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  • java

1 ,Real-time Specification for Java
Description: The Real-Time Specification for Java extends the JavaTM platform to support both current practice and advanced real-time systems application programming.
2 ,Boundary-Scan API
Description: This API targeted the JavaCardTM platform so as to allow it to be usable on all available JavaTM virtual machines from the very smallest to the most sophisticated.
3 ,JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) Specification
Description: The JMXTM specification will provide a management architecture, APIs and services for building Web-based, distributed, dynamic and modular solutions to manage Java enabled resources.
4 ,ECperf Benchmark Specification
Description: ECperf is an EJBTM performance workload that is real-world, scalable and captures the essence of why component models exist.
5 ,XML Parsing Specification
Description: The JavaTM API for XML Parsing (JAXP) allows developers to easily use XML Parsers in their applications via the industry standard SAX and DOM APIs.
6 ,Unified Printing API (Java Print Service API)
Description: This unified Java Print API will be based on a print model that meets the requirements of the current Java 2 Print API and JiniTM Printing.
7 ,Industrial Automation Extension
Description: The Industrial Automation specification will result in an industry standard for industrial automation that is based on the JavaTM and JiniTM technologies.
8 ,Open Services Gateway Specification
Description: This JSR was going to develop the Open Services Gateway (OSG) Specification and describe an extensible Service Gateway.
9 ,Federated Management Architecture Specification
Description: The Federated Management Architecture (FMA) specifies a storage management platform that will allow vendors to construct storage management applications from standard and custom components.
10 ,Preferences API Specification
Description: A simple API allowing programs to manipulate user preference data and configuration data.
11 ,JAINTM TCAP Specification
Description: JAINTM TCAP JSR is a proposed Java specification for the TCAP layer of the Signaling System 7 (SS7) stack.
12 ,JavaTM Data Objects (JDO) Specification
Description: The JDO specification provides for interface-based definitions of data stores and transactions; and selection and transformation of persistent storage data into native JavaTM programming language objects.
13 ,Decimal Arithmetic Enhancement
Description: This primarily adds floating point arithmetic to the BigDecimal class, allowing the use of decimal numbers for general-purpose arithmetic without the problems resulting from conversions to and from another type.
14 ,Add Generic Types To The JavaTM Programming Language
Description: Extending the JavaTM programming language with generic types (aka parameterized types).
15 ,Image I/O Framework Specification
Description: Image I/O supports image reader and writer plug-ins for sampled image formats. The API provides for exposure and preservation of metadata as well as pixel data.
16 ,J2EETM Connector Architecture
Description: The J2EETM Connector architecture defines a standard architecture for integrating JavaTM applications with existing back-end Enterprise Information systems.
17 ,JAINTM ISUP Specification
Description: Requirements for a Standard Java API for ISDN User Part (ISUP), an SS7 protocol.
18 ,JAINTM OAM API Specification
Description: JAINTM Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) defines a standard API for provisioning and managing protocol interfaces in the Telecommunications and Internet Industry.
19 ,Enterprise JavaBeansTM 2.0
Description: The Enterprise JavaBeansTM 2.0 specification extends the architecture with integration with JMS, improved support for entity bean persistence, a portable query language for finder methods, and support for server interoperability.
20 ,Orthogonal Persistence for the JavaTM Platform
Description: Orthogonal persistence for the JavaTM platform (OPJ) would have provided persistence for the full computational model specified by the JavaTM Language Specification (JLS).
21 ,JAINTM JCC Specification
Description: JSR 21 focuses on the JAINTM Java Call Control (JCC) Specification. Any references seen below that refer to the JAIN Coordination and Transactions (JCAT) are addressed in JSR 122.
22 ,JAINTM SLEE API Specification
Description: Descriptions of all interfaces, classes, exceptions and requirements to develop portable telecommunication services and application frameworks so that services once developed will run on any JAINTM SLEE-compliant execution environment.
23 ,JAINTM MGCP API Specification
Description: This work will specify the JAINTM API through which access to protocol stacks that support the Media Gateway Control Protocol (RFC 2705) may be achieved.
Description: This allows software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider-type applications to securely access, discover and agree other APIs, which use abstract primitives that hide the heterogeneity of underlying networks.
25 ,JAINTM Connectivity Management Specification
Description: The JSR is to define the Java APIs for a Connectivity Management API specification.
26 ,UML/EJB Mapping Specification
Description: This document describes a standard mapping between the Enterprise JavaBeansTM architecture and the Unified Modeling Language.
27 ,JavaTM Cryptography Extension 1.3
Description: This Specification would have enhanced the JavaTM Cryptography Extension 1.2 and made it exportable.
28 ,Java SASL Specification
Description: This specification defines a SASL client and server API in the JavaTM programming language.
29 ,JAINTM MAP Specification
Description: The JAINTM MAP API Specification includes functionality for messaging and location service. The API may be implemented on different protocols, e.g. ETSI MAP and ANSI 41.
30 ,J2METM Connected, Limited Device Configuration
Description: This specification will define a standard platform configuration of the JavaTM 2 platform, Micro Edition (J2METM) for small, resource-limited, connected devices.
31 ,XML Data Binding Specification
Description: A facility for compiling an XML schema into one or more JavaTM classes which can parse, generate, and validate documents that follow the schema.
32 ,JAINTM SIP API Specification
Description: The JAINTM SIP API specification provides a standard portable interface to share information between SIP Clients and SIP Servers, providing call control elements enabling converged-network applications.
33 ,InfoBus 2.0 Specification
Description: The InfoBus 2.0 Specification and release would have added features to the existing InfoBus 1.2 Specification that capitalize on new features found in the J2SETM Platform.
34 ,JavaTM Advanced Imaging API 1.1
Description: Revision of the JavaTM Advanced Imaging API specification to version 1.1. Java Advanced Imaging supports sophisticated image processing in Java 2.
35 ,JAINTM INAP API Specification
Description: This JSR is to develop the JAINTM (Java APIs for Integrated Networks) INAP (Intelligent Network Application Protocol) specification for Intelligent Network Applications in the Telecommunications Industry.
36 ,Connected Device Configuration
Description: The Connected Device Configuration (CDC) provides the basis of the JavaTM 2 platform, Micro Edition for devices that have a sufficient 32-bit microprocessor and ample memory.
