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Nevow render用法(转)

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1 Nevow Object Publishing
2 =======================
4 In Nevow Object Traversal, we learned about the
5 nevow.inevow.IResource.renderHTTP method, which is the most basic way to send
6 HTML to a browser when using Nevow. However, it is not very convenient (or
7 clean) to generate HTML tags by concatenating strings in Python code. In the
8 Nevow Deployment documentation, we saw that it was possible to render a Hello
9 World page using a nevow.rend.Page subclass and providing a "docFactory"::
11   >>> from nevow import rend, loaders
12   >>> class HelloWorld(rend.Page):
13   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan("Hello, world!")
14   ...
15   >>> HelloWorld().renderSynchronously()
16   'Hello, world!'
18 This example does nothing interesting, but the concept of a loader is important
19 in Nevow. The rend.Page.renderHTTP implementation always starts rendering HTML
20 by loading a template from the docFactory.
22 * `The stan DOM`_
23 * `Tag instances`_
24 * `Functions in the DOM`_
25 * `Accessing query parameters and form post data`_
26 * `Generators in the DOM`_
27 * `Methods in the DOM`_
28 * `Data specials`_
29 * `Render specials`_
30 * `Pattern specials`_
31 * `Slot specials`_
32 * `Data directives`_
33 * `Render directives`_
34 * `Flatteners`_
36 The stan DOM
37 ------------
39 Nevow uses a DOM-based approach to rendering HTML. A tree of objects is first
40 constructed in memory by the template loader. This tree is then processed one
41 node at a time, applying functions which transform from various Python types to
42 HTML strings.
44 Nevow uses a nonstandard DOM named "stan". Unlike the W3C DOM, stan is made up
45 of simple python lists, strings, and instances of the nevow.stan.Tag class.
46 During the rendering process, "Flattener" functions convert from rich types to
47 HTML strings. For example, we can load a template made up of some nested lists
48 and Python types, render it, and see what happens::
50   >>> class PythonTypes(rend.Page):
51   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(["Hello", 1, 1.5, True, ["Goodbye", 3]])
52   ...
53   >>> PythonTypes().renderSynchronously()
54   'Hello11.5TrueGoodbye3'
56 Tag instances
57 -------------
59 So far, we have only rendered simple strings as output. However, the main
60 purpose of Nevow is HTML generation. In the stan DOM, HTML tags are represented
61 by instances of the nevow.stan.Tag class. Tag is a very simple class, whose
62 instances have an "attributes" dictionary and a "children" list. The Tag
63 flattener knows how to recursively flatten attributes and children of the tag.
64 To show you how Tags really work before you layer Nevow's convenience syntax on
65 top, try this horrible example::
67   >>> from nevow import stan
68   >>> h = stan.Tag('html')
69   >>> d = stan.Tag('div')
70   >>> d.attributes['style'] = 'border: 1px solid black'
71   >>> h.children.append(d)
72   >>> class Tags(rend.Page):
73   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(h)
74   ...
75   >>> Tags().renderSynchronously()
76   '<html><div style="border: 1px solid black"></div></html>'
78 So, we see how it is possible to programatically generate HTML by constructing
79 and nesting stan Tag instances. However, it is far more convenient to use the
80 overloaded operators Tag provides to manipulate them. Tag implements a __call__
81 method which takes any keyword arguments and values and updates the attributes
82 dictionary; it also implements a __getitem__ method which takes whatever is
83 between the square brackets and appends them to the children list. A simple
84 example should clarify things::
86   >>> class Tags2(rend.Page):
87   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(stan.Tag('html')[stan.Tag('div')(style="border: 1px solid black")])
88   ...
89   >>> Tags2().renderSynchronously()
90   '<html><div style="border: 1px solid black"></div></html>'
92 This isn't very easy to read, but luckily we can simplify the example even
93 further by using the nevow.tags module, which is full of "Tag prototypes" for
94 every tag type described by the XHTML 1.0 specification::
96   >>> class Tags3(rend.Page):
97   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[tags.div(style="border: 1px solid black")])
98   ...
