== Parameters
# All request parameters, whether they come from a GET or POST request, or from the URL, are available through the params method
# which returns a hash. For example, an action that was performed through <tt>/weblog/list?category=All&limit=5</tt> will include
# <tt>{ "category" => "All", "limit" => 5 }</tt> in params.
# It's also possible to construct multi-dimensional parameter hashes by specifying keys using brackets, such as:
# <input type="text" name="post[name]" value="david">
# <input type="text" name="post[address]" value="hyacintvej">
# A request stemming from a form holding these inputs will include <tt>{ "post" => { "name" => "david", "address" => "hyacintvej" } }</tt>.
# If the address input had been named "post[address][street]", the params would have included
# <tt>{ "post" => { "address" => { "street" => "hyacintvej" } } }</tt>. There's no limit to the depth of the nesting.
# == Sessions
# Sessions allows you to store objects in between requests. This is useful for objects that are not yet ready to be persisted,
# such as a Signup object constructed in a multi-paged process, or objects that don't change much and are needed all the time, such
# as a User object for a system that requires login. The session should not be used, however, as a cache for objects where it's likely
# they could be changed unknowingly. It's usually too much work to keep it all synchronized -- something databases already excel at.
# You can place objects in the session by using the <tt>session</tt> method, which accesses a hash:
# session[:person] = Person.authenticate(user_name, password)
# And retrieved again through the same hash:
# Hello #{session[:person]}
# For removing objects from the session, you can either assign a single key to +nil+:
# # removes :person from session
# session[:person] = nil
# or you can remove the entire session with +reset_session+.
# Sessions are stored by default in a browser cookie that's cryptographically signed, but unencrypted.
# This prevents the user from tampering with the session but also allows him to see its contents.
# Do not put secret information in cookie-based sessions!
# Other options for session storage are:
# * ActiveRecord::SessionStore - Sessions are stored in your database, which works better than PStore with multiple app servers and,
# unlike CookieStore, hides your session contents from the user. To use ActiveRecord::SessionStore, set
# config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store
# in your <tt>config/environment.rb</tt> and run <tt>rake db:sessions:create</tt>.
# * MemCacheStore - Sessions are stored as entries in your memcached cache.
# Set the session store type in <tt>config/environment.rb</tt>:
# config.action_controller.session_store = :mem_cache_store
# This assumes that memcached has been installed and configured properly.
# See the MemCacheStore docs for more information.
# == Responses
# Each action results in a response, which holds the headers and document to be sent to the user's browser. The actual response
# object is generated automatically through the use of renders and redirects and requires no user intervention.
# == Renders
# Action Controller sends content to the user by using one of five rendering methods. The most versatile and common is the rendering
# of a template. Included in the Action Pack is the Action View, which enables rendering of ERb templates. It's automatically configured.
# The controller passes objects to the view by assigning instance variables:
# def show
# @post = Post.find(params[:id])
# end
# Which are then automatically available to the view:
# Title: <%= @post.title %>
# You don't have to rely on the automated rendering. Especially actions that could result in the rendering of different templates will use
# the manual rendering methods:
# def search
# @results = Search.find(params[:query])
# case @results
# when 0 then render :action => "no_results"
# when 1 then render :action => "show"
# when 2..10 then render :action => "show_many"
# end
# end
# Read more about writing ERb and Builder templates in link:classes/ActionView/Base.html.
# == Redirects
# Redirects are used to move from one action to another. For example, after a <tt>create</tt> action, which stores a blog entry to a database,
# we might like to show the user the new entry. Because we're following good DRY principles (Don't Repeat Yourself), we're going to reuse (and redirect to)
# a <tt>show</tt> action that we'll assume has already been created. The code might look like this:
# def create
# @entry = Entry.new(params[:entry])
# if @entry.save
# # The entry was saved correctly, redirect to show
# redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @entry.id
# else
# # things didn't go so well, do something else
# end
# end
# In this case, after saving our new entry to the database, the user is redirected to the <tt>show</tt> method which is then executed.
# == Calling multiple redirects or renders
# An action may contain only a single render or a single redirect. Attempting to try to do either again will result in a DoubleRenderError:
# def do_something
# redirect_to :action => "elsewhere"
# render :action => "overthere" # raises DoubleRenderError
# end
# If you need to redirect on the condition of something, then be sure to add "and return" to halt execution.
# def do_something
# redirect_to(:action => "elsewhere") and return if monkeys.nil?
# render :action => "overthere" # won't be called if monkeys is nil
# end
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