37 ,Mobile Information Device Profile for the J2METM Platform
Description: This specification will define a profile that will extend and enhance the "J2METM Connected, Limited Device Configuration" (JSR-000030), enabling application development for mobile information appliances and voice communication devices.
38 ,Application Installation API Specification
Description: This proposal is to develop a set of Java APIs that will enable cross-platform installation and de-installation of JavaTM applications as well as platform-specific applications.
39 ,JavaTM Servlet and JSP Performance Benchmark
Description: The specification will provide a comprehensive benchmark suite for JavaTM Servlets and JSPTM pages that exercises the key areas that impact performance of these in real life applications.
40 ,The JavaTM Metadata Interface (JMI) Specification
Description: The Java Metadata Interface specification will address the need for a pure Java metadata framework API that supports the creation, storage, retrieval, and interchange of metadata.
41 ,A Simple Assertion Facility
Description: A new keyword allowing programmers to include assertions describing intended program behavior, which can be checked as programs execute to detect bugs.
42 ,Travel Industry Reservation Booking Foundation API Specification
Description: This intended to ease the building of applications for reservation booking in the travel industry that would cross all aspects of travel (air, car, hotel, cruise, and other travel activities).
43 ,JTAPI 1.4 Specification
Description: JTAPI 1.4 extends and enhances the current Java Telephony specification.
44 ,Braille API Specification
Description: This API for Braille lines would have eased use of these devices and allowed faster introduction of new Braille lines in the JavaTM market by writing a driver for Braille.
45 ,Debugging Support for Other Languages
Description: This specification establishes standardized tools for correlating JavaTM virtual machine byte code to source code of languages other than the JavaTM programming language.
46 ,Foundation Profile
Description: The Foundation Profile is a set of APIs meant for applications running on small devices that have some type of network connection.
47 ,Logging API Specification
Description: Define standard logging APIs for the error and trace logging.
48 ,WBEM Services Specification
Description: JavaTM WBEM Services is a set of APIs and reference implementation for WBEM. WBEM is an initiative from the DMTF that unifies systems management and instrumentation.
49 ,Web Based Industrial Monitoring Framework
Description: This JSR is to develop a web based monitoring and data acquisition framework for a industrial automation application. The APIs provides cross vendor inter-bean communication means.
50 ,Distributed Real-Time Specification
Description: The Distributed Real-Time Specification for Java extends RMI in the Real-Time Specification for Java, to provide support for predictability of end-to-end timeliness of trans-node activities.
51 ,New I/O APIs for the JavaTM Platform
Description: APIs for scalable I/O, fast buffered binary and character I/O, regular expressions, charset conversion, and an improved filesystem interface.
52 ,A Standard Tag Library for JavaServer PagesTM
Description: A standard tag library for JSPTM pages.
53 ,JavaTM Servlet 2.3 and JavaServer PagesTM 1.2 Specifications
Description: The next versions of the JavaTM Servlet and JavaServer PagesTM (JSP) specifications.
54 ,JDBCTM 3.0 Specification
Description: The proposed specification will update the JDBCTM specification to reflect changes in the SQL specification and JavaTM platform.
55 ,Certification Path API
Description: The Certification Path API provides a set of provider-based APIs for creating, building, and verifying certification paths (also known as "certificate chains").
56 ,Java Network Launching Protocol and API
Description: A specification of protocols and APIs that will enable JavaTM applications to be deployed on the Web.
57 ,Long-Term Persistence for JavaBeansTM Specification
Description: JSR 57 provides streams to convert graphs of JavaBeansTM architecture to and from version resilient file formats (typically XML documents).
58 ,JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.3 Specification
Description: Defines the JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, version 1.3.
59 ,J2SETM Merlin Release Contents
Description: Define the major features of the J2SETM "Merlin" release (J2SE 1.4).
60 ,Building Automation Java API
Description: The goal is to develop a set of Java APIs for programmable controllers in the building automation industry.
61 ,Phonelets API Specification
Description: Phonelets provide developers with a simple API to package, deploy and run Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) applications in a resource and security controlled environment.
62 ,Personal Profile Specification
Description: The J2METM Personal Profile provides the J2ME environment for those devices with a need for a high degree of Internet connectivity and web fidelity.
63 ,JavaTM API for XML Processing 1.1
Description: The proposed specification will define a set of implementation independent portable APIs supporting XML Processing.
64 ,Financial Services Party Component
Description: This JSR is a proposal to define an Enterprise Java BeanTM (EJBTM) component interface for party information as required by the financial services domain.
65 ,Concise Object-Array Literals
Description: A minor extension to the JavaTM programming language that will support a concise notation for automatically-boxing object-array literals.
66 ,RMI Optional Package Specification Version 1.0
Description: The J2METM RMI Optional Package (RMI OP) provides JavaTM platform to Java platform remote method invocation for Java devices and interoperates with J2SETM RMI.
67 ,JavaTM APIs for XML Messaging 1.0
Description: JAXM provides an API for packaging and transporting business transactions using on-the-wire protocols being defined by ebXML.org, Oasis, W3C and IETF.
68 ,J2METM Platform Specification
Description: This specification will define the next major revision of the JavaTM 2 platform, Micro Edition.
69 ,Java OLAP Interface (JOLAP)
Description: JOLAP is a pure Java API for the J2EETM environment that supports the creation and maintenance of OLAP data and metadata, in a vendor-independent manner.
70 ,IIOP Protocol Adapter for JMXTM Specification
Description: This specification will establish an IIOP based adapter for the JMXTM specification to allow CORBA clients access JMX agents.
71 ,JMX-TMN Specification
Description: JMX-TMN Specification is part of the second phase of the JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) umbrella initiative. It specifies the interoperability between the Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) standards and JMX.
72 ,JavaTM GSS API
Description: This defines a Generic Security Services API (GSS-API) in Java, to provide a layer of abstraction over security mechanisms that perform authentication, message integrity protection, and message privacy protection.
73 ,Data Mining API
Description: This JSR addresses the need for a data mining API aligned with existing, evolving data mining standards efforts.
74 ,Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) 1.0
Description: This JSR is to define a standard set of APIs for a subset of the Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS#1, #5, #7, #8, #9, #10 and #12).
75 ,PDA Optional Packages for the J2METM Platform
Description: This JSR produces two separate optional packages for features commonly found on PDAs and other J2ME mobile devices: one for accessing PIM data and one for accessing file systems.
