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就象系列恐怖电影中的食尸鬼一样,通货紧缩在日本从来没有真正被消灭过。所以,这次通货紧缩再次抬头也就不足为奇了。政策制定者抵挡通货紧缩的能力仍然让人怀疑。日本和日本的企业非常熟悉通货紧缩意味着什么:消费者推迟购买,实际利率上升,除了最关系国计民生的企业,其他企业的利润都纷纷下滑,员工的工资停滞不前。在日本对抗价格下滑的战斗持续了5年多之后,直到2006年9月,政府官方用语中才终于不再使用“通货紧缩”这个字眼。不过,价格回升却是跟随能源和大宗商品价格大幅上涨而来的。实际上,按照好几种衡量指标,物价在10年来都没有变化,甚至是下滑了。由于2008年燃料价格飙升,不包括价格波动大的生鲜食品在内的核心消费者价格指数(CPI)上升了1.5%,按照大部分标准来说都不算高。现在经济学家预测,通货紧缩显然要再次抬头。周五将公布的1月份核心消费者价格指数预计将较上年同期下降0.1%。这次,出口骤降美国和中国出现通货紧缩苗头也在加大价格和工资的螺旋式下滑压力。与以往一样,日本央行发现自己无法用常规的方法对通货紧缩作出强有力的反应,因为短期利率已经降到了接近零利率的水平。而非常规方法又不合央行的意。扭转物价下跌走势的关键是改变企业和消费者的预期,不要让他们觉得物价会持续下滑。不过在这个“战线”上,日本央行也已“缴械投降”。日本央行设定的价格稳定区间(可以接受的价格变动区间)是从零开始的。而其他国家央行设置的这一区间为1%-3%。通货紧缩并不是一个挥舞着斧头的恶魔,不过肯定令人恐惧。James Simms相关阅读日本1月份工业产值降幅创纪录之最 2009-02-27日本汽车厂家国内产量大幅下降 2009-02-26
Like the ghoul from a bad horror-film series, deflation was never really whipped in Japan.Its return, then, is hardly a surprise. And policy makers' ability to fend it off remains doubtful. Japan and its companies are familiar with what this means: consumers delay purchases, real interest rates rise, earnings for all but the most defensive companies erode, and wages stagnate.It was in September 2006 that the 'D word' was finally dropped from official government language, after a more than five-year struggle with falling prices. But what price gains did follow were the result of spiking energy and commodity prices. In fact, by several measures prices have been unchanged or falling for a decade.Because fuel prices spiked in 2008, the core consumer price index, which excludes volatile fresh food, rose 1.5%, not high by most standards. Now economists are forecasting a clear resumption in deflation. Friday's January core CPI is expected to slide 0.1% from a year earlier.This time, adding to the downward spiral of prices and wages is a collapse in exports and the prospect for deflation to turn up in the U.S. and China.As before, the Bank of Japan finds itself unable to react strongly with conventional methods; short-term interest rates are already near zero. Unconventional methods don't sit well with the central bank.Crucial to breaking the downward cycle is changing the expectation, among companies and shoppers alike, that prices will keep tumbling. On this front, too, the Bank of Japan has already laid down its sword. Its own price-stability band, a range of acceptable price changes, starts at zero. That compares with a range of 1% to 3% for Japan's peers.This isn't an ax-wielding fiend, but it sure is frightening.James Simms
Like the ghoul from a bad horror-film series, deflation was never really whipped in Japan.Its return, then, is hardly a surprise. And policy makers' ability to fend it off remains doubtful. Japan and its companies are familiar with what this means: consumers delay purchases, real interest rates rise, earnings for all but the most defensive companies erode, and wages stagnate.It was in September 2006 that the 'D word' was finally dropped from official government language, after a more than five-year struggle with falling prices. But what price gains did follow were the result of spiking energy and commodity prices. In fact, by several measures prices have been unchanged or falling for a decade.Because fuel prices spiked in 2008, the core consumer price index, which excludes volatile fresh food, rose 1.5%, not high by most standards. Now economists are forecasting a clear resumption in deflation. Friday's January core CPI is expected to slide 0.1% from a year earlier.This time, adding to the downward spiral of prices and wages is a collapse in exports and the prospect for deflation to turn up in the U.S. and China.As before, the Bank of Japan finds itself unable to react strongly with conventional methods; short-term interest rates are already near zero. Unconventional methods don't sit well with the central bank.Crucial to breaking the downward cycle is changing the expectation, among companies and shoppers alike, that prices will keep tumbling. On this front, too, the Bank of Japan has already laid down its sword. Its own price-stability band, a range of acceptable price changes, starts at zero. That compares with a range of 1% to 3% for Japan's peers.This isn't an ax-wielding fiend, but it sure is frightening.James Simms
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sets, one for each of both modes and one for the transition region are considered. Each fuzzy set is associated with a local backstepping controller. At the inflation and deflation regimes, the ...
