Note: This is my first blog writing by English. Just more thicker face。
Problems is the most valueable things when you develop software.
When you explore requirement, you ask some questions such as:
- Who will use the software?
- Who is real requirement of them?
- What is business flow?
- What is the output?
- What is the scope?
- Which external system is related to?
- What is the classical scenario?
- What is non-functional requirement,such as performance, userability?
When you get through the requirement phase and start to analyze and design, you ask:
- What is the key requirement?
- What will change in the future?
- What is the technical architecture?
- What is the logic architecture?
- What is ER data model?
- How are the sub-system organized?
- How to reduce the dependency relationship?
When you start coding,you may ask:
- What is the coding stardand?
- How to name an class ?
- How to name an interface?
- How can I write elegant code?
- How can I control complexity?
- How can I test the code?
- What is responsibilty of this object?
- How does it collabrate with other objects?
- What is the most important?
You may ask these quesions below about how to learn:
- What is my objective and what is valueable for me?
- What do I want to do really?
- How can I get information?
- Whick books will I read?
- What are effective methods for leaning?
- How do others learn?
- Who know how to learn?
- How do gurus learn and practise?
You can ask some random question for everything, just for fun:
- Why can bottle hold water?
- Why is bottle made of plastic?
- Why are there advertisement in the taxi?
- Why does water flow from the top down?
When you were a little boy, you were interest in all the things that you don't know .You ask a lot of questions, some of them are too difficult to be explained and some of them are clear. You learn more and more and absorb the answer when you have ask a lot of questions.
You should attack everything with your problem.Every problem open a window toward the subject that you don't know or only know a little.
Asking question is one of the best way to learn. By asking question , you keep continurous thinking about some subject。By ask questions,you retrospect your action and do better in the next time。
Just keep using problems to attack every subject that you think about.
数学建模培训资料 数学建模实战题目真题答案解析解题过程&论文报告 导弹追击模型的建立与求解 共6页.pdf
适用人群:大学生 自学者 使用场景:大学生毕设 自学者练手项目 学习与交流 其它说明:部分资源来源网络及开源社区、仅供参考与学习、不可商用、若有侵权请联系删除! 内容概要:用springmvc实现的校园选课管理系统
C++ Vigenère 密码(解密代码)
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环境说明:开发语言:Java 框架:springboot JDK版本:JDK1.8 服务器:tomcat7 数据库:mysql 5.7 数据库工具:Navicat 开发软件:eclipse/myeclipse/idea Maven包:Maven 浏览器:谷歌浏览器。 项目均可完美运行
【资源说明】 大数据毕业设计 基于Python+Spark机器学习天气预测系统详细文档+全部资料.zip 【备注】 1、该项目是个人高分项目源码,已获导师指导认可通过,答辩评审分达到95分 2、该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行成功,功能ok的情况下才上传的,请放心下载使用! 3、本项目适合计算机相关专业(人工智能、通信工程、自动化、电子信息、物联网等)的在校学生、老师或者企业员工下载使用,也可作为毕业设计、课程设计、作业、项目初期立项演示等,当然也适合小白学习进阶。 4、如果基础还行,可以在此代码基础上进行修改,以实现其他功能,也可直接用于毕设、课设、作业等。 欢迎下载,沟通交流,互相学习,共同进步!
购物系统 微信小程序+PHP毕业设计 源码+数据库+论文+启动教程
BIM 人才培养的框架和方法 相关的标准
内容概要:本文全面解析了汽车电动化、智能化背景下,车规芯片SoC的重要性和发展趋势。首先概述了汽车行业发展三大趋势——新能源车市场崛起、智能化引领新潮流、商业模式及价值链重构。随后详细介绍了车规芯片SoC的应用领域,包括主控芯片、功率芯片、CMOS芯片、射频接收器、传感器、存储芯片及汽车面板,并阐述了它们的作用和技术需求。文章接着讨论了电子电气架构的演进路径,从分布式向集中式的演进对汽车芯片供应链带来的影响。最后探讨了汽车SoC的技术特征、应用领域、未来发展方向及其面临的挑战。 适合人群:汽车芯片设计师、汽车制造商、科研机构及相关行业的专业人士。 使用场景及目标:理解和掌握汽车芯片尤其是SoC在智能电动汽车中的应用及未来发展,帮助相关从业者做出更好的技术和商业决策。 其他说明:随着智能电动汽车市场的快速成长,车规芯片SoC作为核心技术将面临前所未有的机遇和挑战。
用于控制 Broadlink RM2/3 (Pro) 遥控器、A1 传感器平台和 SP2/3 智能插头的 Python 模块python-broadlink用于本地控制 Broadlink 设备的 Python 模块和 CLI。支持以下设备通用遥控器RM home、RM mini 3、RM plus、RM pro、RM pro+、RM4 mini、RM4 pro、RM4C mini、RM4S、RM4 TV mate智能插头SP mini、SP mini 3、SP mini+、SP1、SP2、SP2-BR、SP2-CL、SP2-IN、SP2-UK、SP3、SP3-EU、SP3S-EU、SP3S-US、SP4L-AU、SP4L-EU、SP4L-UK、SP4M、SP4M-US、Ankuoo NEO、Ankuoo NEO PRO、Efergy Ego、BG AHC/U-01开关MCB1、SC1、SCB1E、SCB2出口BG 800, BG 900电源板MP1-1K3S2U、MP1-1K4S、MP2环境传感器A1报警套件S1C、S2KIT灯泡LB1、LB26 R1、LB2
这是一份关于五个城市的PM2.5监测数据文件,以CSV格式存储。数据涵盖了广州、北京、沈阳等地的空气质量情况,旨在帮助研究人员和数据分析人员更好地理解城市空气污染状况。 使用人群 适合对环境科学、大气污染研究感兴趣的科研工作者、学生及环保组织成员使用。 数据内容 包含五个主要城市的PM2.5浓度数据 时间跨度较长,覆盖多年数据 CSV格式方便导入各种数据分析软件进行进一步处理和分析