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The Boost type-traits library contains a set of very specific traits classes, each of which encapsulate a single trait from the C++ type system; for example, is a type a pointer or a reference type? Or does a type have a trivial constructor, or a const-qualifier?
The type-traits classes share a unified design: each class inherits from a the type true_type if the type has the specified property and inherits from false_type otherwise.
The type-traits library also contains a set of classes that perform a specific transformation on a type; for example, they can remove a top-level const or volatile qualifier from a type. Each class that performs a transformation defines a single typedef-member type that is the result of the transformation.
The boost type_traits library is partly finished in "Macro" form, so it is difficult to read. I rearrange the source code in a clear form.
I will divide the boost type_traits library into four parts to study and publish.
Type Tranformers
Add appropriate const attribute to a type.
template< typename T >
struct add_const
{typedef T const type;};
template< typename T >
struct add_const<T&>
{typedef T& type;};
template< typename T >
struct add_const<T*>
{typedef T* const type;};
template< typename T >
struct add_const<T const>
{typedef T const type;};
Expression Result type
add_const<int>::type int const
add_const<int&>::type int&
add_const<int*>::type int* const
add_const<int const>::type int const
Add appropriate const volatile attribute to a type.
The source and situation is the same as boost::add_const and omitted.
Expression Result type
add_const<int>::type int const volatile
add_const<int&>::type int&
add_const<int*>::type int* const volatile
add_const<int const>::type int const volatile
Get the appropriate pointer type of a input type.
template <typename T>
struct add_pointer_impl
typedef T* type;
template <typename T>
struct add_pointer_impl<T&>
typedef T* type;
template <typename T>
struct add_pointer_impl<T&const>
typedef T* type;
template <typename T>
struct add_pointer_impl<T&volatile>
typedef T* type;
template <typename T>
struct add_pointer_impl<T&const volatile>
typedef T* type;
template <typename T>
struct add_pointer_impl
typedef typename remove_reference<T>::type no_ref_type;
typedef no_ref_type* type;
template<typename T>
struct add_pointer
typedef typename add_pointer_impl<T>::type type;
Expression Result Type
add_pointer<int>::type int*
add_pointer<int const&>::type int const*
add_pointer<int*>::type int**
add_pointer<int*&>::type int**
If T is not a reference type then T&, otherwise T.
Note that C++ does not support reference to reference.
//T is a non-reference type, T& is the result
template <bool x>
struct reference_adder
template <typename T> struct result_
typedef T& type;
//T is a reference type, so T is the result
template <>
struct reference_adder<true>
template <typename T> struct result_
typedef T type;
template <typename T>
struct add_reference_impl
typedef typename reference_adder<::boost::is_reference<T>::value>::
template result_<T> result_struct;
typedef typename result_struct::type type;
//partial specialization for reference type
template< typename T >
struct add_reference_impl<T&>
{typedef T& type;};
//partial specialization for void, void const, void volatile, void const volatile
struct add_reference_impl<void>
{typedef void type;};
struct add_reference_impl<void const>
{typedef void const type;};
struct add_reference_impl<void volatile>
{typedef void volatile type;};
struct add_reference_impl<void const volatile>
{typedef void const volatile type;};
template< typename T >
struct add_reference
typedef typename add_reference_impl<T>::type
Expression Result Type
add_reference<int>::type int&
add_reference<int const&>::type int const&
add_reference<int*>::type int*&
add_reference<int*&>::type int*&
The same type as T volatile for all T.
Note that C++ does not support a volatile reference. It is meaningless.
//T to T volatile
template< typename T >
struct add_volatile
{typedef T volatile type;};
//T& to T&
template< typename T >
struct add_volatile<T&>
{typedef T& type;};
Expression Result Type
add_volatile<int>::type int volatile
add_volatile<int&>::type int&
add_volatile<int*>::type int* volatile
add_volatile<int const>::type int const volatile
Remove all array attribute.
//a wrapper that provide the interface of typedef
template< typename T >
struct remove_all_extents
{typedef T type;};
//1d array to its raw type
template< typename T, std::size_t N >
struct remove_all_extents<T[N]>
{typedef typename boost::remove_all_extents<T>::type type;};
template< typename T, std::size_t N >
struct remove_all_extents<T const[N]>
{typedef typename boost::remove_all_extents<T const>::type type;};
template< typename T, std::size_t N >
struct remove_all_extents<T volatile[N]>
{typedef typename boost::remove_all_extents<T volatile>::type type;};
template< typename T, std::size_t N >
struct remove_all_extents<T const volatile[N]>
{typedef typename boost::remove_all_extents<T const volatile>::type type;};
//n-d array to (n-1)-d array(n>=2)
template< typename T >
struct remove_all_extents<T[]>
{typedef typename boost::remove_all_extents<T>::type type;};
template< typename T >
struct remove_all_extents<T const[]>
{typedef typename boost::remove_all_extents<T const>::type type;};
template< typename T >
struct remove_all_extents<T volatile[]>
{typedef typename boost::remove_all_extents<T volatile>::type type;};
template< typename T >
struct remove_all_extents<T const volatile[]>
Expression Result Type
remove_all_extents<int>::type int
remove_all_extents<int const[2]>::type int const
remove_all_extents<int[][2]>::type int
remove_all_extents<int[2][3][4]>::type int
remove_all_extents<int const*>::type int const*
Any top level const-qualifier will be removed. There is no "T const& to T&" or "T const * to T*", but "T const to T" and "T const volatile to T volatile" Are provided.
cv_traits_imp::is_const is not used in this module.
