
《Javascript -- The Definite Guide》第四章笔记


第四章  变量


1.  变量的范围 感觉这个和Java/C++的差别比较大。


(1) 首先就是没有block scope,譬如:

function test(o) {
    var i = 0;                      // i is defined throughout function
    if (typeof o == "object") {
        var j = 0;                  // j is defined everywhere, not just block
        for(var k=0; k < 10; k++) { // k is defined everywhere, not just loop
        document.write(k);          // k is still defined: prints 10
    document.write(j);              // j is defined, but may not be initialized



var scope = "global";
function f( ) {
    alert(scope);         // Displays "undefined", not "global"
    var scope = "local";  // Variable initialized here, but defined everywhere
    alert(scope);         // Displays "local"
f( );






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