版本:webMethods IS 6.1, log4J 1.2.8
if(configurationOptionStr == null) {
if(url == null) {
url = Loader.getResource(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE);
} else {
try {
url = new URL(configurationOptionStr);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// so, resource is not a URL:
// attempt to get the resource from the class path
url = Loader.getResource(configurationOptionStr);
static public URL getResource(String resource) {
ClassLoader classLoader = null;
URL url = null;
try {
if(!java1) {
classLoader = getTCL();
if(classLoader != null) {
LogLog.debug("Trying to find ["+resource+"] using context classloader "
url = classLoader.getResource(resource);
if(url != null) {
return url;
// We could not find resource. Ler us now try with the
// classloader that loaded this class.
classLoader = Loader.class.getClassLoader();
if(classLoader != null) {
LogLog.debug("Trying to find ["+resource+"] using "+classLoader
+" class loader.");
url = classLoader.getResource(resource);
if(url != null) {
return url;
} catch(Throwable t) {
LogLog.warn(TSTR, t);
// Last ditch attempt: get the resource from the class path. It
// may be the case that clazz was loaded by the Extentsion class
// loader which the parent of the system class loader. Hence the
// code below.
LogLog.debug("Trying to find ["+resource+
"] using ClassLoader.getSystemResource().");
return ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resource);
大家可以看到,classLoader = Loader.class.getClassLoader(); 实际上log4J是调用当前类的ClassLoader来装载这个properties文件的。特别注意的是它使用的是getResource()方法,该方法返回一个URL类型的对象。
接下来看webMethods的ClassLoarder,webMethods IS有一个Server的ClassLoader,每一个Package有一个自己的ClassLoader,值得注意的是Package的ClassLoader与整个Server的ClassLoader没有继承关系,它们都是com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServerClassLoader的实例,这个类直接继承自JDK的ClassLoader,但是覆盖了父类的getResourceAsStream方法,代码如下:
public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name)
for(int i = 0; i < resdirs.size(); i++)
File rfile = new File((File)resdirs.elementAt(i), name);
return new FileInputStream(rfile);
catch(IOException _ex)
JournalLogger.log(27, 28, name);
for(int i = 0; i < jars.size(); i++)
ZipFile zfile = new ZipFile((File)jars.elementAt(i));
ZipEntry ze = zfile.getEntry(name);
if(ze != null)
InputStream is = null;
is = zfile.getInputStream(ze);
return is;
catch(Exception _ex)
JournalLogger.log(26, 28, name);
for(int i = 0; i < cldirs.size(); i++)
File cfile = new File((File)cldirs.elementAt(i), name);
return new FileInputStream(cfile);
catch(IOException _ex)
JournalLogger.log(27, 28, name);
return null;
public static void addPackage(String pkgName)
throws IOException, ZipException
Resources res = Server.getResources();
ServerClassLoader scl = new ServerClassLoader(pkgName);
scl.addJar(new File(res.getPackageCodeDir(pkgName), "classes.zip"));
pkgs.put(pkgName, scl);
private void addResourceDir(File dir)
if(dir != null || dir.isDirectory())
影响:整个webMethods IS如果有多个包用自己的log4J,但却只能有一个log4J的配置。即使设置log4j.configuration这个属性,也只能有一个。
This guide is for the administrator of a webMethods Integration Server. It provides an overview of how the server operates and explains common administrative tasks such as starting and stopping the ...
### webMethods 8.0 Integration Server (IS) 相关知识点 #### 一、概述 - **产品背景**:webMethods 8.0 IS(Integration Server)是Software AG推出的一款集成解决方案平台,主要应用于企业级应用程序集成(EAI...
- webMethods Developer:是集成开发环境,提供可视化建模、代码编写和部署工具。 - webMethods Glue:用于快速集成遗留系统、Web服务和业务流程。 - webMethods Fabric:是一个集成云服务和内部部署应用程序的平台...
4. Elements:包含在Package中的各种组件,如服务、规范、IS文档类型、触发器和IS模式。 【常用控件与功能】 - Adapter Service:提供数据库操作支持,简化数据库连接设置。 - Trigger:支持订阅(publish-...
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webMethods Developer is a graphical development tool that you use to build edit and test integration logic It provides an integrated development environment in which you can develop the logic and ...
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4. 文档中提及的webMethods Administrator、webMethods Broker等,可能是指WebMethods Integration Server中的不同模块或组件,各自承担不同的任务,比如管理、消息传递、用户界面展示等。 5. 文档提到的多个注册...
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The webMethods Integration Platform enables the end-to-end solutions that today’s businesses demand, and with proven integration technology and sophisticated design tools, the platform provides a ...