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DomQuery的select函数有两个参数。第一个是选择符字符(selector string )而第二个是欲生成查询的标签ID(TAG ID)。本文中我准备使用函数“Ext.query”但读者须谨记它是“Ext.DomQuery.select()”的简写方式。
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1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
4. </head>
5. <body>
6. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
7. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
8. <div id="bar" class="foo">
9. I'm a div ==> my id: bar, my class: foo
10. <span class="bar">I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
11. <a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank">An ExtJs link</a>
12. </div>
13. <div id="foo" class="bar">
14. my id: foo, my class: bar
15. <p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
16. <span class="bar">I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
17. <a href="#">An internal link</a>
18. </div>
19. </body>
20. </hmlt>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
<div id="bar" class="foo">
I'm a div ==> my id: bar, my class: foo
<span class="bar">I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
<a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank">An ExtJs link</a>
<div id="foo" class="bar">
my id: foo, my class: bar
<p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
<span class="bar">I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
<a href="#">An internal link</a>
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1. // 这个查询会返回有两个元素的数组因为查询选中对整个文档的所有span标签。
2. Ext.query("span");
3. // 这个查询会返回有一个元素的数组因为查询顾及到了foo这个id。
4. Ext.query("span", "foo");注意刚才怎么传入一个普通的字符串作为第一个参数。
6. 按id获取标签,你需要加上“#”的前缀:
8. // 这个查询会返回包含我们foo div一个元素的数组!
9. Ext.query("#foo");按class name获取标签,你需要加上“.”的前缀:
11. /*这个查询会返回有一个元素的数组,
12. 包含与之前例子一样的div但是我们使用了class name来获取*/
13. Ext.query(".foo");你也可以使用关键字“*”来获取所有的元素:
15. // 这会返回一个数组,包含文档的所有元素。
16. Ext.query("*");要获取子标签,我们只须在两个选择符之间插入一个空格:
18. // 这会返回有一个元素的数组,包含p标签的div标签
19. Ext.query("div p");
20. // 这会返回有两个元素的数组,包含span标签的div标签
21. Ext.query("div span");
// 这个查询会返回有两个元素的数组因为查询选中对整个文档的所有span标签。
// 这个查询会返回有一个元素的数组因为查询顾及到了foo这个id。
Ext.query("span", "foo");注意刚才怎么传入一个普通的字符串作为第一个参数。
// 这个查询会返回包含我们foo div一个元素的数组!
Ext.query("#foo");按class name获取标签,你需要加上“.”的前缀:
包含与之前例子一样的div但是我们使用了class name来获取*/
// 这会返回一个数组,包含文档的所有元素。
// 这会返回有一个元素的数组,包含p标签的div标签
Ext.query("div p");
// 这会返回有两个元素的数组,包含span标签的div标签
Ext.query("div span");
还有三个的元素选择符,待后续的教程会叙述。 ""
如果朋友你觉得这里说得太简单的话,你可以选择到DomQuery 文档看看,可能会有不少收获:)
第二部分:属性选择符Attributes selectors
这些选择符可让你得到基于一些属性值的元素。属性指的是html元素中的href, id 或 class。
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1. // 我们检查出任何存在有class属性的元素。
2. // 这个查询会返回5个元素的数组。
3. Ext.query("*[class]");
4. // 结果: [body#ext-gen2.ext-gecko, div#bar.foo, span.bar, div#foo.bar, span.bar]
5. //现在我们针对特定的class属性进行搜索。
7. // 这会得到class等于“bar”的所有元素
8. Ext.query("*[class=bar]");
10. // 这会得到class不等于“bar”的所有元素
11. Ext.query("*[class!=bar]");
13. // 这会得到class从“b”字头开始的所有元素
14. Ext.query("*[class^=b]");
16. //这会得到class由“r”结尾的所有元素
17. Ext.query("*[class$=r]");
19. //这会得到在class中抽出“a”字符的所有元素
20. Ext.query("*[class*=a]");
// 我们检查出任何存在有class属性的元素。
// 这个查询会返回5个元素的数组。
// 结果: [body#ext-gen2.ext-gecko, div#bar.foo, span.bar, div#foo.bar, span.bar]
// 这会得到class等于“bar”的所有元素
// 这会得到class不等于“bar”的所有元素
// 这会得到class从“b”字头开始的所有元素
第三部分: CSS值元素选择符
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1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
4. </head>
5. <body>
6. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
7. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
8. <div id="bar" class="foo" style="color:red;">
9. 我是一个div ==> 我的id是: bar, 我的class: foo
10. <span class="bar" style="color:pink;">
11. I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