99   >>> Tags3().renderSynchronously()
100   '<html><div style="border: 1px solid black"></div></html>'
102 Using stan syntax is not the only way to construct template DOM for use by the
103 Nevow rendering process. Nevow also includes loaders.xmlfile which implements a
104 simple tag attribute language similar to the Zope Page Templates (ZPT) Tag
105 Attribute Language (TAL). However, experience with the stan DOM should give you
106 insight into how the Nevow rendering process really works. Rendering a template
107 into HTML in Nevow is really nothing more than iterating a tree of objects and
108 recursively applying "Flattener" functions to objects in this tree, until all
109 HTML has been generated.
111 Functions in the DOM
112 --------------------
114 So far, all of our examples have generated static HTML pages, which is not
115 terribly interesting when discussing dynamic web applications. Nevow takes a
116 very simple approach to dynamic HTML generation. If you put a Python function
117 reference in the DOM, Nevow will call it when the page is rendered. The return
118 value of the function replaces the function itself in the DOM, and the results
119 are flattened further. This makes it easy to express looping and branching
120 structures in Nevow, because normal Python looping and branching constructs are
121 used to do the job::
123   >>> def repeat(ctx, data):
124   ...     return [tags.div(style="color: %s" % (color, ))
125   ...         for color in ['red', 'blue', 'green']]
126   ...
127   >>> class Repeat(rend.Page):
128   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[repeat])
129   ...
130   >>> Repeat().renderSynchronously()
131   '<html><div style="color: red"></div><div style="color: blue"></div><div style="color: green"></div></html>'
133 However, in the example above, the repeat function isn't even necessary, because
134 we could have inlined the list comprehension right where we placed the function
135 reference in the DOM. Things only really become interesting when we begin
136 writing parameterized render functions which cause templates to render
137 differently depending on the input to the web application.
139 The required signature of functions which we can place in the DOM is (ctx,
140 data). The "context" object is essentially opaque for now, and we will learn how
141 to extract useful information out of it later. The "data" object is anything we
142 want it to be, and can change during the rendering of the page. By default, the
143 data object is whatever we pass as the first argument to the Page constructor,
144 **or** the Page instance itself if nothing is passed. Armed with this knowledge,
145 we can create a Page which renders differently depending on the data we pass to
146 the Page constructor::
148   class Root(rend.Page):
149       docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[
150       tags.h1["Welcome."],
151       tags.a(href="foo")["Foo"],
152       tags.a(href="bar")["Bar"],
153       tags.a(href="baz")["Baz"]])
155       def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
156           return Leaf(name)
159   def greet(ctx, name):
160       return "Hello. You are visiting the ", name, " page."
162   class Leaf(rend.Page):
163       docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[greet])
165 Armed with this knowledge and the information in the Object Traversal
166 documentation, we now have enough information to create dynamic websites with
167 arbitrary URL hierarchies whose pages render dynamically depending on which URL
168 was used to access them.
170 Accessing query parameters and form post data
171 ---------------------------------------------
173 Before we move on to more advanced rendering techniques, let us first examine
174 how one could further customize the rendering of a Page based on the URL query
175 parameters and form post information provided to us by a browser. Recall that
176 URL parameters are expressed in the form::
178   http://example.com/foo/bar?baz=1&quux=2
180 And form post data can be generated by providing a form to a browser::
182   <form action="" method="POST">
183     <input type="text" name="baz" />
184     <input type="text" name="quux" />
185     <input type="submit" />
186   </form>
188 Accessing this information is such a common procedure that Nevow provides a
189 convenience method on the context to do it. Let's examine a simple page whose
190 output can be influenced by the query parameters in the URL used to access it::
192   def showChoice(ctx, data):
193       choice = ctx.arg('choice')
194       if choice is None:
195           return ''
196       return "You chose ", choice, "."
198   class Custom(rend.Page):
199       docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[
200       tags.a(href="?choice=baz")["Baz"],
201       tags.a(href="?choice=quux")["Quux"],
202       tags.p[showChoice]])
204 The procedure is exactly the same for simple form post information::
206   def greet(ctx, data):
207       name = ctx.arg('name')
208       if name is None:
209           return ''
210       return "Greetings, ", name, "!"
212   class Form(rend.Page):
213       docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[
214       tags.form(action="", method="POST")[
215           tags.input(name="name"),
216           tags.input(type="submit")],
217       greet])
219 Note that ctx.arg returns only the first argument with the given name. For
220 complex cases where multiple arguments and lists of argument values are
221 required, you can access the request argument dictionary directly using the
222 syntax::
224   def arguments(ctx, data):
225       args = inevow.IRequest(ctx).args
226       return "Request arguments are: ", str(args)
228 Generators in the DOM
229 ---------------------
231 One common operation when building dynamic pages is iterating a list of data and
232 emitting some HTML for each item. Python generators are well suited for
233 expressing this sort of logic, and code which is written as a python generator
234 can perform tests (if) and loops of various kinds (while, for) and emit a row of
235 html whenever it has enough data to do so. Nevow can handle generators in the
236 DOM just as gracefully as it can handle anything else::
238   >>> from nevow import rend, loaders, tags
239   >>> def generate(ctx, items):
240   ...     for item in items:
241   ...         yield tags.div[ item ]
242   ...
