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* R-B Tree has following four rules:
* 1)every node is either red or black
* 2)root and empty node (external leaf node) are always black.
* 3)the red node's parent node must be black
* 4)every simple path start from node X to its descendant contains same number of black node
* @author yovn
public class RBTree < E extends Comparable < E >> extends DefaultBSTree < E > implements BSTree < E > {
public static class RBPrinter < E extends Comparable < E >> implements DefaultBSTree.NodeVisitor < E >
public void visit(E ele) {
public void visitNode(algorithms.tree.DefaultBSTree.BSTNode < E > node) {
RBNode < E > n = (RBNode < E > )node;
if ( ! n.isNull())
System.out.print(n.key + " ( " + (n.color == RBNode.RED ? " RED " : " BLACK " ) + " ), " );
static class RBNode < E extends Comparable < E >> extends BSTNode < E >
static final boolean RED = false ;
static final boolean BLACK = true ;
RBNode < E > parent;
boolean color; // red or black
RBNode(RBNode < E > p,E key, boolean color) {
super (key);
this .color = color;
this .parent = p;
final boolean isNull(){ return key == null ;}
public final boolean delete(E ele) {
RBNode < E > cur;
int cmp;
if (root == null ) return false ;
cur = (RBNode < E > )root;
while ( ! cur.isNull() && (cmp = ele.compareTo(cur.key)) != 0 )
if (cmp < 0 )cur = (RBNode < E > )cur.left;
else cur = (RBNode < E > )cur.right;
if (cur.isNull())
// can't find specified key
return false ;
if ( ! ((RBNode < E > )cur.left).isNull() &&! ((RBNode < E > )cur.right).isNull())
RBNode < E > prev = (RBNode < E > )cur.left;
while ( ! ((RBNode < E > )prev.right).isNull())
prev = (RBNode < E > )prev.right;
cur.key = prev.key;
cur = prev;
if ( ! ((RBNode < E > )cur.left).isNull())
if (cur == root) {
root = cur.left;
((RBNode < E > )root).color = RBNode.BLACK;
return true ;
if (cur.parent.left == cur)
cur.parent.left = cur.left;
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).parent = cur.parent;
cur.parent.right = cur.left;
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).parent = cur.parent;
if (cur.color == RBNode.BLACK)
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).color = RBNode.BLACK;
else if ( ! ((RBNode < E > )cur.right).isNull())
if (cur == root) {
root = cur.right;
((RBNode < E > )root).color = RBNode.BLACK;
return true ;
if (cur.parent.left == cur)
cur.parent.left = cur.right;
((RBNode < E > )cur.right).parent = cur.parent;
cur.parent.right = cur.right;
((RBNode < E > )cur.right).parent = cur.parent;
if (cur.color == RBNode.BLACK)
((RBNode < E > )cur.right).color = RBNode.BLACK;
if (cur == root)
root = null ;
return true ;
RBNode < E > todo;
if (cur.parent.left == cur)
todo = newNullNode(cur.parent);
cur.parent.left = todo;
todo = newNullNode(cur.parent);
cur.parent.right = todo;
if (cur.color == RBNode.BLACK)
// now todo is a double black node, we will eliminate the double black
return true ;
public E findMax() {
if (isEmpty()) return null ;
BSTNode < E > node = root;
while ( ! ((RBNode < E > )node.right).isNull())
node = node.right;
return node.key;
public E findMin() {
if (isEmpty()) return null ;
BSTNode < E > node = root;
while ( ! ((RBNode < E > )node.left).isNull())
node = node.left;
return node.key;
private final RBNode < E > newNullNode(RBNode < E > p)
return new RBNode < E > (p, null ,RBNode.BLACK);
private final RBNode < E > newNormalNode(RBNode < E > p,E key, boolean color)
RBNode < E > node = new RBNode < E > (p,key,color);
node.left = newNullNode(node);
node.right = newNullNode(node);
return node;
private final void fixup_double_black(RBNode < E > cur) {
RBNode < E > sibling;
RBNode < E > p;
while (cur != root) // until its parent,parent maybe double black
p = cur.parent;
if (p.left == cur)
sibling = (RBNode < E > )p.right;
if (sibling.color == RBNode.RED)
p.color = RBNode.RED;
sibling.color = RBNode.BLACK; // actually, p.parent==sibling, remember we have done one rotation
// this case transformed to another case handled in other place
if (((RBNode < E > )sibling.right).color == RBNode.RED)
sibling.color = p.color; // also, p.parent==sibling, some textbook say here sibling's color can be red while not violate the 3th rule, i don't think so.
