN连接 23 8.1 PPTP-VPN 23 8.2 L2TP/IPsec VPN 25 8.3PPTP和L2TP/IPsec VPN并用 28 9. 连接3G等移动通信网络 31 10. 其它 32 10.1. netvolante dns (dynam
安全性差异 工业级路由器要多很多安全规则设定和更高级的防火墙,如支持 APN/VPDN 专网,同时 设备具有 IPSEC、PPTP、L2TP、GRE、OPENVPN 多种 VPN 连接, 具有 VPN 客户端、服务端等 功能而。民用路由甚至有些都...
支持 VPN 连接,双显示器,等等。该软件兼容兼容 Microsoft Remote Desktop,终端服务,VNC,LogMeIn,Team Viewer,FTP,SSH,Telnet,Dameware,X Window,VMware,Virtual PC,PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, ...
它作为一个集中式路由器,可以连接到多个Direct Connect和AWS VPN连接,简化了网络架构的复杂性。Transit Gateway的路由表允许用户定义和传播路由,确保流量按照预期路径流动。例如,通过Attachment(连接)和路由表...
5. 输入SonicWALL防火墙的地址和凭据,建立SSL VPN连接。 总的来说,NetExtender 是一个强大的远程访问解决方案,尤其对于跨国企业或在日本有业务的公司来说,日文新版可以提供更加友好的用户体验和符合当地法规的...
针对这些网络类型,NetworkManager 可以配置他们的网络别名,IP 地址,静态路由,DNS,VPN 连接以及很多其它的特殊参数。 nmcli 命令的基本语法是 `nmcli [OPTIONS] OBJECT {COMMAND | help}`。我们可以通过 TAB 键...
标题 "EasyConnectInstaller+Moba...总结来说,这个压缩包提供了一种便捷的方式,让用户同时获取到用于SSL VPN连接的EasyConnect和强大SSH客户端MobaXterm的安装程序,从而能够安全、高效地进行远程服务器管理和操作。
第一章 路由器配置基础 一、基本设置...二、交换机间链路(ISL)协议 三、虚拟局域网(VLAN)路由实例 附录一:Cisco路由器口令恢复 附录二:IP地址分配 附录三:Cisco 路由配置语句汇总 附录四:Cisco VPN连接配置实例
Stas'M 的终端服务实时补丁允许您在 Windows XP 机器上修补远程...保持活动 VPN 连接(例如 PPTP 或 PPPoE) 每个用户一个或多个会话 启用或禁用远程登录时的空白密码 更多详情、使用方法,请下载后阅读README.md文件
使用VPN或学校资源:部分师生可以通过VPN连接校园网来访问和下载知网资源。另外,图书馆资源也是一个很好的途径,特别是省级图书馆,如浙江图书馆等,它们通常与知网有合作关系,可以提供免费的下载服务。 利用第...
提醒更多优质资源请访问https://www.isecplus.net0x1 OSCP小技巧-1alias命令让openvpn连接更便捷OSCP Lab Writeups靶机攻略(邮件获取)请邮件jewel591@hotmail.com获取免费资料包。目录OSCP 资料Web 服务系统服务...
1. **SSL VPN连接**:EasyConnect基于SSL(Secure Socket Layer)协议,提供安全的虚拟私有网络连接,数据传输过程被加密,保护用户数据免受窃听和篡改。 2. **多平台支持**:除了MAC版,EasyConnect还支持Windows...
通过VLAN技术,实现不同部门的逻辑隔离,保证数据安全,同时使用VLAN VPN连接广域网,进一步提高了网络的灵活性和可控性。 7. **WWW服务器的架设**: Web服务器设置在路由器处,便于高效转发数据,提供对外服务。...