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To Read


BBC Audio: http://news.iciba.com/1745/index.html

听力课堂: http://www.tingclass.com/


1. Theory of Attribute in C#, how the attribute work, and  how to create custom attribute

2. Event, callback (back caller), Listener, EventHandler in C#?

this.OnEndOfData += new EndOfDataEventHandler(MyEndOfDataHandler);

this.OnEndOfData += MyEndOfDataHandler;

// "OnEndOfData" is a instance of EndOfDataEventHandler,  

// MyEndOfDataHandler is a method returning void.  


3. Mapi reference


4. Theory of EWS (Exchange Web service)  

  1. Client need provide a web service to receive notification from server.


5. Web service  

  1. Theory of soap
  2. Debug web service.

6. Compose a website using Asp .net


8. WCF ?

windows Communication Foundation (WCF)Microsoft为构建面向服务的应用提供的分布式通信编程框架,是.NET Framework 3.5的重要组成部分。根据微软官方的解释,WCF(之前的版本名为“Indigo”)是使用托管代码建立和运行面向服务(Service Oriented)应用程序的统一框架。


WCF是微软分布式应用程序开发的集大成者,它整合了.Net平台下所有的和分布式系统有关的技术,例如.Net RemotingASMXWSEMSMQ。以通信(Communiation)范围而论,它可以跨进程、跨机器、跨子网、企业网乃至于 Internet;以宿主程序而论,可以以ASP.NETEXEWPFWindows FormsNT ServiceCOM+作为宿主(Host)WCF可以支持的协议包括TCPHTTP,跨进程以及自定义,安全模式则包括SAML KerberosX509,用户/密码,自定义等多种标准与模式。也就是说,在WCF框架下,开发基于SOA的分布式系统变得容易了,微软将所有与此相关的技术要素都包含在内,掌握了WCF,就相当于掌握了叩开SOA大门的钥匙。


从功能的角度来看,WCF完全可以看作是ASMX.Net RemotingEnterprise ServiceWSEMSMQ等技术的并集。(注:这种说法仅仅是从功能的角度。事实上WCF远非简单的并集这样简单,它是真正面向服务的产品,它已经改变了通常的开发模式。)


9. Sliverlight ?

Silverlight 的核心是浏览器增强模块,其作用是呈现 XAML 并在浏览器界面上绘制生成的图形。它的下载体积较小(不到 2 MB),可以在用户点击包含 Silverlight 内容的站点时进行安装。该模块向 JavaScript 开发人员公开 XAML 页面的底层框架,以便实现页面级的内容交互,这样,开发人员就可以进行自己的工作,例如编写事件处理程序或使用 JavaScript 代码来处理 XAML 页面内容。


10. WPF & XAML

Windows Presentation Foundation,

XAML: 可扩展应用程序标记语言(XAML)


11. Pop3 server


12. Https & SSL & SSH

SSL: Secure socket layer

SSH: Secure shell,  一种服务软件,可以代替telnet,可以将数据加密后传输。属于C/S结构。


13. GSSAPI, SPNEGO, Kerberos, NTLM

Kerberos 服务介绍

Pasted from <http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-7061/6n91j2vam?a=view>



14. 调试和分析应用程序

Pasted from <http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/7fe0dd2y.aspx>


15. 不用编写客户端调试WebServices



16. Exchange 2007 Edge Transport Agents

Pasted from <http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/exchange/exchange-2007-edge-transport-agents/>


17. Communications Exchange Edge Transport Servers at Microsoft

Pasted from <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/2007.10.edge.aspx>



18. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 SDK

Pasted from <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa562613.aspx>


19. 框架设计(第2版):CLR Via C#



20 配置Exchange Server 2007中的Outlook Anywhere



21. EWS updateItem



22. Makefile学习教程: 跟我一起写 Makefile



23. 测试用例设计方法:






25. Exchange resources

Exchange Server - 微软中文技术论坛 

MS Exchange Server技术资源


MSExchange.org Forums

MS Exchange Blog

Exchange Team Blog


searchexchange.techtarget(hotmail 8)


26. DSAcess Theory


http://support.microsoft.com/kb/298879  Set-ExchangeServer

http://searchexchange.techtarget.com/news/article/0,289142,sid43_gci1119795,00.html DSAccess for Exchange


卷影拷贝服务(Volume Shadow Copy ServiceVSS)


CDC(configuration domain controller):

the configuration domain controller is chosen to ensure that configuration changes are written to a single domain controller only. Configuration information for the organization: Exchange stores server parameters, mailbox and public folder store parameters, public folder hierarchy, tool parameters, and much more in the Configuration naming context of Active Directory.

The configuration domain controller role is re-evaluated every 8 hours by default.

DSAccess will check to see if the server is contactable over port 389 if the server is a domain controller, or 3268 if the server is a global catalog server.

389 & 3268 are LDAP ports.


primary domain controller (PDC) emulator
  Security Access Control List (SACL)


27. Design Exchange Server:

How to design a exchange deployment for a corporation which have 4 sub companies.


28. What Is the Global Catalog?


Designing the Site Topology

Pasted from <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc787284(WS.10).aspx>


Designing the Active Directory Logical Structure

Pasted from <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc786010(WS.10).aspx>




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