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  • ABAP
1. You should make sure the process is functionally complete before you actually define anything.If you do not,you may have to discard portions of your work to repair gaps that were overlooked.

2. The BAPI Explorer is part of the Business Framework group not the ABAP Workbench.

3. The Project Form,which can be found in the BAPI Explorer,walks you through the development process for Business Objects and BAPIs.

4. All data elements for date fields must have the format YYYYMMDD.
   Non SAP Systems cannot reformat the date according to the User Master record.Therefore,we deal with the date in it's internal format.

5. All BAPIs belonging to one SAP business object type should be created in one function group. and not All customer developed BAPIs must be put into one special function group.

6. You can only search for BAPIs from outside the BAPI Explorer. and in the Function Module screen of the Repository Information System,select the All Selections button and mark the checkbox for the BAPI module type.

7. The three phases of the Business Scenario analysis are: describe the business scenario,define the business scenario,and review the business scenario.

8. The project form would be used in the Design phase and you can find this form in the BAPI Explorer.The form steps you through the various parts necessary to complete your BAPOI.

9. One of the important questions of the review phase is to ask if all of the BAPIs in the scenaro work smoothly together. and there are several questions that need to be answered in the review phase of which this is to one of the most important.

10.If a key field value is passed to the BAPI by the calling program,the key field must be set as an Import parameter in the function module. Any key field that will receive a value when the BAPI is called must be set as an Import parameter in the functiono module.

11. A RETURN parameter is required in a BAPI and is used to send any messages back to the calling program.

12. Within the source code of a BAPI,you can not execute a CALL TRANSACTION statement. Any statement that would generate output whether it is in the form of a list, a query or a dialog screen,is not allowed in a BAPI.

13. Because the Method of a Business Object is a function module,you write its documentation in the Function Builder. Since the Method of a business object is really the RFC function module,the documentation is created in the Function Builder.

14. Every currency amount field used in a BAPI must have a currency code field assigned to it. If a Currency amount field does not have a Currency code field assigned to it,the program will not know what the value really means.

15. Quantity fields in a BAPI have to be converted.
    Every quantity field used in a BAPI must be converted either when imported so that it matches the requirements of the fields or when exported so that the values are returned correctly as the calling program expects them.

16. Extension parameters enable application programmers to use preprogrammed user exits to enhance BAPI interfaces without modifications.  Extension parameters are used by SAP to provide preprogrammed user exits so that customers do not have to perform a modification to the BAPI.

17. You have to use your own specific structures as Dictionary references since they will be frozen when the BAPI is implemented.

18. Since a BAPI is a call from an external source,you cannot produce any type of screen output.

19. When documentign the RETURN parameter,you should list all of the known error messages.
     You definitely need to document all of the possible error messages so that someone planning to use the BAPI will know what the possible outcomes would be if an error occurs.

20. Business objects include objects such as Customer and Material.  Business objects provide a programming interface to the SAP System.

21. You can navigate in the BOR using transaction SWO1,SWO3 or BAPI.

22. When creating a Business Object,you get default methods from a standard SAP interface. The standard SAP interface IFSAP is provided as a default with a Business Object and provides 2 default Methods;ExistenceCheck and Display.

23. The English name called Object name is used in the BAPI Explorer while the Object name ID is used in the Business Object Builder.

24. Once a BAPI has been implemented as a Method of a Business Object,you can verify this if it has a Green Light next to it.
    Only Methods that are RFC enabled function modules can be implemented as BAPIs and they will have a Green Light next to them.

25.  A database Logical Unit of Work is a mechanism used by the database to ensure that the data is always consistent. A database LUW takes the database from one consistent satate to the new(changed)consistent state.

26. The mechanism that triggers the actual database update is A database commit. The database is not notified that temporary changes are permanent until a commit is issued.

27. You can undo all the database changes back to the beginning of the currentdatabase LUW. Anything that was perviously updated is a permanent change to the database.

28. It is a way to group the changes from several steps in a SAP LUW into one database LUW.

29. If a field of the authorization object should not be checked,you should enter Dummy.
    All fields for the object must be entered in the check request,including those to be ignored.

30. The check is performed for each specific request and the response is for only that check.

31. The easiest way to insert an authority-check command into a program is to use The pattern button in the ABAP Editor.  This function automatically inserts an ID statement for each field in the object.It also inserts case-sensitive object and field names.

32. The system just sends an answer to the request,It's up to the program to react appropriately.

33. The lock table is completely defined and maintained by the system.Users simply request that locks be set or released.

34. The only way to protect your update option is to set the exclusive lock up front.

35. Lock Objects are logical objects composed of a list of tables linked by foreign key relationships.This is done in the Data Dictionary.

36. The function modules are created during the activation of the lock object.They are automatically assigned to function groups.

37. The parameter that controls how the lock or lock release is passed to the update program is SCOPE. The standard setting for the ENQUEUE module is _SCOPE = 2. This passes complete control of the lock to the update program.

38. Update techniques are used to insure the integrity of the SAP LUW.What is separated is the user input phase from the datebase update phase.This maximizes end-user resources.

39. The command(s) that signal the end of input processing and the start of database processing for this SAP LUW isCommit Work and Rollback Work.

40. The three ways that a dialog program and an update program can be linked are: Asynchronous,Synchronous,and Local Update. Asynchronous is the default and is generally the fastest.

41. V2 update function moduels always run without locks.

42. Locks are always stored in the Lock Table.The updates themselves are stored in the VBLOG.



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