2.2.4. Service Manager Installation on Unix
To install the Service Manager find the file named
(where version
indicates the version
number, the OS, and the architecture ). Ensure that this file is
executable by typing:
shell> chmod +x mysqlmonitor-version
To install to the default directory
) you need to
be logged in as root
. Installing as an
unprivileged user installs to the
What follows describes installation from the command line. You
may install the Service Manager graphically by running the
installer from within a windows manager. In both cases the steps
are identical. You may also install the Service Manager in
mode. This is especially useful if
you are doing multiple installations. For more information on
this topic see Section 2.7, “Unattended Installation”
Begin installation by typing:
shell> ./mysqlmonitor-version
First choose the language for the installation:
Language Selection
Please select the installation language
[1] English
[2] Japanese
Please choose an option [1] :
Throughout the installation process you will be asked the
configuration questions for different options. Default
values are shown between square brackets; to use the default
press Enter
. Otherwise, enter the new value
and press Enter
First, select the directory where you want MySQL Enterprise Service Manager
to be installed. The default is
. Make
sure that the location you choose has enough space to hold
the installation files and the database information that
will be created when MySQL Enterprise Service Manager is running.
Please specify the directory where the MySQL Enterprise Service Manager
will be installed.
Installation directory [/opt/mysql/enterprise/monitor/]:
Now set the Tomcat Server options. For more details on these
parameters, see
Section 2.2.1, “Service Manager Installation Common Parameters”
Tomcat Server Options
Please specify the following parameters for the bundled Tomcat Server
Tomcat Server Port [18080]:
Tomcat Shutdown Port [18005]:
Tomcat SSL Port [18443]:
You will also be asked if SSL support is required. SSL
support allows your agents and monitor to communicate with
each other using SSL. Using SSL means that the data
exchanged by the agent and MySQL Enterprise Service Manager are secure and
can be used to monitor servers securely, or to monitor
agents over a public connection.
You can enable SSL by pressing Y
prompted during installation:
Is SSL support required? [y/N]:
Set the repository (embedded MySQL server) configuration
options. For more details on these parameters, see
Section 2.2.1, “Service Manager Installation Common Parameters”
Repository Configuration
Please specify the following parameters for the bundled MySQL server
Repository Username [service_manager]:
Password :
Re-enter :
Bundled MySQL Database Port [13306]:
Before the final installation process, you will provided
with the location of the file that contains a copy of all of
the settings. Be sure to follow the instructions and store
this report in a secure location. There is no password
recovery feature.
Configuration Report
The settings you specified will be saved here:
IMPORTANT: This configuration report includes passwords stored in plain text; it
is intended to help you install and configure your agents. We strongly advise
you to secure or delete this text file immediately after installation.
Press [Enter] to continue :
You you will now be asked to confirm the installation
Setup is now ready to begin installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor
on your computer.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y
Please wait while Setup installs MySQL Enterprise Monitor
on your computer.
The installation process may take a few minutes to complete.
Upon completion you should see:
Completed installing files
Setup has completed installing MySQL Enterprise files on your computer
Uninstalling the MySQL Enterprise files can be done by invoking:
To complete the installation, launch the MySQL Enterprise Dashboard and complete
the initial setup and product activation information. Refer to the readme file
for additional information and a list of known issues.
Press [Enter] to continue :
Finally, you will be given the opportunity to read a
supplied Readme
file that is supplied
with the installation. The Readme
contains important information about how to use and start
your MySQL Enterprise Service Manager.
Setup has finished installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor on your computer.
View Readme File [Y/n]: n
Once the Readme
file has been
displayed, or if you did not elect to read the file, the
installation provides information about how to continue with
your installation.
Info: To access the MySQL Enterprise Monitor please visit the
following page: http://localhost:18080/Auth.action
Press [Enter] to continue :
The Enterprise Dashboard will not start up automatically if you
perform a text
mode installation. For more
information on starting and stopping MySQL Enterprise Service Manager, see
Section 2.2.6, “Starting/Stopping the MySQL Enterprise Monitor Service on Unix and Mac OS X”
MySQL Service Manager for Windows (English Version) Get administrator privileges after running, determine the running status of MySQL services, and start/stop services based on the status ...
