Area: Spanning 9.6 million square km (3.7 million square miles)
from the Tibetan plateau to the East China Sea, China is the world's
fourth-largest country after Russia, Canada and the United States.
Geography: China borders Russia and Mongolia to the north, North
Korea in the northeast, the former Soviet republics of Tajikistan,
Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan in the northwest, Afghanistan, Pakistan,
India, Nepal and Bhutan to the west and southwest, and Myanmar, Laos
and Vietnam to the south.
Capital: Beijing, population 14 million.
Politics: The Communist Party has ruled China since winning a
civil war in 1949 and driving the Nationalists from the mainland to
Taiwan. The party, headed by the nine-man Politburo Standing Committee,
sets policies and fills government posts. The National People's
Congress, or parliament, meets annually and includes nearly 3,000
It is largely viewed as a rubber stamp to the party, whose chief, Hu
Jintao, also serves as president. A third powerful post, Central
Military Commission chairman, is filled by Jiang Zemin, who remains
influential after retiring as party chief in November 2002 and as
president in March 2003.
Armed forces: China, a nuclear power, has at least 20
intercontinental ballistic missiles and more than 450
intermediate-range and short-range ones.
The People's Liberation Army is the world's largest standing army
with 2.5 million troops, but has pledged to trim it by 200,000 starting
this year. The People's Armed Police, a paramilitary force, has about
1.3 million personnel.
China has six nuclear submarines, but no aircraft carriers and does
not have "blue-water" capability that would allow it to project power
far from its shores.
Economy: Gross domestic product in 2003 was 11.67 trillion yuan
($1.41 trillion) up 9.1 percent from 2002. Most economists see growth
above eight percent this year as the world's sixth-biggest economy
continues to boom, despite growing concerns about over-investment and
Urban residents had per capita income of 8,472 yuan ($1,024) in 2003
while rural residents earned 2,622 yuan ($316.8). Nearly two-thirds of
Chinese live in the countryside, where there is sporadic unrest by
farmers over heavy taxation and low incomes.
The yuan currency, or renminbi, has been virtually pegged to the dollar at around 8.3 since mid-1990s.
But China has come under pressure -- mainly from the United States
-- to revalue the currency. It has resisted, pledging only to relax the
rigid controls in time.
U.S. manufacturers say this policy costs Americans jobs as it makes China's exports artificially cheap as the dollar falls.
Religion: The Chinese government, officially atheist, controls
all official religious activity. China has more than 200 million
religious followers, about half of them Buddhists and many of the rest
About 20 million Muslims are concentrated in northwestern China.
About 25 million Chinese are registered in state-approved Christian
churches, while an estimated 40 million worship in underground
History: The roots of Chinese civilisation can be traced back
several thousand years, but the genesis of the Chinese nation is widely
considered to have begun with the Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.) which
united several warring kingdoms. The word "China" is thought to be
derived from the Qin name. More than 2,000 years later, the last
imperial dynasty, the Qing, fell in 1911 to republican forces after 267
years in power.
Modern History: The 1920s saw the start of a long struggle between the Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists under Mao Zedong.
China also battled the invading Japanese, whose gradual incursions
in the 1930s flared into all-out war by the end of the decade. Millions
of Chinese died in the fighting and the war is still a major irritant
in relations with Japan.
The civil war continued after Japan's defeat and Mao founded the
People's Republic of China on October 1, 1949, after driving Chiang and
his army to Taiwan off China's southeastern coast.
In its early years, the People's Republic was closely allied with
Communist mentor the Soviet Union and modelled itself on Stalin's
centralized system.
But ideological and foreign policy arguments soon broke out and the
Communist giants split bitterly in the early 1960s. Their long common
frontier was bloodied by frequent military clashes. Most border
disputes were settled during a thaw in Sino-Russian ties in the 1990s.
Mao's "Great Leap Forward" campaign to use Communist fervour to
modernise China in one fell swoop brought economic ruin and famine that
killed an estimated 30 million people from 1958-61.
In 1966, Mao, fearing a power grab by other party leaders, launched
the ultra-leftist Cultural Revolution that plunged the country into 10
years of chaos. Millions of workers, officials and intellectuals were
banished to the countryside for hard labour. Many were tortured, killed
or driven to suicide.
In the 1970s, despite domestic turmoil, China -- with few friends --
began to mend fences with the non-Communist world even as relations
with the Soviet bloc remained hostile.
In 1972, Richard Nixon became the first U.S. president to visit
Communist China. Diplomatic relations with Washington were normalised
in 1979.
The year 1976 was historic for China. A huge earthquake in Tangshan,
a city near Beijing, killed more than 250,000 people. Later that year,
Mao died, age 82. His death ended the Cultural Revolution and the
radical "Gang of Four," led by Mao's widow Jiang Qing, were arrested
and imprisoned.
