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Used to cause an element to take its border, background style and size from the operating system's theme. This causes XUL elements to be drawn similar to the way the user's system draws such elements. This currently only has an effect on Windows XP and Mac OS X.
-moz-background-clip Moz1.2
Indicates whether the background, either the color or image, should extend into the border area of the element. This property is similar to the CSS3 background-clip property.
- border : The background extends into the border of the element. It will be drawn behind the border.
- padding : The background does not extend into the border.
-moz-background-inline-policy Moz1.3
Specifies how the background image of an inline element is determined when the content of the inline element wraps onto multiple lines.
- bounding-box :
- continuous : The background image wraps around on to each line as if the text had no line breaks. For example, if the image is 500 pixels and the inline box is 300 pixels, the first 300 pixels of the image appears on the first line, and the last 200 pixels followed by the first 100 pixels of the image appear on the second line. The image repeats until the end of the content.
- each-box :
-moz-background-origin Moz1.2
Determines how the background-position property is determined. This property is similar to the CSS3 background-origin property.
- content : The position is relative to the content.
- border : The position is relative to the border.
- padding : The position is relative to the padding.
Used to specify an XBL binding to use for the element. The property should be a URL of an XBL file containing the binding. The URL should contain an anchor to point to a specific binding with the XBL file, referenced by its id attribute.
Sets the border colors for the bottom edge. It should be set to a list of colors. When an element has a border that is larger than a single pixel, each line of pixels uses the next color specified in this property. This eliminates the need for nested boxes. If the border is wider than the number of colors specified for this property, the remaining part of the border is the color specified by the border property.
Sets the border colors for the bottom edge. See the -moz-border-colors-bottom property for more information.
This property can be used to give borders rounded corners. This should be set to a numeric value indicating the amount of rounding to use. You must use a unit (usually px for pixels). A higher number makes the border rounder.
Sets the rounding of the lower left corner of the border.
Sets the rounding of the lower right corner of the border.
Sets the rounding of the upper left corner of the border.
Sets the rounding of the upper right corner of the border.
Sets the border colors for the right edge. See the -moz-border-colors-bottom property for more information.
Sets the border colors for the top edge. See the -moz-border-colors-bottom property for more information.
This property is equivalent to the align attribute. It specifies how child elements of the box are aligned, when the size of the box is larger than the total size of the children. For boxes that have horizontal orientation, it specifies how its children will be aligned vertically. For boxes that have vertical orientation, it is used to specify how its children are algined horizontally. The -moz-box-pack property is related to the alignment but is used to specify the position in the opposite direction.
- start : Child elements are align starting from the left or top edge of the box. If the box is larger than the total size of the children, the extra space is placed on the right or bottom side.
- center : Extra space is split equally along each side of the child elements, resulting the children being placed in the center of the box.
- end : Child elements are placed on the right or bottom edge of the box. If the box is larger than the total size of the children, the extra space is placed on the left or top side.
- baseline : This value applies to horizontally oriented boxes only. It causes the child elements to be aligned so that their text labels are lined up.
- stretch : The child elements are stretched to fit the size of the box. For a horizontal box, the children are stretched to be the height of the box. For a vertical box, the children are stretched to be the width of the box. If the size of the box changes, the children stretch to fit. Use the flex attribute to create elements that stretch in the opposite direction.
Specifies the direction in the which the children of a box are placed.
- normal : Children are placed either from left to right or top to bottom in the order the elements appear in the XUL source or document tree.
- reverse : Children are placed either from right to left or bottom to top in the order the elements appear in the XUL source or document tree.
Indicates the flexibility of an element. Flexible elements grow and shrink to fit their given space. The actual value is not relevant unless there are other flexible elements within the same container. Elements with larger flex values will grow more than elements with lower flex values, at the ratio determined by the two elements.
Indicates the ordinal group the element belongs to. Elements with a lower ordinal group are displayed before those with a higher ordinal group.
This is the corresponding style property for a XUL element's orient attribute. For elements that are types of boxes, it determines whether the children are laid out horizontally or vertically.
- horizontal : The children of the element are placed horizontally in a row.
- vertical : The children of the element are placed vertically in a column.