本文将深入探讨MHA的两个核心组件——`mha4mysql-manager`和`mha4mysql-node`,以及它们在`0.58`版本中的应用。 MHA,全称MySQL High Availability,是一款开源的、基于Python编写的MySQL主从复制故障切换管理工具...
在Linux环境下,为了实现Java程序与MySQL数据库的连接,开发者通常会使用JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)驱动。本篇文章将详细讲解“mysql-connector-java”在Linux下作为MySQL的JDBC驱动Jar包的相关知识点。 1...
【mha4mysql-manager-0.57.tar 和 mha4mysql-node-0.57.tar 文件】 这两个文件是MHA Manager和Node的源码包,版本号为0.57。源码可以用于自定义编译和配置,以适应特定的系统环境和需求。RPM包则是预编译的二进制包...
Linux 下安装 MySQL 服务器 Linux 下安装 MySQL 服务器是指在 Linux 操作系统中安装和配置 MySQL 数据库服务器的过程。MySQL 是一种关系型数据库管理系统,广泛应用于 Web 应用程序中。 知识点: 1. 安装 MySQL ...
在给定的压缩包文件中,我们有两个组件:`mha4mysql-manager` 和 `mha4mysql-node`,它们是MHA系统的核心部分,版本为0.57,适用于EL7(Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7)环境。 `mha4mysql-manager` 是MHA的主控节点,...
3. **设置启动级别**:执行`chkconfig --level 345 mysql on`以确保MySQL在系统启动时自动启动。 以上步骤详细介绍了如何在Linux环境下安装MySQL 5.7及其相关的配置过程。遵循这些步骤,你可以成功地在Linux系统上...
2. `mha4mysql-node`:每个MySQL节点上都部署有`mha4mysql-node`,它主要负责辅助`mha4mysql-manager`进行故障检测和切换操作。当`manager`指示执行切换时,`node`会在本地执行必要的命令,如停止读写,更新复制信息...
现在,你可以通过运行`service mysql start`命令来启动MySQL服务。 ### 七、设置MySQL权限 一旦MySQL服务运行起来,你需要登录到MySQL服务器并设置root用户的密码,以及赋予其所有权限: ```sql mysql -u root ``...
mysql-8.0.39-linux 安装包
标题中的“mha4mysql-node-0.56.tar.gz”和“mha4mysql-manager-0.56.tar.gz”是MHA组件的主要部分: 1. **mha4mysql-node**: 这个组件通常部署在每个MySQL复制节点上,负责监控主从复制的状态。它定期检查MySQL...
【标题】"mha4mysql-manager-0.56.tar.gz" 指的是MySQL高可用性解决方案MHA(Master High Availability)的一个版本管理器,版本号为0.56,压缩格式为tar.gz。MHA是用于MySQL主从复制环境的一种工具,旨在提高数据库...
包括mha4mysql-manager-0.58.tar.gz, mha4mysql-manager-0.58-0.el7.centos.noarch.rpm, mha4mysql-node-0.58.tar.gz, mha4mysql-node-0.58-0.el7.centos.noarch.rpm, mha4mysql-manager-0.57.tar.gz, mha4mysql-...
- **使用旧版init系统**:在某些旧的Linux发行版中,可能需要使用`sudo service mysql start`、`sudo service mysql stop`和`sudo service mysql status`。 4. **安全设置**: 安装完成后,通常推荐运行`mysql_...
MHA由两部分组成:Manager和Node,分别对应于"mha4mysql-manager-0.57.tar"和"mha4mysql-node-0.57.tar"这两个压缩包。 1. **MHA Manager**: MHA Manager是MHA的核心组件,它监控MySQL主从集群的状态,当检测到主...
### Linux安装Mysql5.6教程(手把手教你) #### 一、前言 随着Linux系统的广泛应用,数据库软件如MySQL也成为了许多项目的基础组件之一。本文将详细介绍如何在Linux环境下安装MySQL 5.6版本,并进行基本配置。无论...