#url 地址:http://97-things.near-time.net/wiki/other-things-software-architects-should-know
1. Architects should be Pragmatic by John Davies
2. Applications are for making users as effective as possible by Ben Geyer
3. Community by Evan Cofsky
4. Know all the rules -- so you know which ones you're breaking by Kevin Bedell
5. Not all problems are solved with a layer of abstraction by Apu Shah
6. Learn to be humble by Apu Shah
7. Architecture is more than just the pieces byPaul W. Homer
8. Responsible explorer by George Malamidis
9. Design for limited resources by Mncedisi Kasper
10. The fastest system components are the one's that aren't there by John Tullis
11. The closer the better by John Tullis
12. It's not an architecture if it can't be managed by Dan Pritchett
13. Your project does not exist in a vacuum by Charles Martin
14. Design for needs, not wants by Claudio Perrone
15. Consider application failures, and design for ease of recovery by Stephen Jones
16. Risk priority by George Malamidis
17. Test the Architecture by Matt McKnight
18. An architect's responsibility never finishes after the architecture is created by Kamal Wickramanayake
19. Change is a constant; architecture needs to be adaptable and the architect needs to be a change driver by Daniel Noguerol
20. One alternative is a trap, two are a dilemma, three are freedom by Lior Bar-On
21. Work on thy soft skills just as much as on your hard skills by Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz
22. Examine the sourcing of calculated fields by Stephen Jones
23. Feel it by Mahomedalid Pacheco
24. No, the goal is not the code nor the design by William Martinez
25. Quality is a feature by Sam Gardiner
26. Good Requirements Are Boring by Eben Hewitt
27. Don’t Make Worlds, Make Containers for Worlds by Eben Hewitt
28. Architecture = SPICE RTM by António Melo
29. Know your limitations by Peter Gillard-Moss
30. Tarchitects vs. Marketects vs. Carhitects by Yi Zhou
31. Read Philoophy (and related Arts) by Keith Braithwaite
32. Prioritize Challenges to Drive Architecture Decisions by Charlie Alfred
33. Reduce Conceptual Distance by Charlie Alfred
34. The User Interface drives the User Experience by Burk Hufnagel
35. If you're unwilling to be hands-on, maybe you should keep your hands off by Barry Hawkins
36. Lead by Influence by Travis Illig
37. Software Should Be Invisible by Eben Hewitt
38. Requirements are not the measure of success but the beginnings of a conversation by Christopher Dempsey
Internet of Things for Architects: Architecting IoT solutions by implementing sensors, communication infrastructure, edge computing, analytics, and security Learn to Design, Implement and secure your ...
这本书《Internet of Things for Architects》是关于物联网(IoT)安全架构的专业书籍。物联网已经成为了我们生活中的重要组成部分,它的应用领域横跨工业、消费、医疗等多个领域,为我们的生活提供了极大的便利。然而...
12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
Dave Hendricksen illuminated the soft skills in his highly-regarded 12 Essential Skills for Software Architects. Now, in 12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects he turns to the technical ...
12 More Essential Skills for Software Architects 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn...
12 Essential Skills for Software Architects Dave Hendricksen (Author) Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (October 5, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0321717295 ...
This book is aimed at for architects, system designers, technologists, and technology managers who want to understand the IoT ecosphere, various technologies, and trade-offs and develop a 50,000-foot ...
Software architecture is about learning how to relate to people and ... 12 Essential Skills of Software Architects focused on soft skills – without these, the rest of the journey is nearly impossible
**Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects** 是微软公司推出的一款专为软件架构师设计的集成开发环境(IDE),旨在帮助他们高效地规划、设计和管理软件项目。这款工具集成了多种功能,...
本课程专注于“Smart Client”技术,特别是通过Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects(VS2005 SE for SA)来设计和开发智能客户端应用程序。Smart Client是一种现代软件开发模式,它结合了桌面...
《软件架构师的12项必备技能》一书由Dave Hendricksen所著,旨在为软件架构师提供一份全面的技能指南。软件架构师作为软件工程领域的重要角色,除了需要具备深厚的技术功底,还要在人际关系、个人发展和商业认知等非...
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Internet of Things Programming Projects
物联网(Internet of Things,简称IoT)作为一种新兴的技术范式,在现代无线通信领域迅速崛起。它旨在通过各种设备如射频识别(RFID)标签、传感器、执行器、移动电话等的普及,实现这些“事物”之间的相互交互与...
First, he describes the primary area where many software architects fail and shows how to decompose a system into smaller building blocks, or services, based on volatility. Next, he shows how to flow...