Creating a Simple Resource Plan
You can quickly create a simple resource plan that will be adequate for many situations using the CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN procedure. This procedure enables you to create consumer groups and allocate resources to them by executing a single statement. Using this procedure, you are not required to invoke the procedures that are described in succeeding sections for creating a pending area, creating each consumer group individually, and specifying resource plan directives.
You can specify the following parameters for the CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN procedure:
Parameter Description
SIMPLE_PLAN Name of the plan
CONSUMER_GROUP1 Consumer group name for first group
GROUP1_CPU CPU resource allocated to this group
CONSUMER_GROUP2 Consumer group name for second group
GROUP2_CPU CPU resource allocated to this group
CONSUMER_GROUP3 Consumer group name for third group
GROUP3_CPU CPU resource allocated to this group
CONSUMER_GROUP4 Consumer group name for fourth group
GROUP4_CPU CPU resource allocated to this group
CONSUMER_GROUP5 Consumer group name for fifth group
GROUP5_CPU CPU resource allocated to this group
CONSUMER_GROUP6 Consumer group name for sixth group
GROUP6_CPU CPU resource allocated to this group
CONSUMER_GROUP7 Consumer group name for seventh group
GROUP7_CPU CPU resource allocated to this group
CONSUMER_GROUP8 Consumer group name for eighth group
GROUP8_CPU CPU resource allocated to this group
Up to eight consumer groups can be specified using this procedure and the only plan directive that can be specified is for CPU. The plan uses the EMPHASIS CPU allocation policy and each consumer group uses the ROUND_ROBIN scheduling policy.
Each consumer group specified in the plan is allocated its CPU percentage at level 2. Also implicitly included in the plan are SYS_GROUP (a system-defined group that is the initial consumer group for the users SYS and SYSTEM) and OTHER_GROUPS.
Example: Using the CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN Procedure
CONSUMER_GROUP1 => 'mygroup1', GROUP1_CPU => 80,
CONSUMER_GROUP2 => 'mygroup2', GROUP2_CPU => 20);
Executing the preceding statements creates the following plan:
Consumer Group Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
SYS_GROUP 100% - -
mygroup1 - 80% -
mygroup2 - 20% -
Quoted from ""
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