An exciting trip
Today ,I will share an exciting trip with everyone! I think it will make your
now, release yourselef at all and start the wonderful journey with me!
Please look at the photo, the green mountains on your sides , clear water is flowing under your foot, The ethereally bamboo raft is running on the river,bule sky is on your head, always, you can see a lot of fishes are playing in the water,sometimes they jump out of the water . Do you think it’s a really scene? Do you like this wonderland? Do you want to know where it is? If you want to know the actually answer,please get on the raft and look around with me!
When you first come here , the pretty gril who are dressing minority’s clothes are very friendly ,they are very pleasure if you want to take photos with them. They are all National style,their clothes are embroiderd and colorful
A lot of people from all over the world to come to here . there are attractd by the scenery and location people. I think I met them before I came to web school , I wasn’t able to talk with them currently . if I visit there again and meet foreigners ,I will say hello to them. I am sure I am able to become their guide!
First place, I will take you to a secret and supernatural palce.---- ZhenZiYan
It’s a long and deep cave full of lava. At here ,you can see all kinds of strange stones.
Look at the wall please, it is white color. It looks like waterfall that is
Frozen .When you touch them, it is smooth and cold. Fountain will drop from them.
Go right ahead ,some colorful lights are fixed behind them, all the scenery looks like a must surprise by the natural power!
Do you think it’s true? Believe me ,It was a dream come true. If you are standing in it,you may lose yourself. The colorful lights are shining, the fountains are droping slowly, it’s a really wonderland!How time flies! It is dark now, let me take you to have dinner. Almost ,it takes our 2 hours to walk to the end.then we can eat some local food and have a rest.
Afternoon ,we will ride a bike,you can ride it yourself or you can ride with you one or two friends. This is a specially road between the mountains,this road is only opend for people who are riding a has a beautiful name – 10 miles gallery,when you are riding,you can enjoy the green mountains,the clear rivers, you can chart with anyone who is riding on the road,sometimes ,if you find very historical and traditional house ,you can stop and come into the house,the host is very happy .
If you see some foreigners are drinking there ,don’t doubt it, it happens every day. The street is west street ,it can back up to more than 1,000 yeas ago, it was started from Sui dynastic. In the night ,many people like walking along it and drink beers at here ,expecially foreigners. They like this very much .most of the club opend by them. They moved to China and lived here ,they say they love this can eat many kinds of decilous food . this is the crossing palce that the west culture and the east culture melt at and morden culture and historical culture melt at.
Now , you eat fully ,I will take you to see a nice paly. It’s impression about Liu San Jie. It is directed by ZhangYiMou. You can’t image where the stage is and how to act in the night.A lot of actors act on the broad lake,they coming on the bamboo raft and wear local clothes that is hanging some lights,you seat beside the lake, the scene is very grand , I promise that If you have just saw it ,you can remember it for ever. Sometimes ,you can’t express exactly with a word!
How exciting the day! Do you know where it is? You can familary with this picture, you can see it on you money ,20RMB.I think you have the result in your heart . yes, its’ YangShuo. It’s in GuiLin city ,GuangXi Province.
FixUpdate与Update的区别 在 Unity 开发中, FixUpdate 和 Update 是两个常用的函数,但它们之间存在着重要的区别。今天,我们将深入探讨 FixUpdate 和 Update 的不同之处,并了解何时使用它们。 首先,让我们从 ...
在Windows操作系统中,Windows Update是一项重要的服务,它负责为系统提供最新的安全补丁、功能更新以及驱动程序。然而,有时Windows Update可能会遇到问题,导致更新无法正常进行或更新过程失败。在这种情况下,...
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在使用Windows操作系统时,Windows Update是一项至关重要的服务,它负责为系统提供安全更新、功能增强以及驱动程序的更新。然而,有时Windows Update可能会遇到问题,导致无法正常运行。"WindowsUpdate修复工具.zip...
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在IT行业中,更新应用程序(是一种常见的软件更新打包格式,主要被用在iOS设备的系统更新中,但此格式也可能被其他平台或开发者采用。`` 文件本质上是一个包含新版本软件的归档文件,用于无痛...
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在Qt框架中,`update()`函数和`paintEvent()`事件是进行界面绘制和更新的核心机制。本文将深入探讨这两个概念,以及它们如何协同工作来实现动态用户界面。 首先,我们来理解`update()`函数。在Qt中,所有的窗口部件...
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Windows Update Blocker是一款实用工具,专门设计用于帮助用户在Windows 10操作系统上轻松地启用或禁用自动更新功能。Windows Update是微软提供的一种服务,它定期为用户提供系统补丁、安全更新以及新功能,以确保...
《Visual Studio 2013升级至Update 5:开发者体验的全面提升》 Visual Studio 2013 Update 5是Microsoft对这款强大开发环境的一次重要更新,它旨在为开发者提供更为高效、便捷的工作环境,提升开发效率,并引入了一...
UPDATE mytable SET myfield='value' WHERE other_field='other_value'; 但是,如果你想更新多行数据,并且每行记录的各字段值都是各不一样,你会怎么办呢?刚开始你可能会想到使用循环执行多条UPDATE语句的方式,就...
标准 Update 语句是 Oracle 中最基本的更新语句,语法为:`UPDATE 表名称 SET 列名称 = 新值 WHERE 列名称 = 某值`。例如:`UPDATE t_join_situation SET join_state='1' WHERE year='2011'`。这种方式适用于更新...
Last Update January 6, 2009 The 2nd edition is now avaiable. A million thanks to everyone who sent us corrections and suggestions for all the draft chapters. You can find the book at Amazon. ...
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