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An exciting trip
Today ,I will share an exciting trip with everyone!
I think it will make you cheerful.
Now,please release yourself at all and start the wonderful journey with me!
Please look at the photo. the green mountains are standing on both sides. clear water is flowing under your feet. The ethereally bamboo raft is running on the river. blue sky is above your head. you can see a lot of fish are playing in the water, sometimes they jump out of the water . Do you think it’s a real scene? Do you like this wonderland? Do you want to know where it is?
If you want to know the real answer, please get on the raft and look around with me!
When you first come here, the pretty girls who are dressing minority’s clothes are very friendly. they are very pleased if you want to take photos with them. their clothes are embroidered and colorful.
Many people from all over the world come here. They are attracted by the scenery and local culture.
I think it’s a pity that I wasn’t able to talk with them smoothly when I met them before I came to web school. if I visit there again and meet foreigners ,I will say hello to them. I am sure I am able to become their guide!
First place, I will take you to a secret and supernatural place. ---- ZhenZiYan .It’s a long and deep cave full of lava. here, you can see all kinds of strange stones. Look at the wall please, it is white. It looks like a waterfall that is frozen .When you touch them, it is smooth and cold. Fountain will drop from them. Go right ahead, some colorful lights are fixed behind them, all the scenery looks like a palace. you must be surprised by the natural power! Do you think it’s true? Believe me, it was a dream that comes true. If you are standing in it, you may lose yourself. The colorful lights are shinning, the fountains are dropping slowly, it is a real wonderland!
It takes us about 2 hours to get the end. then we can eat some local food and have a rest. In the afternoon, we will ride a bike. you can ride it alone or with one or two of your friends. This is a special road between the mountains, this road is only available for the people who are riding bikes. it has a beautiful name – 10 miles gallery. when you are riding, you can enjoy the green mountains, the clear rivers, you can chat with anyone who is riding on the road. sometimes ,if you find a very historical and traditional house,you can stop and go into the house, the host is very happy .
How time flies! It is dark, we can walk out together. If you see some foreigners drinking at the sides of street, don’t doubt it, it happens every day. The street is West Street, it can back up to more than 1,000 years ago, and it was started from Sui dynastic. In the night, many people like walking along it and drinking beers here ,especially foreigners. They like this very much .most of the pubs are run by them. They moved to China and lived here, they say they love this place. you can eat many kinds of delicious food ,meanwhile ,you can buy many kinds of handcrafts, such as small bags ,some paints and so on ..
This is the crossing place that the west culture and the east culture melt and modern culture and historical culture melt.
Now, you eat fully, I will take you to see a nice play. It’s impression about Liu San Jie. It is directed by ZhangYiMou. You can’t image where the stage is and how to act in the night. A lot of actors act on the broad lake, they coming on the bamboo raft and wear local clothes that is hanging some lights, you seat beside the lake, the scene is very grand , I promise that If you have just saw it ,you can remember it for ever. frankly, you can’t express exactly with a word!
How exciting the day! Do you know where it is? You can familiar with this picture, you can see it on you money ,20RMB.I think you have the result in your heart . Yes, its’ YangShuo. It’s in GuiLin city ,GuangXi Province.
How can you get there? You can choose the plane if yours holiday is short, otherwise, I think you’d better visit there by bus. If you like this, you can see more good sight on your way to there.
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【新概念Lesson "An exciting trip"】是一堂充满活力的语言学习课程,主要涵盖了英语词汇、表达方式、关键句型和特殊难点。这个PPT课件是专为提升学生在英语学习中的兴趣和理解力设计的专业教学材料。 1. **新词汇...
这篇PPT课件是针对《新概念英语》第二册中Lesson "An Exciting Trip"的内容进行的讲解。这个课程可能是一堂生动有趣的英语教学课,旨在帮助学生提高听力、口语和词汇理解能力。 首先,课件提到了澳大利亚的相关信息...