12. <a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank" style="color:yellow;">
13. An ExtJs link with a blank target!</a>
14. </div>
15. <div id="foo" class="bar" style="color:fushia;">
16. my id: foo, my class: bar
17. <p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
18. <span class="bar" style="color:brown;">
19. I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
20. <a href="#" style="color:green;">An internal link</a>
21. </div>
22. </body>
23. </html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
<div id="bar" class="foo" style="color:red;">
我是一个div ==> 我的id是: bar, 我的class: foo
<span class="bar" style="color:pink;">
I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
<a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank" style="color:yellow;">
An ExtJs link with a blank target!</a>
<div id="foo" class="bar" style="color:fushia;">
my id: foo, my class: bar
<p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
<span class="bar" style="color:brown;">
I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
<a href="#" style="color:green;">An internal link</a>
元素{属性 操作符 值}
所以,操作符(operators)和属性选择符(attribute selectors)是一样的。
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1. // 获取所以红色的元素
2. Ext.query("*{color=red}"); // [div#bar.foo]
4. // 获取所有粉红颜色的并且是有红色子元素的元素
5. Ext.query("*{color=red} *{color=pink}"); // [span.bar]
7. // 获取所有不是红色文字的元素
8. Ext.query("*{color!=red}");
9. // [html, head, script firebug.js, link, body#ext-gen2.ext-gecko,
10. //script ext-base.js, script ext-core.js, span.bar,
11. //div#foo.bar, p, span.bar, a test.html#]
13. // 获取所有颜色属性是从“yel”开始的元素
14. Ext.query("*{color^=yel}");
16. // 获取所有颜色属性是以“ow”结束的元素
17. Ext.query("*{color$=ow}");
19. // 获取所有颜色属性包含“ow”字符的元素
20. Ext.query("*{color*=ow}");
// 获取所以红色的元素
Ext.query("*{color=red}"); // [div#bar.foo]
// 获取所有粉红颜色的并且是有红色子元素的元素
Ext.query("*{color=red} *{color=pink}"); // [span.bar]
// 获取所有不是红色文字的元素
// [html, head, script firebug.js, link, body#ext-gen2.ext-gecko,
//script ext-base.js, script ext-core.js, span.bar,
//div#foo.bar, p, span.bar, a test.html#]
// 获取所有颜色属性是从“yel”开始的元素
// 获取所有颜色属性是以“ow”结束的元素
// 获取所有颜色属性包含“ow”字符的元素
第四部分:伪类选择符Pseudo Classes selectors
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1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
4. </head>
5. <body>
6. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
7. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
8. <div id="bar" class="foo" style="color:red;
9. border: 2px dotted red; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
10. I'm a div ==> my id: bar, my class: foo
11. <span class="bar" style="color:pink;">
12. I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
13. <a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank" style="color:yellow;">
14. An ExtJs link with a blank target!</a>
15. </div>
16. <div id="foo" class="bar" style="color:fushia;
17. border: 2px dotted black; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
18. my id: foo, my class: bar
19. <p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
20. <span class="bar" style="color:brown;">
21. I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
22. <a href="#" style="color:green;">An internal link</a>
23. </div>
24. <div style="border:2px dotted pink; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
25. <ul>
26. <li>Some choice #1</li>
27. <li>Some choice #2</li>
28. <li>Some choice #3</li>
29. <li>Some choice #4 with a <a href="#">link</a></li>
30. </ul>
31. <table style="border:1px dotted black;">
32. <tr style="color:pink">
33. <td>1st row, 1st column</td>
34. <td>1st row, 2nd column</td>
35. </tr>
36. <tr style="color:brown">