76 ,RMI Security for J2SETM
Description: Define a high-level API for network security in JavaTM 2 Standard Edition RMI, covering basic security mechanisms: authentication (including delegation), confidentiality, and integrity.
77 ,J2EETM Management
Description: The JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition Management Specification will provide server vendors and tool vendors with a standard model for managing the J2EE Platform.
78 ,RMI Custom Remote References
Description: Provide a general framework in JavaTM 2 Standard Edition RMI for customizing remote invocation behavior.
79 ,JAINTM MEGACO API Specification
Description: This work will specify the JAINTM API through which access to protocol stacks that support the MEGACO/H.248 protocol may be achieved.
80 ,JavaTM USB API
Description: This specification provides a JavaTM API for communicating with devices attached via the Universal Serial Bus (USB). It allows Java applications to discover, read, write, and manage USB devices.
81 ,JAIN H323
Description: H.323 defines a system for moving real-time bi-directional multimedia (video, voice, data, fax, etc.) across packet-based networks.
82 ,JavaTM APIs for Bluetooth
Description: Bluetooth is an important emerging standard for wireless integration of small devices. The specification standardizes a set of Java APIs to allow Java-enabled devices to integrate into a Bluetooth environment.
83 ,Multiarray package
Description: This JSR proposes a package implementing true rectangular multidimensional arrays for the JavaTM platform.
84 ,Floating Point Extensions
Description: This JSR proposes extensions to the JavaTM Programming Language and Java Virtual Machine that support more efficient execution of floating point code.
85 ,Rules-based Authorization and Audit
Description: Define an API for managing and accessing a rules-based authorization and audit trail service.
86 ,Enterprise Media Beans
Description: Enterprise Media Beans provide a framework to integrate rich media data (i.e. audio, video, or image) into applications based on EJBTM Entity Beans within the J2EETM application development model.
87 ,JavaTM Agent Services
Description: This specification defines a set of objects and service interfaces to support the deployment and operation of autonomous communicative agents.
88 ,JavaTM EE Application Deployment
Description: This specification provides a complete description of the APIs required by the J2EE platform to enable development of platform-independent deployment tools.
89 ,OSS Service Activation API
Description: Provide an API that allows telecom management applications to be developed and integrated with Java-enabled Service Activation systems.
90 ,OSS Quality of Service API
Description: Provide an API that allows telecom management applications to be developed and integrated with Java-enabled Quality of Service systems.
91 ,OSS Trouble Ticket API
Description: The OSS Trouble Ticket API will provide interfaces for creating, querying, updating, and deleting trouble tickets (trouble reports).
92 ,Localizable Text
Description: Localizable Text is the infrastructure necessary to translate language-neutral information (in an object) from anywhere in a distributed network.
93 ,JavaTM API for XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR)
Description: JAXR provides an API for a set of distributed Registry Services that enables business-to-business integration between business enterprises, using the protocols being defined by ebXML.org, Oasis, ISO 11179.
94 ,JavaTM Rule Engine API
Description: This specification defines a Java runtime API for rule engines.
95 ,J2EETM Activity Service for Extended Transactions
Description: The Activity Service supports flexible ways of composing an application using transactions, and can enable the application to possess some or all ACID properties.
96 ,JavaTM Daemons
Description: The Java Daemon API supplies a small container framework for developing and deploying independently running services in order to fill the gap caused by different handling on existing native platforms.
97 ,JavaHelpTM 2.0 Specification
Description: A major update to the JavaHelp 1.0 Specification, including enhancements to merging, multi-topic printing, improved secondary window and popup usage, JFC ToolTip HelpSet support, HelpSet presentation controls and additional Navigators.
98 ,JAINTM User Location and Status API
Description: The JAIN User Location and Status 1.0 API is the Java specification of the Parlay Mobility 2.1 API.
99 ,Java Specification Participation Agreement
Description: This is the major revision of the Java Specification Participation Agreement.
100 ,JAINTM Service Creation Environment
Description: JAINTM SCE will support and simplify the creation of portable telecommunication services delivered primarily to the JAINTM Service Logic Execution Environment, while not restricted to this class of Execution Environments.
101 ,JavaTM APIs for XML based RPC
Description: Java APIs to support emerging industry XML based RPC standards.
102 ,JDOM 1.0
Description: JDOM is a way to represent an XML document for easy and efficient reading, manipulation, and writing.
103 ,JAINTM User Interaction API
Description: This was intended to allow software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider-type applications using abstract primitives that hide the heterogeneity of underlying networks.
104 ,XML Trust Service APIs
Description: This defines a standard set of APIs and a protocol for a "Trust Service", minimizing the complexity of applications using XML Signature.
105 ,XML Digital Signature APIs
Description: This defines and incorporates a standard set of high-level implementation-independent APIs for XML digital signatures services. The XML Digital Signature specification is defined by the W3C.
106 ,XML Digital Encryption APIs
Description: This JSR is to define a standard set of APIs for XML digital encryption services. This proposal is to define and incorporate the high level implementation independent Java APIs.
107 ,JCACHE - Java Temporary Caching API
Description: Specifies API and semantics for temporary, in memory caching of Java objects, including object creation, shared access, spooling, invalidation, and consistency across JVM's.
108 ,Units Specification
Description: The JavaTM units package supports programatic unit handling via an abstract Unit class, run-time checking and conversion, unit arithmetic, unit parsing and formatting, and a units database.
109 ,Implementing Enterprise Web Services
Description: This specification defines the programming model and runtime architecture for implementing web services in Java.
110 ,JavaTM APIs for WSDL
Description: JWSDL provides a standard set of Java APIs for representing, manipulating, reading and writing WSDL (Web Services Description Language) documents, including an extension mechanism for WSDL extensibility.
111 ,JavaTM Services Framework
Description: Provide a specification that clearly defines the lifecycle, configuration, and management of software application services. The specification will provide a standard mechanism for assembling service components into Java server applications.
112 ,J2EETM Connector Architecture 1.5
Description: The J2EE(TM) Connector Architecture 1/5 extends the existing 1.0 specification with new features including asynchronous integration with enterprise information systems, Java Message Service (JMS) provider pluggability.
113 ,JavaTM Speech API 2.0
Description: This JSR extends the work of the 1.0 JavaTM Speech API, specifying a cross-platform interface to support speech recognizers and synthesizers.
114 ,JDBC Rowset Implementations
Description: JavaTM API providing implementations of the JDBC Rowset interface.
