6.2. Replication Implementation Overview
6.2. Replication
is based on the master server keeping track of
all changes to your databases (updates, deletes, and so on) in its
binary logs
Therefore, to use
you must enable binary logging on the master
server. See Section 5.12.3, “The Binary Log”
Each slave server receives from the master the saved updates(in binary log)
that the master
has recorded in its binary log, so that the slave can execute the same updates
on its copy of the data.
It is extremely
important to realize
that the binary log is simply a record starting from the fixed point in time at
which you enable binary logging. Any slaves that you set up need copies of the
databases on your master as they existed at the moment
you enabled binary logging on the master
. If you start your slaves
with databases that are not in the same state as those on the master when the
binary log was started, your slaves are quite likely to fail.
【The Limitations about 'Load Data From Master'】
One way to copy the master's data to the slave is to use the LOAD DATA FROM MASTER
statement. However, LOAD DATA FROM MASTER
works only if all the tables on the
master use the MyISAM
storage engine. In addition,
this statement acquires a global read lock, so no updates on the master are
possible while the tables are being transferred to the slave. (当执行load data from master时,不允许多master进行更新操作。)
When we implement
lock-free hot table backup
, this global read lock will no longer be necessary.
Due to these limitations
, we recommend that at this point you use LOAD DATA FROM MASTER
only if the dataset on the master is
relatively small
, or if a prolonged
read lock on the master is acceptable
(由于这些诸多限制(limitations),建议您在使用Load Data From Master时,master上的数据集相对较小,或者master库上可以容忍长时间的Read Lock。)
Although the actual speed
may vary from system to system, a good rule of thumb for how long it takes is 1
second per 1MB
of data. This is a rough estimate
(大概的估计), but you should find it fairly
(相当精确) if both master and slave are equivalent to 700MHz Pentium CPUs in
performance and are connected through a 100Mbps network.
After the slave has been set up with a copy of the master's data
, it connects
to the master(capture program) and waits for updates to process.(同步程序分两步:1、load data from master; 2、capture updates happened on the master and apply to the slave)
If the master fails, or the
slave loses connectivity with your master, the slave keeps trying to connect
until it is able to resume listening for updates. The --master-connect-retry
option controls the retry interval.
The default is 60 seconds.(断开重连机制,重连间隔是可配的,默认是60s。)
Each slave keeps track of where it left off when it last read from its master
。) The master has no knowledge of how many slaves it has or which ones are
up to date at any given time.
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