37. <td colspan="2">2nd row, colspanned! </td>
38. </tr>
39. <tr>
40. <td>3rd row, 1st column</td>
41. <td>3rd row, 2nd column</td>
42. </tr>
43. </table>
44. </div>
45. <div style="border:2px dotted red; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
46. <form>
47. <input id="chked" type="checkbox" checked/>
48. <label for="chked">I'm checked</label>
49. <br /><br />
50. <input id="notChked" type="checkbox" /><label for="notChked">
51. not me brotha!</label>
52. </form>
53. </div>
54. </body>
55. </html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
<div id="bar" class="foo" style="color:red;
border: 2px dotted red; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
I'm a div ==> my id: bar, my class: foo
<span class="bar" style="color:pink;">
I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
<a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank" style="color:yellow;">
An ExtJs link with a blank target!</a>
<div id="foo" class="bar" style="color:fushia;
border: 2px dotted black; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
my id: foo, my class: bar
<p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
<span class="bar" style="color:brown;">
I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
<a href="#" style="color:green;">An internal link</a>
<div style="border:2px dotted pink; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
<li>Some choice #1</li>
<li>Some choice #2</li>
<li>Some choice #3</li>
<li>Some choice #4 with a <a href="#">link</a></li>
<table style="border:1px dotted black;">
<tr style="color:pink">
<td>1st row, 1st column</td>
<td>1st row, 2nd column</td>
<tr style="color:brown">
<td colspan="2">2nd row, colspanned! </td>
<td>3rd row, 1st column</td>
<td>3rd row, 2nd column</td>
<div style="border:2px dotted red; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
<input id="chked" type="checkbox" checked/>
<label for="chked">I'm checked</label>
<br /><br />
<input id="notChked" type="checkbox" /><label for="notChked">
not me brotha!</label>
off we go:
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1. /*
2. this one gives us the first SPAN child of its parent
3. */
4. Ext.query("span:first-child"); // [span.bar]
6. /*
7. this one gives us the last A child of its parent
8. */
9. Ext.query("a:last-child") // [a, a test.html#]
11. /*
12. this one gives us the second SPAN child of its parent
13. */
14. Ext.query("span:nth-child(2)") // [span.bar]
16. /*
17. this one gives us ODD TR of its parents
18. */
19. Ext.query("tr:nth-child(odd)") // [tr, tr]
21. /*
22. this one gives us even LI of its parents
23. */
24. Ext.query("li:nth-child(even)") // [li, li]
26. /*
27. this one gives us A that are the only child of its parents
28. */
30. Ext.query("a:only-child") // [a test.html#]
32. /*
33. this one gives us the checked INPUT
34. */
35. Ext.query("input:checked") // [input#chked on]
37. /*
38. this one gives us the first TR
39. */
40. Ext.query("tr:first") // [tr]
42. /*
43. this one gives us the last INPUT
44. */
45. Ext.query("input:last") // [input#notChked on]
47. /*
48. this one gives us the 2nd TD
49. */
50. Ext.query("td:nth(2)") // [td]
52. /*
53. this one gives us every DIV that has the "within" string
54. */
55. Ext.query("div:contains(within)") // [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar]
57. /*
58. this one gives us every DIV that doesn't have a FORM child
59. */
60. Ext.query("div:not(form)") [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar, div]
62. /*
63. This one gives use every DIV that has an A child
64. */
65. Ext.query("div:has(a)") // [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar, div]
67. /*
68. this one gives us every TD that is followed by another TD.