"、"Please send me a card" 和 "An exciting trip"。每个 Lesson 都是一个独立的故事,讲述了主人公的生活经历和感受。 Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话 这篇课文讲述了作者去剧院看戏的经历,坐在...
Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 * 主要知识点:学习如何使用英语描述自己的旅行经历,例如描述自己的澳大利亚之旅。 * 重要词汇:exciting trip(激动人心的旅行),Australia(澳大利亚),engineer...
知识点四:激动人心的旅行(An exciting trip) * 地点的描述:本课文中描述了澳大利亚的地点,展示了英语中地点的描述方式。 * 使用的短语:"I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim"、"He is an ...
Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 * 重要短语:receive a letter、work for a firm、visit different places、buy a car * 语法知识点:使用现在式和过去式描述日常生活中的工作和旅行经历,如用work、...
#### Lesson4:激动人心的旅行 (An exciting trip) - **主题**: 分享旅行经历与兄弟情谊 - **场景**: 收到来自澳大利亚的哥哥的来信 - **核心词汇**: - Letter (信) - Brother (哥哥) - Australia (澳大利亚) -...
4. 课文4 "An exciting trip"(激动人心的旅行): 通过主人公收到弟弟Tim的信,读者了解到Tim在澳大利亚的生活和工作情况。Tim作为一名工程师,已经游览了许多地方,并且购买了澳大利亚的汽车。这段内容有助于学习...
**Lesson 4 An exciting trip 冲动人心的旅行** 这节课讲述了作者收到弟弟的信,分享他在澳大利亚的旅行经历。内容涵盖了书信写作格式,如“received a letter”(收到一封信)、“engineer”(工程师)、“firm”...
4. Lesson 4《An Exciting Trip》:作者收到了弟弟Tim的信。Tim是个工程师,已经在澳大利亚待了六个月,游览了许多地方,这是他第一次出国,他非常享受这次旅行。 5. Lesson 5《No Wrong Numbers》与Lesson 6...
第四课(Lesson 4:An Exciting Trip)讲述了作者的弟弟Tim首次出国旅行到澳大利亚,并非常享受这次旅程。Tim已经游览了许多地方,这激发了读者对旅行的热情和探索未知的兴趣。 第五课(Lesson 5:No Wrong Numbers...
4. **Lesson 4 - An Exciting Trip** - 作者收到弟弟Tim的信,Tim是个工程师,在澳大利亚已经六个月了,他已经游览了很多地方。 - Tim是第一次出国,他非常喜欢这次旅行。 5. **Lesson 5 - No Wrong Numbers** -...
**Unit 1 Lesson 4** 描述了《一次激动人心的旅行》(An Exciting Trip)。作者的弟弟Tim是一名工程师,首次出国到澳大利亚,在那里已经游历了许多地方,他非常享受这次旅行。这个故事鼓励读者分享旅行经历,并体验...
**Lesson 4 An exciting trip** 词汇部分: 1. abroad - 在国外 2. A great number of - 许多 3. in the center of - 在…中心 4. different - 不同的 5. exciting - 令人兴奋的 语法部分: Part I - 选择题 1. D ...
### Lesson 4: An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 这节课通过讲述一个充满冒险的旅行故事,让学习者接触到形容词的比较级和最高级,关键词汇如exciting(令人兴奋的)、trip(旅行)。语法点包括形容词的比较级和...
### Lesson4:An exciting trip(激动人心的旅行) 旅行是学习英语的一个常见主题。本课通过描述一次充满惊喜的旅行经历,教授了描述旅途感受的词汇和句型,如“exciting”(激动人心的)、“unforgettable”(难忘...
- "The school trip is very exciting."变为"What an exciting school trip it is!",名词"trip"前加"a/an",根据形容词"exciting"首字母发音决定使用"an"。 4. 具体单词和短语解释: - "turn"在此处指行为或举止...
2. 同义句:"The school trip is very exciting." -> "What an exciting school trip it is!" 3. 同义句:"Hei Longjiang looks very beautiful in winter." -> "How beautiful Hei Longjiang looks in winter!" 4. ...