p.color = RBNode.BLACK;
((RBNode < E > )sibling.right).color = RBNode.BLACK;
// ok done!
return ;
else if (((RBNode < E > )sibling.left).color == RBNode.RED)
sibling.color = RBNode.RED;
sibling.parent.color = RBNode.BLACK; // its parent was previously be its left child, remember we have done a left rotation from sibling
// now transformed to previous case, double black 's sibling(black) have right child colored red
else // sibling's two children are both black
// re-coloring the sibling and parent
sibling.color = RBNode.RED;
if (p.color == RBNode.BLACK)
cur = p;
// now the cur node was not double black node ,but p was a double black
p.color = RBNode.BLACK; // eliminated the double black node
return ;
sibling = (RBNode < E > )p.left;
if (sibling.color == RBNode.RED)
p.color = RBNode.RED;
sibling.color = RBNode.BLACK; // actually, p.parent==sibling, remember we have done one rotation
// this case transformed to another case handled in other place
if (((RBNode < E > )sibling.left).color == RBNode.RED)
sibling.color = p.color; // also, p.parent==sibling, some textbook say here sibling's color can be red while not violate the 3th rule, i don't think so.
p.color = RBNode.BLACK;
((RBNode < E > )sibling.left).color = RBNode.BLACK;
// ok done!
return ;
else if (((RBNode < E > )sibling.right).color == RBNode.RED)
sibling.color = RBNode.RED;
sibling.parent.color = RBNode.BLACK; // its parent was previously be its right child, remember we have done a left rotation from sibling
// now transformed to previous case, double black 's sibling(black) have right child colored red
else // sibling's two children are both black
// re-coloring the sibling and parent
sibling.color = RBNode.RED;
if (p.color == RBNode.BLACK)
cur = p;
// now the cur node was not double black node ,but p was a double black
p.color = RBNode.BLACK; // eliminated the double black node
return ;
public final void insert(E ele) {
if (root == null )
root = newNormalNode( null ,ele,RBNode.BLACK); // now root's black-height(bh) is 1
return ;
RBNode < E > ret = _insert((RBNode < E > )root,ele); // first insert it
_insert_fixup(ret); // fix-up the R-B tree from node cur;
private final void _insert_fixup(RBNode < E > cur) {
RBNode < E > p,g;
// we should fix until it is black colored
while (cur != root && cur.color == RBNode.RED)
p = cur.parent;
if (p.color == RBNode.BLACK)
// that's fine, the insertion will not change any black height, and will not violate any rule.
return ;
g = p.parent; // we can assume the p is not null now.
if (p == g.left)
RBNode < E > uncle = (RBNode < E > )g.right;
if (uncle.color == RBNode.RED)
// re-coloring
g.color = RBNode.RED;
uncle.color = p.color = RBNode.BLACK;
// now the g maybe conflict with its parent;
cur = g;
if (cur == p.right)
// this case we should do left rotation, and then it will transform to next case
cur = rotate_from_right(p);
cur = (RBNode < E > )cur.left;
// transformed to next case
cur = rotate_from_left(g);
cur.color = RBNode.BLACK;
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).color = ((RBNode < E > )cur.right).color = RBNode.RED;
RBNode < E > uncle = (RBNode < E > )g.left;
if (uncle.color == RBNode.RED)
// re-coloring
g.color = RBNode.RED;
uncle.color = p.color = RBNode.BLACK;
// now the g maybe conflict with its parent;
cur = g;
if (cur == p.left)
// this case we should do right rotation, and then it will transform to next case
cur = rotate_from_left(p);
cur = (RBNode < E > )cur.right;
// transformed to next case
cur = rotate_from_right(g);
cur.color = RBNode.BLACK;
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).color = ((RBNode < E > )cur.right).color = RBNode.RED;
((RBNode < E > )root).color = RBNode.BLACK;
private final RBNode < E > rotate_from_right(RBNode < E > p) {
RBNode < E > g = p.parent;
RBNode < E > cur = (RBNode < E > )p.right;
p.right = cur.left;
if (cur.left != null )((RBNode < E > )cur.left).parent = p;
cur.left = p;
p.parent = cur;
if (g != null )
if (g.left == p)g.left = cur;
else g.right = cur;
else root = cur;
cur.parent = g;
return cur;
private final RBNode < E > rotate_from_left(RBNode < E > p) {
RBNode < E > co
* R-B Tree has following four rules:
* 1)every node is either red or black
* 2)root and empty node (external leaf node) are always black.