69. obviously, the one that has a colspan property is ignored.
70. */
71. Ext.query("td:next(td)") // [td, td]
73. /*
74. this one gives us every LABEL that is preceded by an INPUT
75. */
76. Ext.query("label:prev(input)") //[label, label]
this one gives us the first SPAN child of its parent
Ext.query("span:first-child"); // [span.bar]
this one gives us the last A child of its parent
Ext.query("a:last-child") // [a, a test.html#]
this one gives us the second SPAN child of its parent
Ext.query("span:nth-child(2)") // [span.bar]
this one gives us ODD TR of its parents
Ext.query("tr:nth-child(odd)") // [tr, tr]
this one gives us even LI of its parents
Ext.query("li:nth-child(even)") // [li, li]
this one gives us A that are the only child of its parents
Ext.query("a:only-child") // [a test.html#]
this one gives us the checked INPUT
Ext.query("input:checked") // [input#chked on]
this one gives us the first TR
Ext.query("tr:first") // [tr]
this one gives us the last INPUT
Ext.query("input:last") // [input#notChked on]
this one gives us the 2nd TD
Ext.query("td:nth(2)") // [td]
this one gives us every DIV that has the "within" string
Ext.query("div:contains(within)") // [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar]
this one gives us every DIV that doesn't have a FORM child
Ext.query("div:not(form)") [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar, div]
This one gives use every DIV that has an A child
Ext.query("div:has(a)") // [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar, div]
this one gives us every TD that is followed by another TD.
obviously, the one that has a colspan property is ignored.
Ext.query("td:next(td)") // [td, td]
this one gives us every LABEL that is preceded by an INPUT
Ext.query("label:prev(input)") //[label, label]
如读者已了解过API的DomQuery内容,可跳过本文,直接阅读 DomQuery advanced tutorial!
DomQuery的select函数有两个参数。第一个是选择符字符(selector string )而第二个是欲生成查询的标签ID(TAG ID)。本文中我准备使用函数“Ext.query”但读者须谨记它是“Ext.DomQuery.select()”的简写方式。
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1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
4. </head>
5. <body>
6. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
7. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
8. <div id="bar" class="foo">
9. I'm a div ==> my id: bar, my class: foo
10. <span class="bar">I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
11. <a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank">An ExtJs link</a>
12. </div>
13. <div id="foo" class="bar">
14. my id: foo, my class: bar
15. <p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
16. <span class="bar">I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
17. <a href="#">An internal link</a>
18. </div>
19. </body>
20. </hmlt>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
<div id="bar" class="foo">
I'm a div ==> my id: bar, my class: foo
<span class="bar">I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
<a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank">An ExtJs link</a>
<div id="foo" class="bar">
my id: foo, my class: bar
<p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
<span class="bar">I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
<a href="#">An internal link</a>
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1. // 这个查询会返回有两个元素的数组因为查询选中对整个文档的所有span标签。
2. Ext.query("span");
3. // 这个查询会返回有一个元素的数组因为查询顾及到了foo这个id。
4. Ext.query("span", "foo");注意刚才怎么传入一个普通的字符串作为第一个参数。
6. 按id获取标签,你需要加上“#”的前缀:
8. // 这个查询会返回包含我们foo div一个元素的数组!
9. Ext.query("#foo");按class name获取标签,你需要加上“.”的前缀:
11. /*这个查询会返回有一个元素的数组,
12. 包含与之前例子一样的div但是我们使用了class name来获取*/
13. Ext.query(".foo");你也可以使用关键字“*”来获取所有的元素:
15. // 这会返回一个数组,包含文档的所有元素。
16. Ext.query("*");要获取子标签,我们只须在两个选择符之间插入一个空格:
18. // 这会返回有一个元素的数组,包含p标签的div标签
19. Ext.query("div p");
20. // 这会返回有两个元素的数组,包含span标签的div标签
21. Ext.query("div span");
// 这个查询会返回有两个元素的数组因为查询选中对整个文档的所有span标签。
// 这个查询会返回有一个元素的数组因为查询顾及到了foo这个id。
Ext.query("span", "foo");注意刚才怎么传入一个普通的字符串作为第一个参数。
// 这个查询会返回包含我们foo div一个元素的数组!
