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An enhanced interactive Python shell


Shell:~/tmp >: rpm -qi ipython
Name        : ipython                      Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 0.8.2                             Vendor: Fedora Project
Release     : 1.fc9                         Build Date: 2007年12月13日 星期四 09时21分06秒
Install Date: 2008年09月19日 星期五 12时11分45秒      Build Host: ppc4.fedora.phx.redhat.com
Group       : Development/Libraries         Source RPM: ipython-0.8.2-1.fc9.src.rpm
Size        : 4124412                          License: BSD
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, 2008年04月11日 星期五 04时10分26秒, Key ID b44269d04f2a6fd2
Packager    : Fedora Project
URL         : http://ipython.scipy.org/
Summary     : An enhanced interactive Python shell
Description :

IPython provides a replacement for the interactive Python interpreter with
extra functionality.

Main features:
 * Comprehensive object introspection.
 * Input history, persistent across sessions.
 * Caching of output results during a session with automatically generated
 * Readline based name completion.
 * Extensible system of 'magic' commands for controlling the environment and
   performing many tasks related either to IPython or the operating system.
 * Configuration system with easy switching between different setups (simpler
   than changing $PYTHONSTARTUP environment variables every time).
 * Session logging and reloading.
 * Extensible syntax processing for special purpose situations.
 * Access to the system shell with user-extensible alias system.
 * Easily embeddable in other Python programs.
 * Integrated access to the pdb debugger and the Python profiler.





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