115 ,JavaTM Authorization Contract for Containers
Description: This JSR seeks to define a contract between containers and authorization service providers that will result in the implementation of providers for use by containers.
116 ,SIP Servlet API
Description: The SIP Servlet API defines a high-level extension API for SIP servers. It enables SIP applications to be deployed and managed based on the servlet model.
117 ,J2EETM APIs for Continuous Availability
Description: This specification defines the programming model and runtime support for implementing J2EE applications requiring continuous availability.
118 ,Mobile Information Device Profile 2.0
Description: This specification will define a profile that will extend and enhance the "J2METM Mobile Information Device Profile" (JSR-000037).
119 ,JAINTM SPA Integrity Management and Event Notification API
Description: The API was intended to allow software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider-type applications to maintain service intergrity and receive generic service-related events.
120 ,Wireless Messaging API
Description: This defines a set of optional APIs which provides standard access to wireless communication resources, designed to run on J2ME configurations and to enhance J2ME profiles with unique functionality.
121 ,Application Isolation API Specification
Description: An API for initiating and controlling computations isolated from each other to varying degrees. Some API semantics are similar to those of ThreadGroup.
Description: This develops the JavaTM Coordination and Transaction (JCAT) specification, which perceives Java Call Control (JCC) as its core package and extends it with concepts to model and control terminal capabilities.
123 ,JAINTM Presence and Availability Management (PAM) API
Description: JAINTM SPA Presence and Availability Management API will provide Java APIs to disseminate and manage presence information securely across heterogeneous networks and applications.
124 ,J2EETM Client Provisioning Specification
Description: This JSR aims to define Java standard which partitions server applications that provision client applications.
125 ,JAINTM SIP Lite
Description: The JAINTM SIP Lite API defines a high level API to the SIP stack to allow for the rapid development of applications.
126 ,Distributed Page Assembly
Description: This specification defines a standard application model and architecture for distributed page assembly within the J2EE framework.
127 ,JavaServer Faces
Description: This specification defines an architecture and APIs which simplify the creation and maintenance of Java Server application GUIs.
128 ,JESI - JSP Tag Library for Edge Side Includes (ESI)
Description: The JESI tag library facilitates the use of Edge Side Include (ESI) in-markup language within JSP applications. JESI tags simplify the declaration of cacheable dynamic fragments, content invalidation and personalization.
129 ,Personal Basis Profile Specification
Description: The J2METM Personal Basis Profile provides a J2ME application environment for network-connected devices supporting a basic level of graphical presentation.
130 ,OSS Billing Mediation API
Description: Provide an API via the OSS through Java initiative that allows telecom network management applications to be developed and integrated with Java-enabled IP Billing systems.
131 ,ECPerf 1.1
Description: ECperf 1.1 is a maintenance release of ECperf 1.0. The ECperf 1.1 Expert Group will also be responsible for evaluating and accepting ECperf 1.0 results submitted.
132 ,JAINTM OAM API Specification v2.0
Description: This would have developed the JAINTM Operations, Administration, and Maintenance API v2.0 Specification, which defines a standard Interface for provisioning and managing various protocol interfaces, switching platforms, and applications servers.
133 ,JavaTM Memory Model and Thread Specification Revision
Description: The proposed specification describes the semantics of threads, locks, volatile variables and data races. This includes what has been referred to as the Java memory model.
134 ,JavaTM Game Profile
Description: Defines a Java 2 Micro Edition Profile for the purposes of game development targeting high-end consumer game devices and desktops.
135 ,Mobile Media API
Description: This specifies a small-footprint multimedia API for J2METM, allowing simple, easy access and control of basic audio and multimedia resources while also addressing scalability and support of more sophisticated features.
136 ,JavaTM Technology for Service Providers
Description: This would have correlated JSRs targeted at next-generation service providers, documented how these JSRs fit together within end-to-end service provider networks, and introduced developers to emerging service provider network-targeted APIs.
137 ,JAINTM 3G MAP Specification
Description: This JSR is to develop the JAINTM 3G MAP APIs which will enable mobile applications in the 3G domain to talk to each other.
138 ,Performance Metric Instrumentation
Description: Specifies standard APIs for performance metric instrumentation of Java programs.
139 ,Connected Limited Device Configuration 1.1
Description: This specification will define a revised version of the J2METM Connected, Limited Device Configuration (CLDC).
140 ,Service Location Protocol (SLP) API for Java
Description: This JSR is to standardize the Service Location Protocol Application Programmer Interface for Java as described in RFC 2614.
141 ,SDP API
Description: The IETF protocol SDP specifies messages that describe multi-media sessions and are included within other protocol messages as payload. The API will enable users to manipulate SDP messages.
142 ,OSS Inventory API
Description: The OSS Inventory API defines J2EE based interfaces between inventory repositories and other OSS components.
143 ,JavaDesk
Description: JavaDesk provides a standard desktop API across platforms using an MVC model. Applications can control and enhance the desktop using the JavaDesk API.
144 ,OSS Common API
Description: This JSR specifies the set of APIs which are common across the OSS through Java JSRs. This provides consistency by reducing duplication of common interfaces and classes among these JSRs.
145 ,JAINTM SPA Common API
Description: This JSR will specify the set of APIs common across the JAIN SPA JSRs. This will provide consistency by reducing duplication of common interfaces and classes among these JSRs.
146 ,WBEM Services: JMX Provider Protocol Adapter
Description: JSR-048 defines WBEM support for Java. This specification would have defined how JMX instrumentation mapped to CIM and the definition of a JMX Provider Protocol Adapter for WBEM Services.
147 ,Workspace Versioning and Configuration Management
Description: Workspace Versioning and Configuration Management provides client support for creating and manipulating sets of version-controlled files and web resources.
148 ,3D Media Utilities
Description: The 3D Media Utilities API specifies classes and interfaces for 3D vector operations and volumetric imaging.
149 ,Work Area Service for J2EE
Description: The Work Area Service allows J2EE developers to set properties as application context that is implicitly attached to and made available anywhere during the processing of remote requests.
150 ,Internationalization Service for J2EE
Description: The Internationalization Service enables distributed localization within Enterprise Java applications by transparently propagating and managing localization information within relevant J2EE application components.
151 ,JavaTM 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.4 (J2EE 1.4) Specification
Description: This JSR is to develop J2EE 1.4, the next release of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition.