Ext.query("#foo");按class name获取标签,你需要加上“.”的前缀:
包含与之前例子一样的div但是我们使用了class name来获取*/
// 这会返回一个数组,包含文档的所有元素。
// 这会返回有一个元素的数组,包含p标签的div标签
Ext.query("div p");
// 这会返回有两个元素的数组,包含span标签的div标签
Ext.query("div span");
还有三个的元素选择符,待后续的教程会叙述。 ""
如果朋友你觉得这里说得太简单的话,你可以选择到DomQuery 文档看看,可能会有不少收获:)
第二部分:属性选择符Attributes selectors
这些选择符可让你得到基于一些属性值的元素。属性指的是html元素中的href, id 或 class。
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1. // 我们检查出任何存在有class属性的元素。
2. // 这个查询会返回5个元素的数组。
3. Ext.query("*[class]");
4. // 结果: [body#ext-gen2.ext-gecko, div#bar.foo, span.bar, div#foo.bar, span.bar]
5. //现在我们针对特定的class属性进行搜索。
7. // 这会得到class等于“bar”的所有元素
8. Ext.query("*[class=bar]");
10. // 这会得到class不等于“bar”的所有元素
11. Ext.query("*[class!=bar]");
13. // 这会得到class从“b”字头开始的所有元素
14. Ext.query("*[class^=b]");
16. //这会得到class由“r”结尾的所有元素
17. Ext.query("*[class$=r]");
19. //这会得到在class中抽出“a”字符的所有元素
20. Ext.query("*[class*=a]");
// 我们检查出任何存在有class属性的元素。
// 这个查询会返回5个元素的数组。
// 结果: [body#ext-gen2.ext-gecko, div#bar.foo, span.bar, div#foo.bar, span.bar]
// 这会得到class等于“bar”的所有元素
// 这会得到class不等于“bar”的所有元素
// 这会得到class从“b”字头开始的所有元素
第三部分: CSS值元素选择符
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1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
4. </head>
5. <body>
6. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
7. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
8. <div id="bar" class="foo" style="color:red;">
9. 我是一个div ==> 我的id是: bar, 我的class: foo
10. <span class="bar" style="color:pink;">
11. I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
12. <a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank" style="color:yellow;">
13. An ExtJs link with a blank target!</a>
14. </div>
15. <div id="foo" class="bar" style="color:fushia;">
16. my id: foo, my class: bar
17. <p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
18. <span class="bar" style="color:brown;">
19. I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
20. <a href="#" style="color:green;">An internal link</a>
21. </div>
22. </body>
23. </html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
<div id="bar" class="foo" style="color:red;">
我是一个div ==> 我的id是: bar, 我的class: foo
<span class="bar" style="color:pink;">
I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
<a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank" style="color:yellow;">
An ExtJs link with a blank target!</a>
<div id="foo" class="bar" style="color:fushia;">
my id: foo, my class: bar
<p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
<span class="bar" style="color:brown;">
I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
<a href="#" style="color:green;">An internal link</a>
元素{属性 操作符 值}
所以,操作符(operators)和属性选择符(attribute selectors)是一样的。
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1. // 获取所以红色的元素
2. Ext.query("*{color=red}"); // [div#bar.foo]
4. // 获取所有粉红颜色的并且是有红色子元素的元素
5. Ext.query("*{color=red} *{color=pink}"); // [span.bar]
7. // 获取所有不是红色文字的元素
8. Ext.query("*{color!=red}");
9. // [html, head, script firebug.js, link, body#ext-gen2.ext-gecko,
10. //script ext-base.js, script ext-core.js, span.bar,
11. //div#foo.bar, p, span.bar, a test.html#]
13. // 获取所有颜色属性是从“yel”开始的元素
14. Ext.query("*{color^=yel}");
16. // 获取所有颜色属性是以“ow”结束的元素
17. Ext.query("*{color$=ow}");
19. // 获取所有颜色属性包含“ow”字符的元素
20. Ext.query("*{color*=ow}");
// 获取所以红色的元素
Ext.query("*{color=red}"); // [div#bar.foo]
// 获取所有粉红颜色的并且是有红色子元素的元素
Ext.query("*{color=red} *{color=pink}"); // [span.bar]
// 获取所有不是红色文字的元素
// [html, head, script firebug.js, link, body#ext-gen2.ext-gecko,
//script ext-base.js, script ext-core.js, span.bar,
//div#foo.bar, p, span.bar, a test.html#]
