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One of my project Lucas needs to enable users to upload pictures as their logos. How to get things done? In the book Agile Web Development with Rails, I’ve found a way.
All together, the code counts less than 50 lines.
Firstly we have to create a table to record the data. The columns should at least contain id, content-type and data, and the SQL maybe like follows:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `logos` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `data` blob NOT NULL, `content_type` varchar(30) collate utf8_bin NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT;
OK. It’s time to start coding, and we have to create the model Logo and controller Logo.
ruby script/generate model Logo ruby script/generate controller Logo get got show
In app/controllers/logo_controller.rb, there’re 3 actions. “get” will display a upload form, and “got” is the final page if upload succeeded, which show the picture by a tag. Of course, we use the “show” action to get data from the database and send to user.
Let’s start coding here:
class Logo < ActiveRecord::Base validates_format_of :content_type , :with => /^image/, :message => "你只能上传图片" def uploaded_logo=(logo_field) self.content_type = logo_field.content_type.chomp self.data = logo_field.read end end
The function “uploaded_logo” contains a little bit magic. Continue to see the upload form you’ll see why use this.
<%= error_messages_for("logo") -%> <% form_for (:logo, :url=>{:action => 'save'} , :html => {:multipart => true} ) do |form|%> <%= form.file_field("uploaded_logo") %> <%= submit_tag("Upload")%> <%end%>
In the above template file, we created a upload field named “uploaded_logo”, so when the form is submitted, the function “uploaded_logo=” will be called . Of course, we need to edit the controller.
class LogoController < ApplicationController def get @logo = Logo.new end def save @logo = Logo.new(params[:logo]) if @logo.save redirect_to(:action => "got" , :id => @logo.id) else render :action=>"get" end end def view @logo = Logo.find(params[:id]) send_data(@logo.data, :type=>@logo.content_type,:disposition=>"inline") end def got @logo = Logo.find(params[:id]) end end
Take a look at the “view” action, it makes good use of function “send_data”. Now we’re able to get the picture via /view/id , which contains extra content-type message in the header. Now it’s the last part of this demo, the template of action “got”.
<img src="<%= url_for :action=>"view", :id=>@logo.id %>" />
Of course, to make the pages better, you have to create a layout for logo. Besides, you may need to do some verification before enabling the upload.
If you want to store the pictures in files, just read the data out and write to a new file, which is in a visitable folder.
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rails 2.3 chm文档 官方最新版
Railsbrain是一个专注于Rails框架的在线资源平台,而这个“railsbrain网站的rails2.3文档(bug修复版)”显然是一份针对Rails 2.3版本的更新文档,旨在修复用户在浏览和交互过程中遇到的问题。Rails是Ruby编程语言的...
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5. **CarrierWave**: 如果你的Rails版本较低,或者需要更灵活的文件上传控制,可以使用CarrierWave库。它提供了一个简单的接口来处理文件上传,包括存储位置、版本管理和缩略图生成等。 6. **Paperclip**: ...
在Ruby on Rails(Rails)框架中,为文件上传添加进度条功能可以显著提升用户体验,让用户在上传大文件时能够清楚地看到进度,增加交互性。本文将深入探讨如何在Rails应用中实现这一功能。 首先,我们需要理解文件...
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最后,为了处理文件上传的进度,我们可以使用HTML5的`FormData`对象和`XMLHttpRequest`的`progress`事件。在`form_for`中,我们添加一个`onsubmit`事件处理器: ```html , url: uploads_path, ...
10. **日志记录**:在`log`目录下的日志文件可以提供关于文件上传操作的详细信息,这对于排查问题非常有用。确保日志配置得当,以便在出现问题时能快速定位。 升级Rails版本涉及的文件上传变更可能需要对代码进行...
通过JRuby,我们可以使用`jruby-wrappers`或`jruby-complete`来创建自包含的JAR文件,这基本上就是一个可执行的Rails应用。JRuby允许Rails应用运行在任何支持Java的平台上。 2. **Warbler**: 如果你打算在Java应用...
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在Rails中,最常用的文件上传库是Paperclip和CarrierWave,但现在更推荐使用ActiveStorage,这是Rails 5.2及更高版本内置的一个功能。ActiveStorage直接与数据库交互,方便管理和存储文件,同时支持通过第三方服务如...