This property is equivalent to the pack attribute. It specifies where child elements of the box are placed when the box is larger that the size of the children. For boxes with horizontal orientation, it is used to indicate the position of children horizontally. For boxes with vertical orientation, it is used to indicate the position of children vertically. The -moz-box-align attribute is used to specify the position in the opposite direction.
- start : Child elements are placed starting from the left or top edge of the box. If the box is larger than the total size of the children, the extra space is placed on the right or bottom side.
- center : Extra space is split equally along each side of the child elements, resulting the children being placed in the center of the box.
- end : Child elements are placed on the right or bottom edge of the box. If the box is larger than the total size of the children, the extra space is placed on the left or top side.
This property determines how the width and height of the element is calculated. It affects the width and height properties.
- content-box : The width and height properties specify the size of the element including the padding.
- border-box : The width and height properties specify the size of the element including the padding and border.
- padding-box : The width and height properties specify the size of the element. The padding, border and margin are added outside of this size.
For elements that have an image, this property sets the area of the image that is used. You can set multiple elements to use the same image but use a different region of the image, reducing the amount of memory required. You can change this property to simulate animation. The syntax is similar to the clip property. All four values are relative to the upper left corner of the image.
-moz-image-region: rect(top, right, bottom, left);
This property can be used to make an element partially transparent. Any content behind the element will be partially visible. This should be a decimal number between 0 and 1, where 0 means invisible and 1 means fully opaque. Thus, 0.5 means half-way between. Newer versions of Mozilla (1.7 and later) support the CSS3 property 'opacity'.
This property can be used to set the outline of the element. An outline is like a border but has some differences in the way it is drawn. This is similar to the CSS2 outline property which Mozilla does not currently support.
Sets the color of the outline.
This property can be used to give outlines rounded corners. This should be set to a numeric value indicating the amount of rounding to use. You must use a unit (usually px for pixels). A higher number makes the outline rounder.
Sets the rounding of the lower left corner of the outline.
Sets the rounding of the lower right corner of the outline.
Sets the rounding of the upper left corner of the outline.
Sets the rounding of the upper right corner of the outline.
Sets the style of the border, which can have the same values as the border-style property.
Sets the width of the outline.
Used to indicate whether the element can have the focus. By setting this to 'ignore', you can disable focusing the element, which means that the user will not be able to activate the element. The element will be skipped in the tab sequence. A similar property 'user-focus' has been proposed for CSS3.
- ignore : The element does not accept the keyboard focus and will be skipped in the tab order.
- normal : The element can accept the keyboard focus.
This can be used to indicate whether the value of the element can be modifed. This mainly applies to textboxes.
- disabled : The user cannot edit the value of the textbox. The user may still select text in the textbox.
- enabled : The user can edit the value of the textbox.
Used to indicate whether the text of the element can be selected. This doesn't have any affect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes. A similar property 'user-select' has been proposed for CSS3.
- none : The text of the element cannot be selected.
- normal : The text can be selected by the user.
Although the display property is part of standard CSS, some additional values are allowed, for the XUL layout styles. You can use these values for non-XUL elements too, although they may produce unusual results.
- -moz-box : Child elements are laid out horizontally or vertically.
- -moz-inline-box :
- -moz-grid : Child elements are laid out as a XUL grid .
- -moz-inline-grid :
- -moz-grid-group : Child elements are laid out as a group of grid columns or rows. This is the layout used by the rows and columns elements. You can use the orientation (-moz-box-orient) to set which direction. Rows would normally have vertical orientation and columns would have a horizontal orientation.
- -moz-grid-line : Child elements are laid out as a single column or row of a grid. You can use the orientation (-moz-box-orient) to set which direction.
- -moz-stack : Child elements are laid out one on top of each other like the XUL stack element.
- -moz-inline-stack :
- -moz-deck : Child elements are laid out one on top of each other like the XUL deck element. Unlike a stack, only the top element is displayed.
- -moz-popup :
- -moz-groupbox :
Mozilla supports some additional values for the overflow property that are not in standard CSS. The overflow property is used to specify what happens when the content is too large for the container.
- -moz-scrollbars-horizontal : Indicates that horizontal scrollbars should appear.
- -moz-scrollbars-vertical : Indicates that vertical scrollbars should appear.