// 获取所有颜色属性是从“yel”开始的元素
// 获取所有颜色属性是以“ow”结束的元素
// 获取所有颜色属性包含“ow”字符的元素
第四部分:伪类选择符Pseudo Classes selectors
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1. <html>
2. <head>
3. <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
4. </head>
5. <body>
6. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
7. <script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
8. <div id="bar" class="foo" style="color:red;
9. border: 2px dotted red; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
10. I'm a div ==> my id: bar, my class: foo
11. <span class="bar" style="color:pink;">
12. I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
13. <a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank" style="color:yellow;">
14. An ExtJs link with a blank target!</a>
15. </div>
16. <div id="foo" class="bar" style="color:fushia;
17. border: 2px dotted black; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
18. my id: foo, my class: bar
19. <p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
20. <span class="bar" style="color:brown;">
21. I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
22. <a href="#" style="color:green;">An internal link</a>
23. </div>
24. <div style="border:2px dotted pink; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
25. <ul>
26. <li>Some choice #1</li>
27. <li>Some choice #2</li>
28. <li>Some choice #3</li>
29. <li>Some choice #4 with a <a href="#">link</a></li>
30. </ul>
31. <table style="border:1px dotted black;">
32. <tr style="color:pink">
33. <td>1st row, 1st column</td>
34. <td>1st row, 2nd column</td>
35. </tr>
36. <tr style="color:brown">
37. <td colspan="2">2nd row, colspanned! </td>
38. </tr>
39. <tr>
40. <td>3rd row, 1st column</td>
41. <td>3rd row, 2nd column</td>
42. </tr>
43. </table>
44. </div>
45. <div style="border:2px dotted red; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
46. <form>
47. <input id="chked" type="checkbox" checked/>
48. <label for="chked">I'm checked</label>
49. <br /><br />
50. <input id="notChked" type="checkbox" /><label for="notChked">
51. not me brotha!</label>
52. </form>
53. </div>
54. </body>
55. </html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/firebug/firebug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext/ext-core.js"></script>
<div id="bar" class="foo" style="color:red;
border: 2px dotted red; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
I'm a div ==> my id: bar, my class: foo
<span class="bar" style="color:pink;">
I'm a span within the div with a foo class</span>
<a href="http://www.extjs.com" target="_blank" style="color:yellow;">
An ExtJs link with a blank target!</a>
<div id="foo" class="bar" style="color:fushia;
border: 2px dotted black; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
my id: foo, my class: bar
<p>I'm a P tag within the foo div</p>
<span class="bar" style="color:brown;">
I'm a span within the div with a bar class</span>
<a href="#" style="color:green;">An internal link</a>
<div style="border:2px dotted pink; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
<li>Some choice #1</li>
<li>Some choice #2</li>
<li>Some choice #3</li>
<li>Some choice #4 with a <a href="#">link</a></li>
<table style="border:1px dotted black;">
<tr style="color:pink">
<td>1st row, 1st column</td>
<td>1st row, 2nd column</td>
<tr style="color:brown">
<td colspan="2">2nd row, colspanned! </td>
<td>3rd row, 1st column</td>
<td>3rd row, 2nd column</td>
<div style="border:2px dotted red; margin:5px; padding:5px;">
<input id="chked" type="checkbox" checked/>
<label for="chked">I'm checked</label>
<br /><br />
