Where can I download Konqueror/Embedded?
Although there is a 0.1 release available I strongly recommend for grabbing one of the latest snapshots instead. Have a look at http://devel-home.kde.org/~hausmann/snapshots/. Please note these snapshots are based on the KONQE_1_0_BRANCH and require Qt version 2.3.x to compile - they won't work with any Qt 3.x version!
And if you're interesting in bleeding edge stuff then you can also check out the source from the KDE CVS Repository , in the kdenox module. Note that besides this module you will also need the kdelibs module for building. Make sure your copy of kdelibs resides in the same directory as the kdenox module.
如果想下载不稳定(bleeding edge stuff:是不是指测试版)的就去KDE CVS Repository
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Sublime Text 3 is the current version of Sublime Text. For bleeding-edge releases, see the dev builds. Version: Build 3176
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Ubuntu学习笔记,新手老手都适用 进入图形界面 startx Ctrl+Alt+F1退出桌面环境 apt-get install xinit gdm xubuntu-desktop 桌面切换 sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm 安装中文支持 sudo apt-get install language-...
##从 Dart Pub 存储库安装将此添加到您的pubspec.yaml (或创建它): dependencies: FileTeCouch:然后运行 (与 Dart SDK 一起提供): pub install##从 Github 安装 Bleeding Edge Stuff 要安装仍在开发中的东西...
要为Linux构建本机工具链,只需运行不带参数的脚本即可: ./build-bleeding-edge-toolchain.sh 脚本所需的大多数工具应该已经存在于您的系统中,但是可能会缺少某些工具。 通常,下面列出的工具应该足以成功执行此...
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bleeding love-hest抖音版.m4a