In 1978, Deng Xiaoping emerged as key leader and set about repairing
the damage of Mao's rule. His market-oriented reforms, embodied in the
maxim "to get rich is glorious," sparked more than two decades of
phenomenal growth that lifted hundreds of millions of people out of
abject poverty.
But in 1988, China slid into economic chaos with bank runs and panic
buying triggered by rising inflation that peaked at more than 30
percent in cities. Public discontent set the stage for pro-democracy
demonstrations the next year.
On June 4, 1989, after weeks of protests in Beijing's central
Tiananmen Square, troops backed by tanks crushed the demonstrations,
killing hundreds of people and once again isolating China on the world
After the crackdown, Deng plucked Jiang Zemin from relative
obscurity in Shanghai to be the new Communist Party chief. Jiang
replaced Zhao Ziyang, sacked for his sympathetic views towards the
protesters. Zhao remains under house arrest in Beijing.
Deng remained paramount leader until his death in February 1997, at
age 92. Jiang vanquished political rivals at a Communist Party congress
that September.
Despite concerns over human rights, China won a bid to host the 2008
Summer Olympics in Beijing, which the government hopes to use as a
showcase for the country's progress.
In December 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization after
more than a decade of negotiations, agreeing to slash tariffs on
imported goods and open many industries wider to foreign companies over
the next few years.
The Communist Party completed a sweeping leadership reshuffle of the
party in November 2002 and government in March 2003 that saw Jiang and
other aging leaders give way to a younger generation headed by Hu
Jintao and Wen Jiabao.
With Jiang in the wings, Hu has quietly consolidated power while
both he and Wen have charted populist agendas in their first year in
3. **FPGA上的CNN架构**:介绍如何将CNN的计算模型映射到FPGA硬件,包括卷积层、池化层、激活函数的硬件实现。 4. **并行计算优势**:讨论FPGA如何利用并行计算能力加速CNN的运算,提高处理速度。 5. **设计流程**...
卷积神经网络(CNN,Convolutional Neural Network)是一种深度学习模型,特别适用于图像处理、计算机视觉和自然语言处理等领域。在本压缩包文件""中,我们找到了一个基于Matlab的小程序,用于模拟CNN的...
3. **单阶段CNN设计**:这种设计通常更简洁,处理速度更快,但可能在复杂任务上不如多阶段设计精确。 4. **硬件实现**:将CNN模型通过Verilog编译到FPGA或ASIC上,可以显著提升计算速度和能效。 5. **测试基准(tb...
CNN-LSTM多变量回归预测(Matlab) 基于卷积-长短期记忆网络(CNN-LSTM...3.多输入单输出,数据回归预测; 4.CNN_LSTMNN.m为主文件,data为数据; 5.所有程序经过验证,保证运行 注意:数据和文件放在一个文件夹运行。
CNN-LSTM多变量回归预测(Matlab) 基于卷积-长短期记忆网络(CNN-LSTM...3.多输入单输出,数据回归预测; 4.CNN_LSTMNN.m为主文件,data为数据; 5.所有程序经过验证,保证运行 注意:数据和文件放在一个文件夹运行。
This project provides matlab class for implementation of convolutional neural networks. This networks was developed by Yann LeCun and have sucessfully used in many practical applications, such as ...
3.MainCNN_SVMNC.m为主文件,data为数据; 4.所有程序经过验证,保证有效运行 注意:数据和文件放在一个文件夹运行。 ,核心关键词: CNN; SVM; 多特征分类预测; Matlab; MainCNN_SVMNC.m文件; 数据文件验证运行。,...
3. **图像处理**: 在训练CNN之前,通常需要对图像数据进行预处理,包括调整尺寸、归一化、数据增强(翻转、旋转等)等步骤,以确保数据符合模型输入要求并增强模型的泛化能力。 4. **Python CNN库**: 可能用到...
ML_9月机器学习在线班 20.CNN&RNN.mp4
CNN produces higher accuracy and spends less convergence time than simple feed-forward neural network.
3. 半监督学习策略:结合少量的标注数据和大量的未标注数据进行训练。 4. 训练与评估:在验证集上进行模型验证,调整超参数以优化性能。 5. 应用:在测试集或实际问题上进行情感分析。 该项目的源码("Semi-...
3. **池化层(Pooling Layer)**:如最大池化(Max Pooling)或平均池化,通过缩小输入的空间尺寸来减少计算量,同时保持关键信息。这有助于提高模型的泛化能力。 4. **全连接层(Fully Connected Layer)**:在...
3. 训练CNN:使用训练集(可能不在提供的压缩文件中)对CNN进行训练,调整网络参数以最小化损失函数,如交叉熵损失。 4. 特征提取:在验证集或测试集上运行训练好的CNN,得到每个图像的特征向量。这些特征向量保留...