* 3)the red node's parent node must be black
* 4)every simple path start from node X to its descendant contains same number of black node
* @author yovn
public class RBTree < E extends Comparable < E >> extends DefaultBSTree < E > implements BSTree < E > {
public static class RBPrinter < E extends Comparable < E >> implements DefaultBSTree.NodeVisitor < E >
public void visit(E ele) {
public void visitNode(algorithms.tree.DefaultBSTree.BSTNode < E > node) {
RBNode < E > n = (RBNode < E > )node;
if ( ! n.isNull())
System.out.print(n.key + " ( " + (n.color == RBNode.RED ? " RED " : " BLACK " ) + " ), " );
static class RBNode < E extends Comparable < E >> extends BSTNode < E >
static final boolean RED = false ;
static final boolean BLACK = true ;
RBNode < E > parent;
boolean color; // red or black
RBNode(RBNode < E > p,E key, boolean color) {
super (key);
this .color = color;
this .parent = p;
final boolean isNull(){ return key == null ;}
public final boolean delete(E ele) {
RBNode < E > cur;
int cmp;
if (root == null ) return false ;
cur = (RBNode < E > )root;
while ( ! cur.isNull() && (cmp = ele.compareTo(cur.key)) != 0 )
if (cmp < 0 )cur = (RBNode < E > )cur.left;
else cur = (RBNode < E > )cur.right;
if (cur.isNull())
// can't find specified key
return false ;
if ( ! ((RBNode < E > )cur.left).isNull() &&! ((RBNode < E > )cur.right).isNull())
RBNode < E > prev = (RBNode < E > )cur.left;
while ( ! ((RBNode < E > )prev.right).isNull())
prev = (RBNode < E > )prev.right;
cur.key = prev.key;
cur = prev;
if ( ! ((RBNode < E > )cur.left).isNull())
if (cur == root) {
root = cur.left;
((RBNode < E > )root).color = RBNode.BLACK;
return true ;
if (cur.parent.left == cur)
cur.parent.left = cur.left;
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).parent = cur.parent;
cur.parent.right = cur.left;
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).parent = cur.parent;
if (cur.color == RBNode.BLACK)
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).color = RBNode.BLACK;
else if ( ! ((RBNode < E > )cur.right).isNull())
if (cur == root) {
root = cur.right;
((RBNode < E > )root).color = RBNode.BLACK;
return true ;
if (cur.parent.left == cur)
cur.parent.left = cur.right;
((RBNode < E > )cur.right).parent = cur.parent;
cur.parent.right = cur.right;
((RBNode < E > )cur.right).parent = cur.parent;
if (cur.color == RBNode.BLACK)
((RBNode < E > )cur.right).color = RBNode.BLACK;
if (cur == root)
root = null ;
return true ;
RBNode < E > todo;
if (cur.parent.left == cur)
todo = newNullNode(cur.parent);
cur.parent.left = todo;
todo = newNullNode(cur.parent);
cur.parent.right = todo;
if (cur.color == RBNode.BLACK)
// now todo is a double black node, we will eliminate the double black
return true ;
public E findMax() {
if (isEmpty()) return null ;
BSTNode < E > node = root;
while ( ! ((RBNode < E > )node.right).isNull())
node = node.right;
return node.key;
public E findMin() {
if (isEmpty()) return null ;
BSTNode < E > node = root;
while ( ! ((RBNode < E > )node.left).isNull())
node = node.left;
return node.key;
private final RBNode < E > newNullNode(RBNode < E > p)
return new RBNode < E > (p, null ,RBNode.BLACK);
private final RBNode < E > newNormalNode(RBNode < E > p,E key, boolean color)
RBNode < E > node = new RBNode < E > (p,key,color);
node.left = newNullNode(node);
node.right = newNullNode(node);
return node;
private final void fixup_double_black(RBNode < E > cur) {
RBNode < E > sibling;
RBNode < E > p;
while (cur != root) // until its parent,parent maybe double black
p = cur.parent;
if (p.left == cur)
sibling = (RBNode < E > )p.right;
if (sibling.color == RBNode.RED)
p.color = RBNode.RED;
sibling.color = RBNode.BLACK; // actually, p.parent==sibling, remember we have done one rotation
// this case transformed to another case handled in other place
if (((RBNode < E > )sibling.right).color == RBNode.RED)
sibling.color = p.color; // also, p.parent==sibling, some textbook say here sibling's color can be red while not violate the 3th rule, i don't think so.