//T*, const T*, volatile T*, const volatile T* to T
template <typename T> struct cv_traits_imp {};
template <typename T>
struct cv_traits_imp<T*>
static const bool is_const = false;
static const bool is_volatile = false;
typedef T unqualified_type;
template <typename T>
struct cv_traits_imp<const T*>
static const bool is_const = true;
static const bool is_volatile = false;
typedef T unqualified_type;
template <typename T>
struct cv_traits_imp<volatile T*>
static const bool is_const = false;
static const bool is_volatile = true;
typedef T unqualified_type;
template <typename T>
struct cv_traits_imp<const volatile T*>
static const bool is_const = true;
static const bool is_volatile = true;
typedef T unqualified_type;
//non-volatile type
template <typename T, bool is_vol>
struct remove_const_helper
typedef T type;
//为了把T const volatile转换成T volatile,必须加此中间层
template <typename T>
struct remove_const_helper<T, true>
typedef T volatile type;
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7. **编译时计算和元编程**:Boost.MPL(元编程库)和Boost.TypeTraits允许在编译时进行计算和类型检查,对于优化控制算法和减少运行时开销非常有帮助。 8. **测试和诊断**:Boost.Test库提供了单元测试框架,帮助...
7. **泛型编程**:Boost库中还有许多用于泛型编程的工具,如Boost.MPL(元编程库)、Boost.TypeTraits和Boost.FunctionTypes等,它们可以用来编写高度抽象和高效的代码。 8. **数学与随机数**:Boost.Math库提供了...
2. **模板元编程(Template Metaprogramming, TMP)**:Boost库中的许多组件如Boost.MPL(Metaprogamming Library)和Boost.TypeTraits利用模板元编程技术,允许在编译时进行计算和类型检查,提高了程序的效率和安全...
总之,Boost库是C++开发中不可或缺的一部分,提供了大量实用的工具,而这个“boost_1_73_0编译好的静态库文件版本”是为了方便Windows 10和Visual Studio 2019用户快速集成和使用Boost库,减少了编译和配置的复杂性...
2. **型别分类器—type_traits**:探讨`boost::type_traits`如何实现类型属性和操作的元编程。 3. **泛型指针类any**:研究`boost::any`如何支持不同类型值的存储。 4. **增强的std::pair——TupleTypes**:了解`...
6. **泛型编程**:`mpl`(元编程库)和`type_traits`提供了丰富的模板元编程工具,允许在编译时进行计算和类型检查。 7. **数学与随机数**:Boost.Math包含一些数学函数和常数值,而Boost.Random则提供了一系列高...
8. **类型识别和转换(Boost.TypeTraits)**:帮助开发者获取类型信息,判断类型是否具有某种特性,或者在不同类型之间进行安全转换。 9. **智能指针的弱引用版本(Boost.WeakPtr)**:在某些情况下,需要能够引用...
- **类型分类(type_traits)**:学习如何使用`type_traits`来检测和操作类型信息。 - **泛型指针类(any)**:研究`any`类如何实现不同类型数据的封装。 - **Tuple Types**:了解`tuple`类型如何提高数据结构的灵活性和...
- **类型分类(type_traits)**:研究了类型分类器的概念及其在Boost库中的应用案例,这对于进行模板元编程非常有帮助。 - **泛型指针(any)**:讲解了如何利用Boost.Any来存储不同类型的对象,并讨论了其内部实现机制...
4. **模板元编程**:Boost利用C++的模板元编程技术,创建了强大的库,如Type Traits和 MPL(元编程库)。 5. **测试框架**:Boost.Test提供了一套完整的单元测试框架,有助于确保MySQL-Boost的代码质量。 安装与...
- **构建**:指导如何从源码构建Boost.Regex库,包括所需的工具和步骤。 - **安装**:说明如何将构建好的库安装到系统中以便其他项目可以使用。 #### 六、简介与概述(Introduction and Overview) - 提供了关于...
- **type_traits**:提供对类型特性的查询能力,如类型是否是整数、是否有构造函数等。 5. **多线程**(Threading): - **thread**:线程类,提供创建和管理线程的方法。 - **mutex**:互斥锁,用于同步多线程...
- **类型识别与转换**:`boost::type_traits`,用于静态类型检查和转换 - **泛型编程**:`mpl`(元编程库)和`fusion`,提供强大的模板元编程工具 - **算法**:如`foreach`,提供简洁的循环语法;`accumulators`...
boost当前最新1.57版本源代码包。 Updated Libraries: Any, Asio, Circular Buffer, Config, Container, Coroutine, Flyweight, ... Preprocessor, Thread, TypeIndex, TypeTraits, Units, Unordered, Utility, uBLAS.