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出自XUnit Test Patterns ,有喜欢对测试机制,进行理论研究的可以自助
How It Works
We design each test to have four distinct phases that are executed in sequence. The four parts are fixture setup, exercise SUT, result verification and fixture teardown.
* In the first phase, we set up the test fixture (the "before" picture) that is required for the SUT to exhibit the expected behavior as well as anything you need to put in place to be able to observe the actual outcome (such as using a Test Double (page X).)
* In the second phase, we interact with the SUT.
* In the third phase, we do whatever is necessary to determine whether the expected outcome has been obtained.
* In the fourth phase, we tear down the test fixture to put the world back into the state in which you found it.
Why We Do This
It is important for the test reader to be able to quickly determine what behavior the test is verifying. It can be very confusing when various behaviors of the system under test (SUT) are being invoked, some to set up the pre-test state (fixture) of the SUT, others to exercise the SUT and yet others to verify the post-test state of the SUT. Clearly identifying the four phases makes the intent of the test much easier to see.
The fixture setup phase of the test establishes the prior state of the test which is an important input to the test. The exercise SUT phase is where we actually cause the software we are testing to run. hen reading the test, it is important to be able to see what software is being run. The result verification phase of the test is where we specify the expected outcome. The final phase, fixture teardown, is all about housekeeping. We wouldn't want to obscure the important test logic with it because it is completely irrelevant from a Tests as Documentation (see Goals of Test Automation on page X) perspective.
We should avoid the temptation to test as much functionality as possible in a single Test Method (page X) because that can result in Obscure Tests (page X). In fact, it is preferable to have many small Single Condition Tests (see Principles of Test Automation on page X). Using comments to mark the phases of a Four-Phase Test is a good source of self-discipline in that it makes it very obvious when our tests are not Single Condition Tests. It will be self-evident if we have multiple exercise SUT phases separated by result verification phases or we have interspersed fixture setup and exercise SUT phases. Sure, the tests may work but they will provide less Defect Localization (see Goals of Test Automation) than if we have a bunch of independent Single Condition Tests.
Implementation Notes
We have several options for implementing the Four-Phase Test. In the simplest case, each test is completely free-standing. It does all four phases of the test within the body of the Test Method. This implies we are using Inline Setup (page X) and either Garbage-Collected Teardown (page X) or Inline Teardown (page X). This is the most appropriate choice when we are using Testcase Class per Class (page X) or Testcase Class per Feature (page X) to organize our Test Methods. In some cases it may be advantageous to set up common parts of the fixture using Implicit Setup (page X) and do the remaining setup within the Test Method.
The other choice is to take advantage of the Test Automation Framework's (page X) support for Implicit Setup and Implicit Teardown (page X). We factor out the common fixture setup and fixture teardown logic into setUp and tearDown methods on the Testcase Class (page X). This leaves only the exercise SUT and result verification phases in the Test Method. This approach is appropriate choice when we are using Testcase Class per Fixture (page X).
Example: Four Phase Test (Inline)
Here is an example of a test that is clearly a Four-Phase Test:
public void testGetFlightsByOriginAirport_NoFlights_inline() throws Exception { // Fixture setup NonTxFlightMngtFacade facade =new NonTxFlightMngtFacade(); BigDecimal airportId = facade.createTestAirport("1OF"); try { // Exercise System List flightsAtDestination1 = facade.getFlightsByOriginAirport(airportId); // Verify Outcome assertEquals( 0, flightsAtDestination1.size() ); } finally { // Fixture teardown facade.removeAirport( airportId ); } }
Example FourPhaseTestInline embedded from java/com/clrstream/ex6/services/test/FourPhaseTest.java
All four phases of the Four-Phase Test are included inline. Because the calls to Assertion Methods (page X) raise exceptions, we need to surround the fixture teardown part of the Test Method with a try/finally construct to ensure that is is run in all cases.
