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Warnings From Australia

澳大利亚最大的两家银行警告说,由于经济状况进一步恶化,它们面临利润增长乏力不良债务上升的局面。澳洲银行(National Australia Bank Ltd.)上周五公布,第一季度不良贷款水平增至8.24亿澳元(5.393亿美元),而现金利润与上年持平,为11亿澳元。Associated Press澳州银行公布2009年第一季度不良贷款增至5.393亿美元,超过2008年上半年的水平澳新银行(Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.)说,在计入准备金和衍生产品的信用风险后,上半年净利润可能比上年同期下降15%以上。澳大利亚的银行受到了多起知名企业倒闭案的打击,其中包括ABC Learning Centres和Allco Finance。澳洲银行称,它当季的坏账支出包括同三家知名企业倒闭有关的5.21亿澳元损失。它还将当季的准备金总额提高了3.03亿澳元,以缓解经济状况低迷的冲击。澳洲银行没有给出此前相应季度的坏账支出,但2008上半财年的坏账支出总额已经超过了7.26亿澳元。澳洲银行截至去年9月30日财年的坏账和可疑债务总额为24.9亿澳元。不过,1月初上任的澳洲银行首席执行长克莱恩(Cameron Clyne)说,不包括拨出的准备金在内,当季的利润增幅约在20%左右。与此同时,针对澳大利亚证交所的问询,澳新银行说不能对截至3月31日的预期提供“可靠的”的指导意见。澳新银行说,尽管包括准备金和衍生产品信用风险的上半财年业绩“预计”将比上年同期下降15%以上,但全年业绩的降幅可能不会超过15%。但同澳洲银行一样,澳新银行说,如果不包括准备金和衍生产品信用风险,预计经营利润将比上年温和增长。澳新银行还指出,坏账和可疑贷款的准备金今年的分布可能会比2008财年更为平均。去年澳新银行的准备金在下半财年大幅增长。Lyndal McFarland相关阅读澳大利亚央行下调经济增幅预期,称刺激措施正在支撑经济 2009-02-06澳大利亚推出新一轮经济刺激计划 2009-02-04澳大利亚央行将基准利率下调100个基点,至3.25% 2009-02-03 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年02月09日13:34', 'ANZ.AU'));澳新银行英文名称:Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:ANZdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月09日13:34', 'NAB.AU'));澳洲银行英文名称:National Australia Bank Ltd.总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:NABdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月09日13:34', 'NABZY'));National Australia Bank Ltd. (ads)总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:美国场外交易粉单市场(Pink Sheet)股票代码:NABZYdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年02月09日13:34', 'ANZBY'));Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. (ADS)总部地点:澳大利亚(Australia)上市地点:美国场外交易粉单市场(Pink Sheet)股票代码:ANZBY

Two of Australia's largest banks warned they face stalling profit growth as bad debts continue to pile up amid weaker economic conditions.National Australia Bank Ltd. said Friday its level of bad debts in the first quarter climbed to 824 million Australian dollars (US$539.3 million), while cash profit was steady over the year at A$1.1 billion.Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. said its first-half net profit could be down by more than 15% year-to-year after taking into account provisions and credit risk on derivatives.Australia's banks have had exposure to a number of high-profile corporate collapses, including ABC Learning Centres and Allco Finance.NAB said its bad-debt charge for the quarter includes a total of A$521 million for its exposure to three high-profile companies. It also boosted its collective provision by A$303 million for the quarter to help buffer it from weakening economic conditions.It didn't give a figure for total bad-debt charges for the previous corresponding quarter, but already the total has exceeded the A$726 million charge booked for the entire first half of the 2008 financial year. NAB's bad and doubtful debts for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30 totaled A$2.49 billion.However, NAB Chief Executive Cameron Clyne, who took over the top role at the start of January, said that stripping out the provisions, profit growth for the quarter would have been around 20%.Meanwhile, in response to a query from the Australian Stock Exchange, ANZ said it was unable to provide 'reliable' guidance on its expectations for the six months to March 31.It said that while the half-year result 'is expected' to decline more than 15% year on year, after including provisions and credit risk on derivatives, the full-year result may not be down more than 15%.But like NAB, ANZ said that after excluding provisions and credit risk on derivatives, its operating profit is expected to be modestly higher over the year.It also noted that provisions for bad and doubtful loans are likely to be more evenly spread this year than in the 2008 financial year, when the bank recorded a spike in second-half provisions.Lyndal McFarland



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