152 ,JavaServer PagesTM 2.0 Specification
Description: Next revision of the JavaServer PagesTM specification.
153 ,Enterprise JavaBeansTM 2.1
Description: The Enterprise JavaBeans 2.1 specification adds to the EJB architecture support for web services, extensions to message-driven beans, enhancements to EJB QL, and a container-managed timer service.
154 ,JavaTM Servlet 2.4 Specification
Description: This specification will build on servlet specification version 2.3 by enhancing existing features and adding new facilities of a reasonably small nature.
155 ,Web Services Security Assertions
Description: To provide a set of APIs, exchange patterns & implementation to securely (integrity and confidentiality) exchange assertions between web services based on OASIS SAML.
156 ,Java API for XML Transactions
Description: JAXTX provides an API for packaging and transporting ACID transactions (as in JTA) and extended transactions (e.g., the BTP from OASIS) using the protocols being defined by OASIS, W3C.
157 ,ebXML CPP/A APIs for Java
Description: This JSR is to provide a standard set of APIs for representing and manipulating Collaboration Profile and Agreement information described by ebXML CPP/A (Collaboration Protocol Profile/Agreement)documents.
158 ,JavaTM Stream Assembly
Description: TheJavaTM Stream Assembly API specifies classes and interfaces for the creation, management, and processing of broadcast and interactive stream multiplexes.
159 ,JavaTM Process Component API (JPC)
Description: JPC would have defined a loosely coupled, event based process component model that would simplify the development of composable, customizable services.
160 ,JavaTM Management Extensions (JMX) Remote API
Description: This API extends the JMX 1.2 API to provide remote access to JMX MBean servers.
161 ,JAINTM ENUM API Specification
Description: The JAINTM ENUM API Specification defines a standard, portable application programming interface to query and provision E.164 telephone numbers and their service-specific Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI).
162 ,Portlet API
Description: The Portlet API specification defines an API for components being aggregated in web applications like portals. It includes portlets, portlet container behavior, portlet windows, events, persistent storage and portlet services.
163 ,JavaTM Platform Profiling Architecture
Description: A mechanism and APIs for extracting time and space profiling information from a running JavaTM virtual machine.
164 ,SIMPLE Presence
Description: SIMPLE Presence provides a standard portable and secure interface to manipulate presence information between a SIMPLE client (watcher) and a presence server (presence agent).
165 ,SIMPLE Instant Messaging
Description: SIMPLE Instant Messaging provides a standard portable and secure interface to exchange messages between SIMPLE clients. SIMPLE is an extension of SIP to support presence and instant messaging.
166 ,Concurrency Utilities
Description: The JSR proposes a set of medium-level utilities that provide functionality commonly needed in concurrent programs.
167 ,JavaTM Portlet Specification
Description: This specification would have defined a set of APIs for Portal computing addressing the areas of aggregation, personalization, presentation and security.
168 ,Portlet Specification
Description: To enable interoperability between Portlets and Portals, this specification will define a set of APIs for Portal computing addressing the areas of aggregation, personalization, presentation and security.
169 ,JDBC Optional Package for CDC/Foundation Profile
Description: The proposed specification will define a JDBC Optional Package for Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), Connected Device Configuration (CDC) Foundation Profile.
170 ,Content Repository for JavaTM technology API
Description: Specifies a standard API to access content repositories in JavaTM 2 independently of implementation.
171 ,Java Community ProcessSM (JCP) Program, version 2.5
Description: This JSR defined JCP version 2.5. Its overriding goal was to ensure that the Process document was in sync with the JSPA 2 created by JSR 99.
172 ,J2METM Web Services Specification
Description: The purpose of this specification is to define an optional package that provides standard access from J2ME to web services.
173 ,Streaming API for XML
Description: The Streaming API for XML (StAX) is a Java based API for pull-parsing XML.
174 ,Monitoring and Management Specification for the JavaTM Virtual Machine
Description: A specification for APIs for monitoring and management of the JavaTM virtual machine.
175 ,A Metadata Facility for the JavaTM Programming Language
Description: A metadata facility for the JavaTM Programming Language would allow classes, interfaces, fields, and methods to be marked as having particular attributes.
176 ,J2SETM 5.0 (Tiger) Release Contents
Description: Define the major features of the J2SETM "Tiger" release (J2SE 5.0).
177 ,Security and Trust Services API for J2METM
Description: This specification will provide J2ME applications with APIs for security and trust services through the integration of a Security Element.
178 ,Mobile Game API
Description: Defines an optional package that will facilitate the emergence of the market for the development of compelling games on mobile phones. The API shall work with MIDP1.0.
179 ,Location API for J2METM
Description: An Optional Package that enables developers to write mobile location-based applications for resource-limited devices. The API works on the J2ME CLDC v1.1 and CDC configurations.
180 ,SIP API for J2METM
Description: SIP API for J2ME defines a multipurpose SIP API for J2ME clients. It enables SIP applications to be executed in memory limited terminals, especially targeting to mobile phones.
181 ,Web Services Metadata for the JavaTM Platform
Description: This JSR defines an annotated JavaTM format that that uses JavaTM Language Metadata (JSR 175) to enable easy definition of Java Web Services in a J2EE container.
182 ,JPay - Payment API for the JavaTM Platform
Description: This JSR requests the creation of the Payment API for the Java Platform (JPay) specification. The JPay API will support payments in an open, Web-like environment.
183 ,Web Services Message Security APIs
Description: This JSR is to define a standard set of APIs for Web services message security. The goal of this JSR is to enable applications to construct secure SOAP message exchanges.
184 ,Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2METM
Description: This proposed JSR will provide a scalable, small-footprint, interactive 3D API for use on mobile devices.
185 ,JavaTM Technology for the Wireless Industry
Description: This JSR will provide an overall architectural description as well as an integrated TCK and RI to coordinate selected JCP efforts for the wireless industry.
186 ,Presence
Description: Presence is a generic and protocol-agnostic API for Presence, providing a standard portable and secure interface to control, manage and manipulate Presence information between Presence clients and servers.
187 ,Instant Messaging
Description: A protocol-agnostic API for Instant Messaging, this provides a standard portable and secure interface to control, manage and manipulate instant messages between clients through the use of presence servers.
188 ,CC/PP Processing
Description: To enable interoperability between web servers and access mechanisms, and to facilitate development of device independent web applications, this specification will define a set of APIs for processing CC/PP information.