36 What is deflation?
《独立成分分析(ICA)与MATLAB实现:dICA与deflation方法》 独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis,简称ICA)是一种数据处理技术,用于从混合信号中分离出潜在的独立源信号。它假设原始信号是由多个独立...
The "deflation" process depends on being able to identify portions * of the input text which are identical to earlier input (within a * sliding window trailing behind the input currently being ...
电学层析成像的图像重建需要对逆问题进行...针对现有的一些图像重建算法,提出基于Deflation技术的预调制Restarted GMRES算法,在原有full GMRES算法基础上,提高了收敛速度以及图像成像分辨率,并通过仿真实验证明。
标题中的"fastica"和"pca"是两种在数据处理和特征提取中常见的方法,它们主要用于高维数据的降维。独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis, ICA)和主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)是数据...
col 2: the percentage price deflation; col 3: the GNP in millions of dollars; col 4: the number of unemployed in thousands; col 5: the number of people employed by the military; col 6: the number of ...
#### Pursuing Practical Results, Adopting Various Ways and Seeking Common Development / The Principle of Equality, Mutual Benefit, Efficiency, Diversity and Mutual Development (平等互利、讲求实效、...
快速独立分量分析(Fast Independent Component Analysis,简称FastICA)是一种广泛应用的数据分析和信号处理方法,主要用于从混合信号中恢复出原始的独立成分。在MATLAB环境中,FastICA算法被广泛用于各种领域的...
经济支柱(pillar of economy)指的是对经济增长起关键作用的行业。 【数字专题】 数字专题通常涉及经济数据的解读和分析。同比增长(year on year/pared to a year earlier)比较的是连续两年同一时期的数据变化;...
此外,还包括了诸如通货膨胀(Inflation)、通货紧缩(Deflation)和清偿能力(Solvency)等宏观经济概念,以及股东权益(Stockholders' equity)、留存利润(Retained earnings)和投资回报率(Return on ...
ing through the Vocabulary of Business and Economics in考研英语" 在考研英语的学习过程中,掌握经济类高频词汇是至关重要的,因为这些词汇不仅出现在阅读理解中,也常常出现在写作和口语表达中。通过构建故事的...
vbNumerical15.htm<br>Solve the matrix eigenvalue problem by using Hotelling's deflation method.(15KB) 656,vbNumerical16.htm<br>Solve the integral of discrete evenly and unevenly spaced points by ...
vbNumerical15.htm<br>Solve the matrix eigenvalue problem by using Hotelling's deflation method.(15KB) 656,vbNumerical16.htm<br>Solve the integral of discrete evenly and unevenly spaced points by ...
vbNumerical15.htm<br>Solve the matrix eigenvalue problem by using Hotelling's deflation method.(15KB) 656,vbNumerical16.htm<br>Solve the integral of discrete evenly and unevenly spaced points by ...
vbNumerical15.htm<br>Solve the matrix eigenvalue problem by using Hotelling's deflation method.(15KB) 656,vbNumerical16.htm<br>Solve the integral of discrete evenly and unevenly spaced points by ...
在解题过程中,关注文章的热点(hot spot)并以时效性文章、社会科学文章为主,如经济学中的通货膨胀(inflation)、通货紧缩(deflation)等,以及教育学、心理学和传播学领域的概念。 阅读大纲要求考生能够: 1. ...