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本文只是将有关ruby top level environment 和main Object的sample进行简单比较,仔细看完比较的结果后您自然会得结论。
1.top level environment 中默认receiver是一个叫main的Object
p self#main p self.class#Object
2.默认情况,在top level environment定义的方法称为main的私有方法,在irb中貌似默认是public method。
def m end p self.singleton_methods(false).include? "m" #false p Object.singleton_methods(false).include? "m" #false p self.methods(false).include? "m" #false p self.public_methods(false).include? "m" #false p self.private_methods(false).include? "m"#true p Object.instance_methods(false).include? "m" #false p Kernel.private_methods(false).include? "m" #false
3.top level environment可以和像在普通类中一样用public声明方法定义,并且被public声明后称为所有Object实例的public method
public def m end p self.singleton_methods(false).include? "m" #false p Object.singleton_methods(false).include? "m" #false p self.methods(false).include? "m" #false p self.public_methods(false).include? "m" #true p self.private_methods(false).include? "m"#false p Object.instance_methods(false).include? "m" #true p Kernel.private_methods(false).include? "m" #false
4.和在一般class中一样,局部变量不能被top level方法调用。
var="hooopo" def get_var p var end get_var #in `get_var': undefined local variable or method `var' for main:Object (NameError)
5.和在一般class中一样,top level定义的实例变量可以被top level中的方法调用。
@var="hooopo" def get_var p @var end get_var #"hooopo"
6.在top level定义的实例变量属于默认receiver main Object,并且不属于任何非main Object的Object。
@var="hooopo" obj=Object.new p obj #=>#<Object:0x2a62f64> p self #=>#<Object:0x494f9e0 @var="hooopo">
7.top level中定义的类变量成为Object的类变量,由于类变量可以被继承到子类,并且被子类改变,才有了慎用类变量 - 实例变量靠谱量又足
@@var="hooopo" def Object.get_var_in_obj p @@var end class String def String.get_var_in_str class_variable_get("@@var") end def String.set_var_in_str class_variable_set("@@var","hooopo is changed") end end Object.get_var_in_obj #"hooopo" p Object.class_variables #["@@var"] p String.class_variables #["@@var"] p String.get_var_in_str #"hooopo" String.set_var_in_str p @@var #"hooopo is changed"
8.全局变量是名副其实的全局变量,无论是在top level还是class中定义,都可以被获取。
$var="hooopo" def get_var p $var end get_var #"hooopo" class C $var_c="Hooopo" def get_var p $var_c end end p $var_c #"hooopo" c=C.new #"hooopo" c.get_var #"Hooopo" p $var_c #"Hooopo"
9.可以为main Object定义单体方法...
class << self def m p "singleton method of top-level Object instance" end end m#"singleton method of top-level Object instance" self.m #"singleton method of top-level Object instance" o=Object.new o.m # undefined method `m' for #<Object:0x2a62dfc> (NoMethodError)
10.main Object的单体方法调用优先于instance method。
def m p "instance method of top level Object instance" end class << self def m p "singleton method of top-level Object instance" end end m#"singleton method of top-level Object instance" self.m #"singleton method of top-level Object instance"
11.top level环境更像是在一个类中...
def m p "instance method of top level Object instance" end #class << self # def m # p "singleton method of top-level Object instance" # end #end m#"instance method of top level Object instance" self.m #private method `m' called for main:Object (NoMethodError)
12.public声明,让top level方法真正top level
public def m p "instance method of top level Object instance" end #class << self # def m # p "singleton method of top-level Object instance" # end #end m#"instance method of top level Object instance" self.m #"instance method of top level Object instance"
13.在类中可以调用top level method
def top_level_method p "hooopo" end class C def instance_method_of_c top_level_method end end c=C.new c.instance_method_of_c #"hooopo"
def top_level_method p "hooopo" end class C def instance_method_of_c self.top_level_method end end c=C.new c.instance_method_of_c #`instance_method_of_c': private method `top_level_method' called for #<C:0x2a62d34> (NoMethodError)
14.优先级问题,类中实例方法优先于top level 方法
def top_level_method
p "hooopo" end class C def top_level_method p "hooopo-in instance method of C" end def instance_method_of_c top_level_method end end c=C.new c.instance_method_of_c #"hooopo-in instance method of C"
15.优先级问题,类中实例方法优先于top level 方法,也优先于Kernel模块中方法
def puts STDOUT.puts "from top level" end class C def puts STDOUT.puts "from insctance method of C" end def self.puts STDOUT.puts "from sington method of C" end def call_puts puts end end c=C.new c.call_puts #from insctance method of C
16.top level中方法优先于Kernel模块中的方法。
def puts STDOUT.puts "from top level" end class C #def puts # STDOUT.puts "from insctance method of C" #end def self.puts STDOUT.puts "from sington method of C" end def call_puts puts end end c=C.new c.call_puts #from top level
#def puts # STDOUT.puts "from top level" #end class C #def puts # STDOUT.puts "from insctance method of C" #end def self.puts STDOUT.puts "from sington method of C" end def call_puts puts end end c=C.new c.call_puts #"\n"=>from Kernel?
18. 关于main Object 实现的猜测:
class Object Object.new.instance_eval do def self.to_s "main" end private ## # Your program gets inserted here... ## end end
irb(main):001:0> CONST="HOOOPO" => "HOOOPO" irb(main):002:0> class T irb(main):003:1> CONST="hooopo" irb(main):004:1> def get_top_level_const irb(main):005:2> ::CONST irb(main):006:2> end irb(main):007:1> def get_class_const irb(main):008:2> CONST irb(main):009:2> end irb(main):010:1> end => nil irb(main):011:0> t=T.new => #<T:0x496e200> irb(main):012:0> t.get_top_level_const => "HOOOPO" irb(main):013:0> t.get_class_const => "hooopo" irb(main):014:0> ::CONST => "HOOOPO"
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NULL 博文链接:https://huanyq2008.iteye.com/blog/756888