189 ,JavaTM 3D API 1.4
Description: This JSR will add new large scale funtionality to Java 3D. Possible technologies for inclusion include programmable shading and advanced rendering techniques.
190 ,Event Tracking API for J2ME
Description: This defines an optional code package that standardizes application event tracking on a mobile device and the submission of these event records to an event-tracking server via a standard protocol.
Description: The API was intended to allow software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider type applications to interact with the GCCS Service.
192 ,JAINTM Service Creation Environment - JavaTM PART
Description: This is the specification for the JavaTM API to support and simplify the creation of portable telecommunication services delivered primarily to the JAINTM Service Logic Execution Environment (JAINTM SLEE).
193 ,Client Side Container (CSC)
Description: This would have described a client-side container architecture, providing common client infrastructure, for developing API-neutral clients (Swing, AWT, Command Line). The access to J2EE-components would be fully abstracted and encapsulated.
Description: This was intended to allow software developers to rapidly develop external Service Provider-type applications to interrogate the location and status of a user's mobile device.
195 ,Information Module Profile
Description: This JSR will define a J2ME profile targeting embedded networked devices that wish to support a Java runtime environment, but that do not have graphical display capabilities.
196 ,JavaTM Authentication Service Provider Interface for Containers
Description: This JSR seeks to define a standard interface by which authentication modules may be integrated with containers and such that these modules may establish the authentication identities used by containers.
197 ,Generic Connection Framework Optional Package for the J2SE Platform
Description: The Generic Connection Framework (GCF) Optional Package for J2SE will permit applications that rely on the GCF in J2ME to migrate to J2SE.
198 ,A Standard Extension API for Integrated Development Environments
Description: JSR 198 has the goal of defining a standard IDE API that allows developers to implement IDE plugins once and have them run with any IDE supporting the specification.
199 ,JavaTM Compiler API
Description: A service provider API that allows a Java program to select and invoke a Java Language Compiler programmatically.
200 ,Network Transfer Format for JavaTM Archives.
Description: This JSR will define a dense download format for JavaTM classfiles. It is expected that this format can achieve considerable size savings over compressed JAR files.
201 ,Extending the JavaTM Programming Language with Enumerations, Autoboxing, Enhanced for loops and Static Import
Description: This JSR proposes four new JavaTM programming language features: enumerations, autoboxing, enhanced for loops and static import.
202 ,JavaTM Class File Specification Update
Description: This JSR will make incremental updates to the JavaTM class file format. This will principally consist of increasing certain class file size limits and adding support for split verification.
203 ,More New I/O APIs for the JavaTM Platform ("NIO.2")
Description: APIs for filesystem access, scalable asynchronous I/O operations, socket-channel binding and configuration, and multicast datagrams.
204 ,Unicode Supplementary Character Support
Description: The proposed specification will define a mechanism to support Supplementary Characters as defined in the Unicode 3.1 specification.
205 ,Wireless Messaging API 2.0
Description: This JSR will extend and enhance the "Wireless Messaging API" (JSR-000120)
206 ,JavaTM API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.3
Description: JAXP 1.3 is the next version of JAXP, an implementation independent portable API for processing XML with JavaTM.
207 ,Process Definition for JavaTM
Description: Definition of an annotated Java syntax and APIs for programming business processes in Java.
208 ,JavaTM Business Integration (JBI)
Description: This JSR extends J2EETM and J2SETM with business integration SPIs.
209 ,Advanced Graphics and User Interface Optional Package for the J2METM Platform
Description: The Advanced Graphics and User Interface (AGUI) Optional Package will migrate the core APIs for advanced graphics and user interface facilities from the J2SE platform to the J2ME platform.
210 ,OSS Service Quality Management API
Description: Provide an API via the OSS through Java initiative that allows telecom management applications to be developed and integrated with Java-enabled Service Quality Management Systems.
211 ,Content Handler API
Description: Enabling J2METM applications to handle multi-media and web content can give developers and users a seamless and integrated user environment on mobile phones and wireless devices.
212 ,Server API for Mobile Services: Messaging - SAMS: Messaging
Description: This specification defines a protocol agnostic messaging API for composing, sending and receiving short messages and multimedia messages. The API shall work on the J2SE and J2EE.
213 ,Micro WSCI Framework for J2ME.
Description: Effort to define another layer of the J2ME Web Service stack, implementing the 'observable' behavior of a choreographed Web Service on the Device, relative to the message exchange requiring support.
214 ,Micro BPSS for J2ME Devices.
Description: This JSR is to provide a standard set of APIs for J2ME Devices for representing and manipulating Collaboration Profile and Agreement information described by ebXML CPP/A (Collaboration Protocol Profile/Agreement) documents.
215 ,Java Community ProcessSM version 2.6
Description: This JSR will update the JCP Process document to make the process more transparent and efficient.
216 ,Personal Profile 1.1
Description: This JSR will update the existing Personal Profile (JSR-62) specification to reflect the J2SETM 1.4 APIs).
217 ,Personal Basis Profile 1.1
Description: This JSR will update the existing Personal Basis Profile (JSR-129) specification to reflect the J2SETM 1.4 APIs.
218 ,Connected Device Configuration (CDC) 1.1
Description: This JSR defines a revision to the J2ME CDC specification. This JSR provides updates (based on J2SE, v1.4) to the existing core, non-graphical Java APIs for small electronic devices.
219 ,Foundation Profile 1.1
Description: This JSR defines a revision to the J2ME Foundation Profile. This JSR provides updates (based on J2SE, v1.4) to the existing core, non-graphical Java APIs for small electronic devices.
220 ,Enterprise JavaBeansTM 3.0
Description: The purpose of Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 is to improve the EJB architecture by reducing its complexity from the developer's point of view.
221 ,JDBCTM 4.0 API Specification
Description: This specification seeks to improve Java application access to SQL data stores by the provision of ease-of-development focused features and improvements at both the utility and API level.
222 ,JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0
Description: JAXB 2.0 is the next version of JAXB, The JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding. This JSR proposes additional functionality while retaining ease of development as a key goal.
223 ,Scripting for the JavaTM Platform
Description: The specification will describe mechanisms allowing scripting language programs to access information developed in the Java Platform and allowing scripting language pages to be used in Java Server-side Applications.
224 ,JavaTM API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0
Description: The JAX-WS 2.0 specification is the next generation web services API replacing JAX-RPC 1.0.