Example: Four Phase Test (Implicit SetUp/TearDown)
Here is the same Four-Phase Test with the fixture setup and fixture teardown logic moved out of the Test Method:
NonTxFlightMngtFacade facade = new NonTxFlightMngtFacade(); private BigDecimal airportId; protected void setUp() throws Exception { // Fixture setup super.setUp(); airportId = facade.createTestAirport("1OF"); } public void testGetFlightsByOriginAirport_NoFlights_implicit() throws Exception { // Exercise SUT List flightsAtDestination1 = facade.getFlightsByOriginAirport(airportId); // Verify Outcome assertEquals( 0, flightsAtDestination1.size() ); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { // Fixture teardown facade.removeAirport(airportId); super.tearDown(); }
Example FourPhaseTestImplicit embedded from java/com/clrstream/ex6/services/test/FourPhaseTest.java
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### 知识点四:第一个Rails应用 **标题与描述**:本书通过一个简单的“Hello, Rails”示例来引导读者快速上手,掌握创建新应用的基本流程。 **详细说明**: - **创建新应用**:使用`rails new`命令初始化一个新的...
在“anime-talk: Rails + JavaScript项目-阶段4”中,我们关注的是使用Ruby on Rails框架与JavaScript技术构建一个动漫讨论平台的第四阶段。这个项目旨在教你如何将后端的强大力量与前端的动态交互性相结合,以创建...
1. Rails, Angular, Postgres和Bootstrap的组合使用:这四个技术通常被用于开发现代的Web应用程序。Rails(Ruby on Rails)是一个使用Ruby语言编写的开源Web应用框架,它采用MVC(模型-视图-控制器)设计模式,有助...
- **案例一**:一个小型电子商务网站从Rails 2升级到Rails 3的过程,包括遇到的主要挑战及解决方案。 - **案例二**:一款复杂的企业级应用升级经验分享,涉及技术栈迁移、性能瓶颈处理等方面。 - **案例三**:关于...
- **关键特性**:本书深入讲解了Rails的核心特性,如ActiveRecord ORM、RESTful设计原则、测试驱动开发(TDD)等,这些特性使得开发者能够更加高效地构建复杂的应用程序。 - **最佳实践**:通过一系列示例和实战练习...
例如,书中可能会展示一个完整的电子商务网站从构思到发布的全过程,包括需求分析、设计、编码、测试等各个阶段。 #### 六、社区与支持 Rails拥有一个活跃而热情的开发者社区。本书不仅介绍了Rails的技术细节,还...
### 四、Rails中的测试 #### 4.1 测试你的模型 模型测试主要关注数据模型的行为,如属性验证、关联关系和数据库操作。通过模拟数据和环境,确保模型的逻辑正确无误。 #### 4.2 测试你的控制器 控制器测试则侧重...
- **内置测试支持**:Rails提供了强大的测试框架,包括单元测试、功能测试等,有助于确保代码的质量。 - **生成器**:自动创建常见的项目结构,如模型、控制器、视图等,极大地提高了开发效率。 - **插件和gem支持**...
综上所述,虽然Ruby on Rails框架为我们提供了极大的便利,帮助我们快速构建出功能强大的Web应用程序,但开发者仍需关注上述五个方面,以确保应用程序不仅在初始阶段能够顺利运行,而且还能在未来的发展中保持良好的...
Rails则是一个基于Ruby的Web开发框架,以其MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构模式和约定优于配置的理念著称。将这两者结合,可以构建出前后端分离的现代Web应用。 二、Ember CLI的集成 1. 安装:首先确保安装了Node.js...
- **使用共享示例(Shared Examples)**:当多个测试用例具有相似的测试逻辑时,可以使用`shared_examples_for`来重用这些测试逻辑。 - **使用待办事项(Pending)**:RSpec 允许标记未完成的测试用例为待办事项,这...
它主要由四个核心价值观组成:个体和交互高于流程和工具;可用的软件高于详尽的文档;客户合作高于合同谈判;响应变化高于遵循计划。 **Scrum方法**则是敏捷开发方法的一种具体实现形式,它提供了一套用于管理产品...
**CompoundJS**(原名 RailwayJS)是一个类似于 Ruby on Rails 的 MVC Web 框架,兼容 Express 和 Connect。它为开发者提供了一套完整的工具集,包括路由管理、视图渲染等功能。 #### 十二、Crux **Crux** 类似于 ...
在开发过程中,MailCatcher可以替代实际的邮件服务,避免在测试阶段发送真实的电子邮件。 **一、MailCatcher的安装与配置** 在Ruby环境中,你可以通过Gem包管理器安装MailCatcher。打开终端并执行以下命令: ```...
2. 测试阶段:进行功能测试、性能测试、安全测试,确保网站无重大问题。 3. 上线与迭代:正式上线后,持续收集用户反馈,不断优化网站功能和用户体验。 4. 数据分析:定期分析网站流量、转化率、用户行为等数据,...