<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:esri="http://www.esri.com/2008/ags">
<s:VerticalLayout gap="10" horizontalAlign="center" paddingBottom="20" paddingLeft="25"
paddingRight="25" paddingTop="20"/>
import com.esri.ags.Graphic;
import com.esri.ags.FeatureSet;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.rpc.AsyncResponder;
private function doQuery():void
queryTask.execute(query, new AsyncResponder(onResult, onFault));
function onResult(featureSet:FeatureSet, token:Object = null):void
// No code needed in this simple sample, since the
// graphics layer is bound to the query result using
// graphicProvider="{queryTask.executeLastResult.features}"
function onFault(info:Object, token:Object = null):void
Alert.show(info.toString(), "Query Problem");
<!-- Layer with US States -->
<esri:QueryTask id="queryTask"
<esri:Query id="query"
<s:Panel height="60"
title="Query a layer (search for a state)">
<s:TextInput id="qText"
<s:Button click="doQuery()" label="Do Query"/>
<esri:Map id="myMap">
<esri:Extent xmin="-14298000" ymin="2748000" xmax="-6815000" ymax="7117000">
<esri:SpatialReference wkid="102100"/>
<esri:ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer url="http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Physical_Map/MapServer"/>
<esri:GraphicsLayer id="myGraphicsLayer" graphicProvider="{queryTask.executeLastResult.features}"/>
Use data preview ofr analysing of query result. GPS Visualiser -Visualise points, polygons, and lines on map. Use Open Street Map, Goole Maps, Bing maps and more than 50 other popular map providers....
http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/flex-api/samples/index.html#/Query_result_on_Map/01nq0000003q000000/上的近200个演示实例包括web端(主要是100多个mxml文件)和mobile端的。 放到flash builder中后绝大...
Group by-used to group rows of a query result, based on one or more columns。 四、 减少 Job 数 减少 Job 数是 Hive 中一个非常重要的优化方法,影响着数据处理的速度和效率。减少 Job 数可以通过合并小文件...
这个SDK允许开发者利用JavaScript语言与ArcGIS Server、ArcGIS Online等服务进行交互,创建丰富的地图和地理分析功能。 ### 1. SDK概述 ArcGIS JavaScript SDK主要包含以下组件: - **API库**: 提供了一系列...
1. 查询功能:`esri.tasks.QueryTask`和`esri.tasks.Query`对象用于执行空间和属性查询,如`queryTask.execute(query, function(featureSet) {...})`。 2. 叠加分析:通过`esri.layers.GraphicsLayer`进行图形叠加...
map.identify(event.mapPoint, 100, { layerIds: [0] }, function(result) { // 处理识别结果 }); } ]]> </esri:MapEvent> </esri:Map> ``` #### 七、GeometryService的使用 1. **功能介绍** ...
if (serviceResult.result && serviceResult.result.features.length > 0) { // 处理查询结果 } }); ``` 4. **处理查询结果**:将查询结果解析并显示在地图上,或者以表格等形式展示给用户。这可能涉及创建新...
- Experiment with LINQ queries to combine functional programming with query syntax. 5. **Optimize Performance** - Optimize your functional code for performance. - Utilize parallel LINQ (PLINQ) for ...
<mx:method name="queryAll" result="handleQueryAll(result : ResultEvent)"/> </mx:RemoteObject> 现在,就可以调用这个名为 flexServiceRO 的 RemoteObject 对象的方法了: 清单 14. 调用 ...
<mx:method name="queryAll" result="handleQueryAll(result : ResultEvent)"/> </mx:RemoteObject> 现在,就可以调用这个名为 flexServiceRO 的 RemoteObject 对象的方法了: 清单 14. 调用 FlexServiceRO...
geocoder.on('result', function(result) { console.log(result); }); document.body.appendChild(geocoder.onAdd(map)); ``` 以上代码展示了如何在HTML页面中集成MapboxGeoCoder,创建地图,以及处理用户...
wfsService.events.on({"processCompleted": queryCompleted}); // 发起查询请求 wfsService.query(queryParam); function queryCompleted(event) { var features = event.result.featureCount > 0 ? event....
Headers: map[string]string{"Content-Type": "application/json"}, Body: `{ "key": "value" }`, }.Do() ``` ### 响应处理 goreq的`Do`方法返回两个值:一个`Response`对象和一个错误。`Response`对象包含了...
Persisted: Any changes made are stored on hard disk, so you never lose data on power outages or crashes. Dictionary: A key/value storage system much like the implementation in .NET. MurMurHash: A ...
[3001637] CMOS MAP register meaning error [2994370] Cannot build with 3DNow support - these S.F. feature requests were closed/implemented [1510142] Native Windows XP x64 Edition binary [1062553] ...
8.3. Components as Map indices 8.4. Components as composite identifiers 8.5. Dynamic components 9. Inheritance Mapping 9.1. The Three Strategies 9.1.1. Table per class hierarchy 9.1.2. Table per ...
SkylineSearch: Semantic Ranking and Result Visualization for PubMed (Page 1247) Julia Stoyanovich (University of Pennsylvania) Mayur Lodha (Columbia University) William Mee (Columbia University) ...
result = df.apply(function, axis=0) ``` - 其中`axis=0`表示按列应用,`axis=1`表示按行应用。 22. **如何在Pandas中进行多条件筛选?** - 使用布尔索引结合`&`和`|`: ```python filtered_df = df[(df['...