p.color = RBNode.BLACK;
((RBNode < E > )sibling.right).color = RBNode.BLACK;
// ok done!
return ;
else if (((RBNode < E > )sibling.left).color == RBNode.RED)
sibling.color = RBNode.RED;
sibling.parent.color = RBNode.BLACK; // its parent was previously be its left child, remember we have done a left rotation from sibling
// now transformed to previous case, double black 's sibling(black) have right child colored red
else // sibling's two children are both black
// re-coloring the sibling and parent
sibling.color = RBNode.RED;
if (p.color == RBNode.BLACK)
cur = p;
// now the cur node was not double black node ,but p was a double black
p.color = RBNode.BLACK; // eliminated the double black node
return ;
sibling = (RBNode < E > )p.left;
if (sibling.color == RBNode.RED)
p.color = RBNode.RED;
sibling.color = RBNode.BLACK; // actually, p.parent==sibling, remember we have done one rotation
// this case transformed to another case handled in other place
if (((RBNode < E > )sibling.left).color == RBNode.RED)
sibling.color = p.color; // also, p.parent==sibling, some textbook say here sibling's color can be red while not violate the 3th rule, i don't think so.
p.color = RBNode.BLACK;
((RBNode < E > )sibling.left).color = RBNode.BLACK;
// ok done!
return ;
else if (((RBNode < E > )sibling.right).color == RBNode.RED)
sibling.color = RBNode.RED;
sibling.parent.color = RBNode.BLACK; // its parent was previously be its right child, remember we have done a left rotation from sibling
// now transformed to previous case, double black 's sibling(black) have right child colored red
else // sibling's two children are both black
// re-coloring the sibling and parent
sibling.color = RBNode.RED;
if (p.color == RBNode.BLACK)
cur = p;
// now the cur node was not double black node ,but p was a double black
p.color = RBNode.BLACK; // eliminated the double black node
return ;
public final void insert(E ele) {
if (root == null )
root = newNormalNode( null ,ele,RBNode.BLACK); // now root's black-height(bh) is 1
return ;
RBNode < E > ret = _insert((RBNode < E > )root,ele); // first insert it
_insert_fixup(ret); // fix-up the R-B tree from node cur;
private final void _insert_fixup(RBNode < E > cur) {
RBNode < E > p,g;
// we should fix until it is black colored
while (cur != root && cur.color == RBNode.RED)
p = cur.parent;
if (p.color == RBNode.BLACK)
// that's fine, the insertion will not change any black height, and will not violate any rule.
return ;
g = p.parent; // we can assume the p is not null now.
if (p == g.left)
RBNode < E > uncle = (RBNode < E > )g.right;
if (uncle.color == RBNode.RED)
// re-coloring
g.color = RBNode.RED;
uncle.color = p.color = RBNode.BLACK;
// now the g maybe conflict with its parent;
cur = g;
if (cur == p.right)
// this case we should do left rotation, and then it will transform to next case
cur = rotate_from_right(p);
cur = (RBNode < E > )cur.left;
// transformed to next case
cur = rotate_from_left(g);
cur.color = RBNode.BLACK;
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).color = ((RBNode < E > )cur.right).color = RBNode.RED;
RBNode < E > uncle = (RBNode < E > )g.left;
if (uncle.color == RBNode.RED)
// re-coloring
g.color = RBNode.RED;
uncle.color = p.color = RBNode.BLACK;
// now the g maybe conflict with its parent;
cur = g;
if (cur == p.left)
// this case we should do right rotation, and then it will transform to next case
cur = rotate_from_left(p);
cur = (RBNode < E > )cur.right;
// transformed to next case
cur = rotate_from_right(g);
cur.color = RBNode.BLACK;
((RBNode < E > )cur.left).color = ((RBNode < E > )cur.right).color = RBNode.RED;
((RBNode < E > )root).color = RBNode.BLACK;
private final RBNode < E > rotate_from_right(RBNode < E > p) {
RBNode < E > g = p.parent;
RBNode < E > cur = (RBNode < E > )p.right;
p.right = cur.left;
if (cur.left != null )((RBNode < E > )cur.left).parent = p;
cur.left = p;
p.parent = cur;
if (g != null )
if (g.left == p)g.left = cur;
else g.right = cur;
else root = cur;
cur.parent = g;
return cur;
private final RBNode < E > rotate_from_left(RBNode < E > p) {
RBNode < E > co
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- Java集合框架:`TreeMap`和`TreeSet`是基于红黑树实现的,提供有序的元素存储和高效的查找、插入和删除操作。 - 数据库索引:数据库系统如MySQL的InnoDB存储引擎使用红黑树作为索引结构。 - C++标准模板库(STL)...