225 ,XQuery API for JavaTM (XQJ)
Description: Develop a common API that allows an application to submit queries conforming to the W3C XQuery 1.0 specification and to process the results of such queries.
226 ,Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API for J2METM
Description: This specification will define an optional package API for rendering scalable 2D vector graphics, including image files in W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format.
227 ,A Standard Data Binding & Data Access Facility for J2EETM
Description: An API and associated metadata format for declaratively binding and accessing data in J2EETM applications.
228 ,Information Module Profile - Next Generation (IMP-NG)
Description: This specification will define a profile that will extend and enhance the "J2METM Information Module Profile" (JSR-195).
229 ,Payment API
Description: Enabling application developers to initiate mobile payment transactions in J2METM applications.
230 ,Data Sync API
Description: Enabling J2METM applications to access native data synchronization implementation
231 ,JavaTM Binding for the OpenGL? API
Description: Java bindings to the OpenGL native 3D graphics library.
232 ,Mobile Operational Management
Description: Create a predictable management environment for mobile devices capable of installing, executing, profiling, updating, and removing JavaTM and associated native components in the J2METM Connected Device Configuration.
233 ,J2EE Mobile Device Management and Monitoring Specification
Description: This JSR defines an extension of the J2EE platform for the purposes of remotely monitoring and managing the software on mobile devices.
234 ,Advanced Multimedia Supplements
Description: This specification will define an optional package for advanced multimedia functionality which is targeted to run as an supplement in connection with MMAPI (JSR-135) in J2ME/CLDC environment.
235 ,Service Data Objects
Description: Defines core infrastructure APIs for heterogeneous data access that supports common application design patterns and supports higher-level tools and frameworks.
236 ,Concurrency Utilities for JavaTM EE
Description: Concurrency Utilities for Java EE provides a simple, standardized API for using concurrency from application components without compromising container integrity while still preserving the Java EE platform's fundamental benefits.
237 ,Work Manager for Application Servers
Description: A work manager API providing for execution of concurrent work items within managed environments.
238 ,Mobile Internationalization API
Description: This JSR defines an API that provides culturally correct data formatting, sorting of text strings and application resource processing for J2ME MIDlets running in MIDP over CLDC.
239 ,JavaTM Binding for the OpenGL? ES API
Description: JavaTM bindings to the OpenGL ES (Embedded Subset) native 3D graphics library.
Description: This JSR is a logical extension to address gaps in JSLEE v1.0 specification. The central area of focus is to specify the Resource Adaptor Architecture API and semantics.
241 ,The Groovy Programming Language
Description: Groovy is an agile, dynamic programming language for the Java Virtual Machine. Groovy includes features found in Python, Ruby, and Smalltalk, but uses syntax similar to the Java programming language.
242 ,Digital Set Top Box Profile - "On Ramp to OCAP"
Description: The requested specification will define a J2ME profile based on the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) that is appropriate for use by small-footprint cable television set top boxes.
243 ,JavaTM Data Objects 2.0 - An Extension to the JDO specification
Description: The high level objectives are to make JDO easier to use, closely align JDO with J2EE, standardize JDO's database support, and broaden the scope of JDO.
244 ,JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5) Specification
Description: This JSR is to develop Java EE 5, the next release of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, targeted to ship in the second quarter of 2006.
245 ,JavaServerTM Pages 2.1
Description: This is the next revision of the JavaServerTM Pages specification. The purpose of JSP 2.1 is to improve alignment with JavaServerTM Faces (JSF) and enhance ease of development.
246 ,Device Management API
Description: Enabling J2METM applications to access device management implementations
247 ,Data Mining 2.0
Description: JDM 2.0 will address requested features deferred from JDM 1.0, which focused on the data mining framework and a select number of mining functions and algorithms.
248 ,Mobile Service Architecture
Description: This JSR creates a mobile service architecture and platform definition for the high volume wireless handsets continuing the work started in JSR-185 and enhancing the definition with new technologies.
249 ,Mobile Service Architecture 2
Description: This JSR defines the next generation of the Mobile Service Architecture and platform created in JSR 248.
250 ,Common Annotations for the JavaTM Platform
Description: This JSR will develop annotations for common semantic concepts in the J2SE and J2EE platforms that apply across a variety of individual technologies.
251 ,Pricing API
Description: Standard for defining and using complex pricing data and business rules, enabling integration, allowing business differentiating extensions. Addresses usage-based business model needs, for communications and entertainment industries and utilities.
252 ,JavaServer Faces 1.2
Description: This JSR is an update to the 1.1 version of the JavaServer Faces specification. Its scope goes beyond a JCP maintenance release, but is short of a new feature release.
253 ,Mobile Telephony API (MTA)
Description: This JSR creates a mobile telephony API and platform definition which utilizes common telephony features and is small and simple to suite to high volume devices with limited resources.
254 ,OSS Discovery API
Description: Provide an API that allows network discovery applications to be developed and integrated with other OSS/J enabled applications.

255 ,JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) Specification, version 2.0
Description: This JSR updates the JMX and JMX Remote APIs for version 6.0 of the Java(TM) Platform, Standard Edition. It will improve usability of existing features and add new functionality.
256 ,Mobile Sensor API
Description: The API provides general Sensor API that extends the usability and choice of sensors for J2ME applications. It defines generic sensor functionality optimized for the resource-constrained devices like mobile devices.
257 ,Contactless Communication API
Description: This specification will define J2ME Optional Packages for contactless communication, one package for bi-directional communication and the other for accessing read-only information.
258 ,Mobile User Interface Customization API
Description: The Mobile User Interface Customization API provides a way to query and modify the user interface customization properties of a mobile device or platform.
259 ,Ad Hoc Networking API
Description: The purpose of this JSR is to define an API that enables communication between mobile devices in a peer-to-peer ad-hoc network environment.
260 ,JavadocTM Tag Technology Update
Description: Defines new tags and generated Javadoc document representation aimed to increase readability, information richness, and make the Javadoc more approachable to developers learning and using the APIs.
261 ,JavaTM API for XML Web Services Addressing (JAX-WSA)
Description: The Java API for XML Web Services Addressing (JAX-WSA) 1.0 specification will define APIs and a framework for supporting transport-neutral addressing of Web services.