<input id="notChked" type="checkbox" /><label for="notChked">
not me brotha!</label>
off we go:
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1. /*
2. this one gives us the first SPAN child of its parent
3. */
4. Ext.query("span:first-child"); // [span.bar]
6. /*
7. this one gives us the last A child of its parent
8. */
9. Ext.query("a:last-child") // [a, a test.html#]
11. /*
12. this one gives us the second SPAN child of its parent
13. */
14. Ext.query("span:nth-child(2)") // [span.bar]
16. /*
17. this one gives us ODD TR of its parents
18. */
19. Ext.query("tr:nth-child(odd)") // [tr, tr]
21. /*
22. this one gives us even LI of its parents
23. */
24. Ext.query("li:nth-child(even)") // [li, li]
26. /*
27. this one gives us A that are the only child of its parents
28. */
30. Ext.query("a:only-child") // [a test.html#]
32. /*
33. this one gives us the checked INPUT
34. */
35. Ext.query("input:checked") // [input#chked on]
37. /*
38. this one gives us the first TR
39. */
40. Ext.query("tr:first") // [tr]
42. /*
43. this one gives us the last INPUT
44. */
45. Ext.query("input:last") // [input#notChked on]
47. /*
48. this one gives us the 2nd TD
49. */
50. Ext.query("td:nth(2)") // [td]
52. /*
53. this one gives us every DIV that has the "within" string
54. */
55. Ext.query("div:contains(within)") // [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar]
57. /*
58. this one gives us every DIV that doesn't have a FORM child
59. */
60. Ext.query("div:not(form)") [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar, div]
62. /*
63. This one gives use every DIV that has an A child
64. */
65. Ext.query("div:has(a)") // [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar, div]
67. /*
68. this one gives us every TD that is followed by another TD.
69. obviously, the one that has a colspan property is ignored.
70. */
71. Ext.query("td:next(td)") // [td, td]
73. /*
74. this one gives us every LABEL that is preceded by an INPUT
75. */
76. Ext.query("label:prev(input)") //[label, label]
this one gives us the first SPAN child of its parent
Ext.query("span:first-child"); // [span.bar]
this one gives us the last A child of its parent
Ext.query("a:last-child") // [a, a test.html#]
this one gives us the second SPAN child of its parent
Ext.query("span:nth-child(2)") // [span.bar]
this one gives us ODD TR of its parents
Ext.query("tr:nth-child(odd)") // [tr, tr]
this one gives us even LI of its parents
Ext.query("li:nth-child(even)") // [li, li]
this one gives us A that are the only child of its parents
Ext.query("a:only-child") // [a test.html#]
this one gives us the checked INPUT
Ext.query("input:checked") // [input#chked on]
this one gives us the first TR
Ext.query("tr:first") // [tr]
this one gives us the last INPUT
Ext.query("input:last") // [input#notChked on]
this one gives us the 2nd TD
Ext.query("td:nth(2)") // [td]
this one gives us every DIV that has the "within" string
Ext.query("div:contains(within)") // [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar]
this one gives us every DIV that doesn't have a FORM child
Ext.query("div:not(form)") [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar, div]
This one gives use every DIV that has an A child
Ext.query("div:has(a)") // [div#bar.foo, div#foo.bar, div]
this one gives us every TD that is followed by another TD.
obviously, the one that has a colspan property is ignored.
Ext.query("td:next(td)") // [td, td]
this one gives us every LABEL that is preceded by an INPUT
Ext.query("label:prev(input)") //[label, label]
如读者已了解过API的DomQuery内容,可跳过本文,直接阅读 DomQuery advanced tutorial!
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