243   >>> class List(rend.Page):
244   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[ generate ])
245   ...
246   >>> List(['one', 'two', 'three']).renderSynchronously()
247   '<html><div>one</div><div>two</div><div>three</div></html>'
249 As you can see, generating HTML inside of functions or generators can be very
250 convenient, and can lead to very rapid application development. However, it is
251 also what I would call a "template abstraction violation", and we will learn how
252 we can keep knowledge of HTML out of our python code when we learn about
253 patterns and slots.
255 Methods in the DOM
256 ------------------
258 Up until now, we have been placing our template manipulation logic inside of
259 simple Python functions and generators. However, it is often appropriate to use
260 a method instead of a function. Nevow makes it just as easy to use a method to
261 render HTML::
263   class MethodRender(rend.Page):
264       def __init__(self, foo):
265           self.foo = foo
267       def render_foo(self, ctx, data):
268           return self.foo
270       docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[ render_foo ])
272 Using render methods makes it possible to parameterize your Page class with more
273 parameters. With render methods, you can also use the Page instance as a state
274 machine to keep track of the state of the render. While Nevow is designed to
275 allow you to render the same Page instance repeatedly, it can also be convenient
276 to know that a Page instance will only be used one time, and that the Page
277 instance can be used as a scratch pad to manage information about the render.
279 Data specials
280 -------------
282 Previously we saw how passing a parameter to the default Page constructor makes
283 it available as the "data" parameter to all of our render methods. This "data"
284 parameter can change as the page render proceeds, and is a useful way to ensure
285 that render functions are isolated and only act upon the data which is available
286 to them. Render functions which do not pull information from sources other than
287 the "data" parameter are more easily reusable and can be composed into larger
288 parts more easily.
290 Deciding which data gets passed as the data parameter is as simple as changing
291 the "Data special" for a Tag. See the Glossary under "Tag Specials" for more
292 information about specials. Assigning to the data special is as simple as
293 assigning to a tag attribute::
295   >>> def hello(ctx, name):
296   ...     return "Hello, ", name
297   ...
298   >>> class DataSpecial(rend.Page):
299   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[
300   ...     tags.div(data="foo")[ hello ],
301   ...     tags.div(data="bar")[ hello ]])
302   ...
303   >>> DataSpecial().renderSynchronously()
304   '<html><div>Hello, foo</div><div>Hello, bar</div></html>'
306 Data specials may be assigned any python value. Data specials are only in scope
307 during the rendering of the tag they are assigned to, so if the "hello" renderer
308 were placed in the DOM inside the html node directly, "Hello, None" would be
309 output.
311 Before data is passed to a render function, Nevow first checks to see if there
312 is an IGettable adapter for it. If there is, it calls IGettable.get(), and
313 passes the result of this as the data parameter instead. Nevow includes an
314 IGettable adapter for python functions, which means you can set a Tag data
315 special to a function reference and Nevow will call it to obtain the data when
316 the Tag is rendered. The signature for data methods is similar to that of render
317 methods, (ctx, data). For example::
319   def getName(ctx, data):
320       return ctx.arg('name')
322   def greet(ctx, name):
323       return "Greetings, ", name
325   class GreetName(rend.Page):
326       docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[
327       tags.form(action="")[
328           tags.input(name="name"),
329           tags.input(type="submit")],
330       tags.div(data=getName)[ greet ]])
332 Data specials exist mainly to allow you to construct and enforce a
333 Model-View-Controller style separation of the Model code from the View. Here we
334 see that the greet function is capable of rendering a greeting view for a name
335 model, and that the implementation of getName may change without the view code
336 changing.
338 Render specials
339 ---------------
341 Previously, we have seen how render functions can be placed directly in the DOM,
342 and the return value replaces the render function in the DOM. However, these
343 free functions and methods are devoid of any contextual information about the
344 template they are living in. The render special is a way to associate a render
345 function or method with a particular Tag instance, which the render function can
346 then examine to decide how to render::
348   >>> def alignment(ctx, data):
349   ...     align = ctx.tag.attributes.get('align')
350   ...     if align == 'right':  
351   ...         return ctx.tag["Aligned right"]
352   ...     elif align == 'center':
353   ...         return ctx.tag["Aligned center"]
354   ...     else:
355   ...         return ctx.tag["Aligned left"]
356   ...
357   >>> class AlignmentPage(rend.Page):
358   ...     docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[
359   ...     tags.p(render=alignment),    


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