262 ,Web Services Connector for Java Management Extensions (JMX) Agents
Description: Defines a connector for the JMX Remote API that uses Web Services to make JMX instrumentation available remotely. Clients do not have to be Java applications, but can be.
263 ,Fault Management API
Description: The Fault Management API provides for the monitoring and management of alarms within an information or a telecommunications network.
264 ,Order Management API
Description: This JSR defines an interface to an Order Management component, with specific extensions for activation and work order management use-cases.
265 ,API for Utilizing Web Services Policy
Description: This specification aims to standardize a basic framework in Java for utilizing the Web services constraints and capabilities.
266 ,Unified Message Box Access API (UMBA-API)
Description: The purpose of this JSR is to define an API to access and manage the message boxes of the mobile device and their content.
267 ,JSP Tag Library for Web Services
Description: JSPTM Tag Library for accessing Web Services
268 ,JavaTM Smart Card I/O API
Description: APIs for APDU based communication with Smart Cards
269 ,Pluggable Annotation Processing API
Description: Provide an API to allow the processing of JSR 175 annotations (metadata); this will require modeling elements of the Java(TM) programming language as well as processing-specific functionality.
270 ,JavaTM SE 6 Release Contents
Description: The Umbrella JSR for the JavaTM SE 6 release.
271 ,Mobile Information Device Profile 3
Description: This JSR will specify the 3rd generation Mobile Information Device Profile, expanding upon the functionality in all areas as well as improving interoperability across devices.
272 ,Mobile Broadcast Service API for Handheld Terminals
Description: This specification will define an optional package in J2ME/MIDP/CLDC environment to provide functionality to handle broadcast content, e.g. to view digital television and to utilize its rich features and services.
273 ,Design-Time API for JavaBeansTM JBDT
Description: This JSR extends the JavaBeans specification and APIs to improve design-time functionality for component authors to leverage within the visual design environments in IDEs.
274 ,The BeanShell Scripting Language
Description: This specification will standardize BeanShell, a Java syntax compatible scripting language for the Java platform.
275 ,Units Specification
Description: This JSR specifies Java packages for modeling and working with standard measures known as units.
276 ,Design-Time Metadata for JavaServerTM Faces Components
Description: Defines a standard mechanism for associating design-time information with JavaServerTM Faces components.
277 ,JavaTM Module System
Description: The specification defines a distribution format and a repository for collections of Java code and related resources. It also defines the discovery, loading, and integrity mechanisms at runtime.
278 ,Resource Management API for JavaTM ME
Description: RM API will provide a simple interface for resource reclamation, accounting, and monitoring in a Java ME platform that requires resource management for multiple applications.
279 ,Service Connection API for JavaTM ME
Description: A new high-level API for connection services via frameworks supporting identity based services, discovery, and authentication. The API supports Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and other similar network service application models.
280 ,XML API for JavaTM ME
Description: This JSR provides a common general purpose XML API for the next generation of mobile devices.
281 ,IMS Services API
Description: This JSR provides a high-level API to access IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) services. This API hides IMS technology details and exposes service-level support to enable easy development of IMS applications.
282 ,RTSJ version 1.1
Description: Fill some minor gaps in the RTSJ
283 ,Content Repository for JavaTM Technology API Version 2.0
Description: As the version 2.0 of the Content Repository for Java Technology API, the aim is to further expand and refine the specification based on feedback from the community.
284 ,Resource Consumption Management API
Description: The API will allow for partitioning resources (constraints, reservations) among Java applications and for querying about resource availability (notifications). It will also provide means of exposing various kinds of resources.
285 ,Performance Management API
Description: The Performance Management API provides for the monitoring and management of the performance of an information or telecommunications network.
286 ,Portlet Specification 2.0
Description: Version 2.0 of the Portlet Specification plans to align with J2EE 1.4, integrate other new JSRs relevant for the portlet, and align with the WSRP specification V 2.0.
287 ,Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API 2.0 for Java METM
Description: This specification will define an optional package for rendering enhanced 2D vector graphics and rich media content based on select features from SVG Mobile 1.2, with primary emphasis on MIDP.
288 ,Adaptive JavaTM ME System API
Description: This specification will define a mechanism that enables a systems developer to include multiple Configurations and Profiles on a single device, using one set of developed components.
289 ,SIP Servlet v1.1
Description: This specification is an enhancement to the SIPServlet specification. The central focus of this JSR is to enhance the existing SIPServlet specification with new requirements determined by the industry.
290 ,JavaTM Language & XML User Interface Markup Integration
Description: This JSR enables creation of Java ME applications which combine Web UI markup technologies with Java code. The intent is to leverage the W3C Compound Document Format (CDF) specification.




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    JSR(Java Specification Requests)是Java社区进程(JCP,Java Community Process)的一部分,用于提出和定义新的Java技术规范。JSR168和JSR268是两个与Java Portal技术相关的标准,它们主要涉及如何创建和管理可...


    JSR268 规范详解 JSR268 是 Java Portlet Specification 的第二个版本,旨在提供更加强大和灵活的 Portlet 开发体验。该规范的出现是为了解决 JSR168 的一些限制和问题,例如仅支持基本用例、功能上有一些限制等。 ...


    **JSR 173 API**,全称为Java Specification Request 173,是Java社区进程(Java Community Process)发布的一个标准,旨在为Java平台引入标准化的可扩展性框架,以便处理XML流数据。该API的主要目标是为Java开发者...

    23 Spring Core参数校验之JSR303_JSR-349注解-慕课专栏1

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    赠送jar包:jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar; 赠送原API文档:jsr311-api-1.1.1-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jsr311-api-1.1.1-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jsr311-api-1.1.1.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:jsr311-api...

    portlet 规范和API(jsr 168/286)

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    赠送jar包:jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.11.4.jar; 赠送原API文档:jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.11.4-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.11.4-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jackson-...


    jsr305.jar jsr305.jar jsr305.jar


    赠送jar包:jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.12.5.jar; 赠送原API文档:jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.12.5-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jackson-datatype-jsr310-2.12.5-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jackson-...




    赠送jar包:jsr305-3.0.2.jar; 赠送原API文档:jsr305-3.0.2-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:jsr305-3.0.2-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:jsr305-3.0.2.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:jsr305-3.0.2-javadoc-API...


    赠送jar包:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final.jar; 赠送原API文档:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:undertow-websockets-jsr-2.1.7.Final-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息...


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