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Auto-Parts Makers Seek Bailout

陷入困境的汽车零部件供应商正在追随底特律汽车三巨头的脚步,争取获得联邦政府的救助。美国汽车与设备制造商协会(Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association)周一向财政部提交申请,请求获得255亿美元的救助和担保。这个协会是代表400家汽车零部件厂商的行业组织。这份11页的请求书说,如果不立即对供应商伸出援手,美国将面临大规模失业,最终整个汽车业将土崩瓦解。这份文件说,2008年汽车业有40多家供应商申请破产保护。供应商们的救助请求显示出政府对汽车业的救助可能要明显扩大。国会已经向通用汽车(General Motors)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler LLC)提供了174亿美元的救助,并向这两家汽车制造商下属的金融公司提供了75亿美元额外资金。周三,美国众议院议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)等民主党领袖和汽车与设备制造商协会的代表开会讨论不断恶化的美国汽车业,会上这个来自密歇根州的代表团提出了救助请求。周二,通用汽车和克莱斯勒公布1月份在美汽车销量大幅下滑:通用降了49%,克莱斯勒降了55%。销售报告引起了华盛顿的警醒。奥巴马政府的官员正在等着通用汽车和克莱斯勒在2月17日前提交“生存能力”报告。支持汽车业的一位民主党议员的助手说,我认为国会的紧迫感无疑越来越强烈。他说,对经济刺激计划等问题有如此多的关注,对汽车业的关注可能没有去年多。不过昨天的新闻今天引起了轰动,又让人们开始重新关注起来。佩洛西的发言人拒绝置评。供应商们正争取获得70亿美元联邦资金,以建立一个“快速支付项目”,向汽车厂商提供资金,这样它们就能在收到零部件10天内向供应商付款,而不是通常的45天甚至更长。这个组织还寻求获得105亿美元的资金,为那些客户获得联邦贷款(也就是通用汽车和克莱斯勒)的供应商的应收帐款提供担保。这将为供应商贷款遭受的商业借贷损失提供担保。最后,供应商希望获得80亿美元的联邦直接贷款。汽车与设备制造商协会的发言人威尔森(Ann Wilson)对此不予置评。由于很多零部件都是在组装前几个小时才被运到组装厂,一家汽车零部件企业的倒闭可能会导致全国各地汽车组装厂出现问题。Jeff Bennett / Josh Mitchell 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年02月05日11:47', 'F'));福特汽车公司英文名称:Ford Motor Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:Fdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月05日11:47', 'GM'));General Motors Corp.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:GMdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月05日11:47', 'C.XX'));Chrysler Llc总部地点:美国

Beleaguered auto-parts suppliers are following the lead of Detroit's Big Three in seeking aid from the federal government.In a request dated Monday to the Treasury Department, an industry group representing 400 parts makers asks for $25.5 billion in aid and guarantees.'Without immediate assistance to suppliers, the country will face massive job losses and the eventual breakdown of the entire automotive sector in the United States,' says the 11-page request from the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association.The document says more than 40 car-industry suppliers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2008.The request signals a potentially significant broadening of the government's auto-industry bailout efforts. Congress already has provided $17.4 billion to General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC, and an additional $7.5 billion to the finance companies associated with the two auto makers.The request surfaced as U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders met Wednesday with the Michigan delegation to discuss the deteriorating U.S. car industry.On Tuesday, GM and Chrysler reported steep declines in U.S. vehicle sales in January -- GM's fell 49%; Chrysler's declined 55%. The sales reports caused alarm in Washington, where officials in President Obama's administration are awaiting 'viability' reports from GM and Chrysler by Feb. 17.'I think there definitely is a growing sense of urgency' in Congress, said an aide to a Democratic auto-industry ally. 'With so much focus on the [economic] stimulus and all of these other issues, there hasn't been as much focus on [the car industry] as there was perhaps last year. But the news from yesterday, headlines today, is starting to refocus people,' the aide said.A spokesman for Ms. Pelosi declined to comment.The suppliers are seeking $7 billion in federal funds to create a 'quick pay program' to funnel money to auto makers so they can pay suppliers within 10 days of receiving parts, instead of the 45 days or more they typically take to pay.The group also seeks $10.5 billion to guarantee receivables of suppliers whose customers have taken federal loans, which means GM and Chrysler. The guarantee would provide a backstop to commercial-lending losses on loans to suppliers.Lastly, the suppliers want $8 billion in direct access to federal loans.Ann Wilson, spokeswoman for the car-parts association, had no comment.A failure of a parts supplier could cause trouble at car-assembly plants across the country since many parts arrive just hours before they are needed on the assembly line.Jeff Bennett / Josh Mitchell


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