### 红黑树Java实现详解 #### 一、红黑树简介 红黑树(Red-Black Tree)是一种自平衡二叉查找树。在计算机科学中,它被广泛应用于各种场景,比如作为关联数组的底层实现。红黑树通过在每个节点上存储一个额外的位...
在Java实现中,红黑树的核心类是`java.util.TreeMap.Node`,这个类代表树中的一个节点,包含键值对以及颜色属性。插入操作会遵循以下步骤: 1. 首先,新插入的节点默认为红色,因为红色节点不会破坏红黑树的性质。 ...
红黑树(Red-Black Tree)是一种自平衡的二叉查找树,由计算机科学家Rudolf Bayer在1972年提出。...通过分析和实现Java中的红黑树,我们可以深入理解这种数据结构的工作原理及其在实际应用中的价值。
在本篇博客中,我们将探讨红黑树的原理以及如何用Java实现。 首先,我们来理解红黑树的基本概念: 1. 每个节点都有颜色属性,可以是红色或黑色。 2. 根节点是黑色。 3. 所有叶子节点(NIL或空节点)都是黑色。 4. ...
在Java中,虽然标准库并未直接提供红黑树的类,但我们可以自定义实现,如提供的`RedBlackTree.java`和`tetsRed.java`文件所示。下面将详细介绍红黑树的概念、性质以及如何在Java中实现它。 **1. 红黑树的概念** ...
提供的文件"EightRBtree"可能是一个实现了红黑树的Java类库,它可能包含了红黑树的插入、删除和查找等基本操作的实现。具体实现细节可能包括如何处理节点的颜色、如何进行旋转调整以及如何维护红黑树的平衡。 在...
在Java中,虽然没有直接提供红黑树的类,但`java.util.TreeMap`和`java.util.TreeSet`底层就是通过红黑树实现的。它们提供了高效的键值对存储和集合管理,支持有序操作,如按自然顺序或自定义比较器进行排序。 当...
在Java中,红黑树被广泛应用于`java.util.TreeMap`、`java.util.TreeSet`以及`java.util.HashMap`的内部实现中。 1. **红黑树的基本性质** - 每个节点不是红色就是黑色。 - 根节点是黑色。 - 所有叶子节点(NIL...
在Java中实现红黑树,通常会定义一个表示节点的类,包含节点值、颜色、父节点、左右子节点等属性,并提供插入、旋转、颜色翻转等方法。具体实现时,需要注意以下几点: - 插入过程中,需要维护节点的平衡状态,以...
红黑树因其高效性能在许多实际应用中得到采用,如C++标准模板库(STL)中的set和map容器,以及Java的TreeMap和TreeSet类。它们使用红黑树作为底层数据结构,提供快速的查找、插入和删除操作。 5. 红黑树的优势: - ...
5. **Java实现**: - Java标准库中的`java.util.TreeMap`和`java.util.TreeSet`类底层就是用红黑树实现的。 - 实现红黑树需要定义节点类,包含节点值、颜色、左子节点、右子节点以及父节点等属性,并实现插入、...
本文将深入探讨Java中树的数据结构,特别是红黑树的实现,以及如何构建一个有效的学习路线。 首先,让我们从"树的基本概念"开始。树是一种非线性的数据结构,它由节点(或称为顶点)和边构成,每个节点可以有零个或...
通过Java实现红黑树及其可视化 对于节点的定义,包含节点的数值、节点的颜色、节点的父节点、节点的左右叶子结点 通过Java实现红黑树,包括红黑树的插入操作、删除操作、维护红黑树性质的操作以及常用的方法函数...
本文将深入探讨"红黑树"、"平衡二叉树"、"二叉树"、"二叉搜索树"以及"排序算法"这些关键概念,并在Java环境下进行实现。 首先,我们来理解"二叉树"。二叉树是一种特殊的树形数据结构,每个节点最多有两个子节点,...
红黑树的平衡要求相对较宽松,插入和删除操作的代价较低,且在实践中表现良好,是许多语言标准库如Java和C++的默认选择。 在实际应用中,如果对查找速度有较高要求,可以选择AVL树;而如果更注重插入和删除的效率,...
在这个“红黑树编程实现”的课程设计中,我们将深入探讨这种数据结构的原理、特性以及如何通过编程实现。 首先,我们要理解红黑树的基本概念。红黑树的每个节点都有两个属性:颜色(红色或黑色)和键值。它遵循以下...