Index Futures and Options
The series name standards are illustrated below:
Root Symbol
HSI – Hang Seng Index
MHI – Mini-Hang Seng Index
HHI – Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
MCH – Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
For details, refer to the Instrument Explorer window in the CLICK Trade application
or the HKEx website
Contract Month Code
Contract Month Contract Month Code
Futures Call Put
January F A M
February G B N
March H C O
April J D P
May K E Q
June M F R
July N G S
August Q H T
September U I U
October V J V
November X K W
December Z L X
Contract Year Code
7 – 2007
8 – 2008
9 – 2009
0 – 2010
Series Name of Index Futures
The first 3 characters – The Root Symbol
The 4th character – The Contract Month Code
The 5th character – The Contract Year Code
Buy one “HSIU7” contract = Buy one Hang Seng Index Futures expiring in September 2007
Series Name of Index Options
The first 3 characters – The Root Symbol
The next 5 characters – The Strike Price
The 9th character – The Call/Put Contract Month Code
The 10th character – The Contract Year Code
Buy one “HSI16000A8” contract = Buy one Hang Seng Index Call Option expiring in January 2008 with Strike Price at 16000
Sell one “HHI5800V7” contract = Sell one Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Put Option expiring in October 2007 with Strike Price at 5800
Series Name of Index Standard Combinations
Type 1: Calendar Spreads
The first 3 characters – The Root Symbol
The 4th and 5th characters – The Contract Month Code and Contract Year Code of the Near Month Contract
The 6th character – The “/” symbol
The 7th and 8th characters – The Contract Month Code and Contract Year Code of the Far Month Contract
Long a calendar spread of Index Futures at a positive price involves selling the near month contract at a discount price (in comparison with the far month contract) and buying the far month contract at a premium price (in comparison with the near month contract) simultaneously.
Long a calendar spread of Index Futures at a negative price involves selling the near month contract at a premium price (in comparison with the far month contract) and buying the far month contract at a discount price (in comparison with the near month contract) simultaneously.
While short a calendar spread of Index Futures at a positive/negative price is just doing the opposite.
Buy one “MHIN8/U8” contract = Buy one Mini-Hang Seng Index Futures expiring in September 2008 and at the same time sell one expiring in July 2008.
Sell one “HHIF9/H9” contract = Buy one Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures expiring in January 2009 and at the same time sell one expiring in March 2009.
Type 2: Straddles
A straddle involves buying both the call option and the put option of the same expiry month at the same Strike Price.
The first 3 characters – The Root Symbol
The next 3 characters – The first 3 digits of the Strike Price
The 7th and 8th characters – The Contract Month Code and Contract Year Code of the call option
The 9th character – The “/” symbol
The 10th and 11th characters – The Contract Month Code and Contract Year Code of the put option
Long a Straddle of Index Options is buying both the call option and the put option of the same expiry month at the same Strike Price.
Short a Straddle of Index Options is selling both the call option and the put option of the same expiry month at the same Strike Price.
Buy one “HSI150K8/W8” contract = Buy one Hang Seng Index call option and put option expiring in November 2008 with the same Strike Price at 15000 at the same time.
* Straddles are available in the Hang Seng Index Options market ONLY*
Type 3: Strangles
A Strangle involves buying a call option at a higher strike price and a put option at a lower strike price of the same expiry month.
The first 3 characters – The Root Symbol
The next 3 characters – The first 3 digits of Strike Price of the call option The 7th and 8th characters – The Contract Month Code and Contract Year Code of the call option
The 9th character – The “/” symbol
The next 3 characters – The first 3 digits of Strike Price of the put option
The 13th and 14th characters – The Contract Month Code and Contract Year Code of the put option
Long a Strangle of Index Options involves buying a call option at a higher strike price and a put option at a lower strike price of the same expiry month.
Short a Strangle of Index Options involves selling a call option at a higher strike price and a put option at a lower strike price of the same expiry month
Buy one “HSI178J8/174V8” contract = Buy one Hang Seng Index call option with Strike Price at 17800 and put option with Strike Price at 17400 expiring in October 2008 at the same time.
* Strangles are available in the Hang Seng Index Options market ONLY*
*For details of the Hang Seng Index, Mini-Hang Seng Index, H-shares Index, FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Futures and Options, Hang Seng China H-Financials Index and Mini-H-shares Index Futures, refer to the respective specifications online.
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