曾经写了有赌气心情的SAP 和 Rails 文字
应该一本正经地说 SAP 开发网上可以看到Ruby和Rails的字样越来越多了。
RadRails joins
SDN Day and the SDN Clubhouse in Amsterdam!
RadRails and SAP
SAP has invited the RadRails team here in Zurich to talk at TechEd Amsterdam in October. We have been talking with the folks at SAP over the past few months as they are beginning to shape a larger strategy for scripting language support within their platform. Piers Harding has written a connector to enable SAP data on the Rails framework. The data works; that is step one.
The next step is letting the half-million SAP developers worldwide know what Rails is about and how it can make them more productive. Our session in Amsterdam will be a walkthrough in how they can easily use Rails as their frontend to SAP data. Matt and I will build a vertical live on stage and be around to talk and evangelize its simplicity.
The final strategic goal after their network of developers learn how to take advantage of scripting is making deployment effortless. We need to work together to reach that point where the development team can hand over a rails app to system administrators who don't know anything else but how to deploy it. I see it as a larger mission to bring scripting languages on par with .Net and J2EE containers. We have to stop living in a world with two "enterprise" deployment options. Rails now finally fits in the accepted apache stack with mongrel and Apple's endorsement yesterday certainly backs that up. SAP has a great opportunity to do this with their platform and I hope to talk extensively about tearing down this wall at TechEd.
This kind of interaction with SAP is the very reason we started RadRails. Our goal is to make developers happy and let me tell you: enterprise developers are in a lot of pain. We hope that RadRails can enable Rails to slide even further into the enterprise and be that gateway drug for Java/.Net developers.
曾经写过 标题: SAP 也有人把它搬上了火车
SAP 外号蓝宝石
Aptana RadRails,作为一款Eclipse的插件,主要的作用就是JavaScript的调试和智能提示,就想你跟踪Java bug那样方便,有助于提升javaweb的开发效率
**Ruby on Rails 开发环境构建:Eclipse与RadRails 插件详解** 在现代软件开发领域,Ruby on Rails(简称Rails)作为一个强大的Web应用程序框架,因其简洁、高效的特性深受开发者喜爱。而Eclipse,作为一款功能强大...
Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part03 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part03
Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part01 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part01
RadRails是一款专为Ruby on Rails框架设计的集成开发环境(IDE),它基于Eclipse平台,提供了许多方便Rails开发者的功能,如代码自动完成、调试、版本控制集成等。在使用RadRails进行开发时,理解并正确配置其参数...
Aptana RadRails 2.0.5 includes extensive capabilities to build Ruby and Rails applications in addition to support for HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing.
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx5.rar"提示我们这是一个与Aptana RadRails相关的安装程序的压缩文件,版本为2.0.2,并且经过了hx5的编码处理。这个文件可能是为了在不支持直接下载.exe可执行文件的环境中...
### Ruby on Rails与RadRails环境配置详解 #### 一、Ruby on Rails简介 Ruby on Rails(简称Rails或RoR)是一种使用Ruby语言编写的开源全栈Web应用框架。它遵循模型-视图-控制器(MVC)架构模式,强调代码优雅性和...
Ruby RDT(Ruby Development Tools)和RadRails是两个在Eclipse集成开发环境中用于支持Ruby on Rails(简称ROR)开发的插件。这两个工具极大地提升了Ruby程序员在Eclipse中的工作效率,提供了丰富的特性来帮助开发者...
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx2.rar"和描述中的内容表明,这是一个关于Aptana RadRails集成开发环境(IDE)的安装程序的压缩包,版本号为2.0.2。这个压缩包可能包含了一系列的分块文件,例如hx15到hx24,...
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx4.rar"提示我们这是一个与Aptana RadRails相关的安装程序的压缩文件,版本为2.0.2,并且经过了hx4的编码处理。这个文件可能是为了分块上传或下载而被分割成了多个部分,从...
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx3.rar"提示我们这是一个关于Aptana RadRails的安装程序的压缩文件,版本为2.0.2,并且经过了hx3的分块处理。Aptana RadRails是一款强大的集成开发环境(IDE),专为Web开发...
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx7.rar"和描述中的"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx7.rar 最后一个"提到了一个名为"Aptana RadRails"的软件的安装程序的压缩包文件。这个压缩包可能是该软件的旧版本,...
标题"Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.2.exe.hx1.rar"提示我们这是一个关于Aptana RadRails的安装程序的压缩文件。Aptana RadRails是一款集成开发环境(IDE),专为Ruby on Rails框架设计,提供了一整套工具集,帮助...
在本教程中,我们将深入探讨如何在Windows XP操作系统上搭建Ruby on Rails开发环境,特别强调使用RadRails作为集成开发环境(IDE)。Ruby on Rails(RoR)是一个强大的Web应用程序框架,它基于Ruby编程语言,提供了...
Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part05 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part05
Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part09 Aptana_RadRails_Setup_2.0.5.part09