- -moz-scrollbars-none : Indicates that no scrollbars should appear.
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CSS2.0支持多种颜色表示方法,如颜色名称(如`red`)、十六进制(如`#ff0000`)、RGB(如`rgb(255, 0, 0)`)、RGBA(带透明度)等。同时,可以设置元素的背景色、背景图片、背景重复、背景位置等属性。 五、字体与...
FF中CSS的私有属性小结 有时..有些东西FF总是支持不好……. 只能找私有属性来帮忙…. 例子还米做… 因为太多太不了解了… 等理解得差不多时搞成本电子书. 虽然这些不推荐使用, 可是万不得以的时候总得有个...
在前端开发领域,CSS样式兼容性问题一直是开发者面临的一大挑战,特别是针对老版本的Internet Explorer(IE6和IE7)以及Firefox(FF)浏览器。这些浏览器对于CSS的解析和实现存在差异,导致开发者需要采取特定的技巧...
为了解决不同浏览器之间的兼容性问题,开发者通常会在CSS属性前添加私有前缀。例如,`-webkit-` 适用于 Chrome 和 Safari,`-moz-` 用于 Firefox,`-ms-` 为 IE,`-o-` 代表 Opera。正确书写顺序是先写兼容性写法,...
$('::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb').css('background-color', '#ff0000'); // 当滚动超过100像素时,滚动条变为红色 } else { $('::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb').css('background-color', '#888'); // 否则恢复原色 }...
这里的星号(*)前缀是IE6和IE7特有的,用于它们识别的私有语法,而Firefox不识别这种写法。 2. **背景颜色(Background Color)的区别**: ``` background:orange;*background:blue; ``` 这种方式可以区分IE6...
因而在进行编码时,应用到了一个HACK和FF的私有属性,大家在学习时注意区别。 看下面的HTML代码: <ul> <li><a>使用CSS最佳习惯 </a></li> <li><a>说说XHTML中的alt属性和title属性 </a></li> <li><a>IE中伪类:hover...
2. FF和OP兼容:这些浏览器通常对现代CSS特性支持较好,但有时仍需注意某些特性在旧版本中的兼容问题。例如,使用`-moz-`、`-webkit-`前缀为Firefox和Opera添加私有属性支持。 三、表单样式技巧 1. 使用内联Block...
图片的透明效果是网页中需要用到的一种特殊形式,虽然不是非常的常用,但是遇到这样的需求往往有点措手不及,... /* 支持CSS3的浏览器(FF 1.5也支持)*/ 简单解释,IE使用私有属性filter:alpha(opacity),Moz Family
随着时间的推移,CSS3的渐变语法逐渐标准化,但为了向后兼容,我们仍需要处理这些私有前缀。 1. Internet Explorer (IE): - 对于较旧版本的IE(6、7、8),我们可以使用`FILTER`属性来实现渐变效果。例如: ``` ...
随着网络的发展,CSS 也在不断的完善,充分吸取多年来 Web 发展的需求,提出了很多新颖的 CSS 特性,例如很受欢迎的圆角矩形 border-radius 属性,但很可惜,此属性目前没有得到任何浏览器的支持。 对于一些浏览器,...
例如,在上面的代码中,作者使用了`_border`这个私有前缀来解决IE6不支持透明边框的问题。这是一种比较古老的兼容性解决方案,现代浏览器已经不再需要这样的处理方式。但在当时,这是非常实用的方法之一。 #### 五...
2.css中的filter效果是IE的私有属性,同样所有的非IE浏览器都不认识的. 3.text-transform:capitalize 强制第一个字母大写; text-transform:lowercase 强制所有字母小写 text-transform:uppercase 强制所有字母大写...
对于不支持CSS3 border-radius属性的浏览器,可以利用其私有前缀来实现兼容性。比如,Firefox浏览器使用-moz-前缀,对应的属性为-moz-border-radius;Safari和Chrome(基于WebKit内核)使用-webkit-前缀,对应的属性...
而针对IE浏览器的layout私有属性,可以通过设置zoom:1来解决高度自适应的问题。对于IE6中的margin加倍问题,可以给浮动的div元素添加display:inline;来解决。 为了更好地兼容IE和Firefox浏览器,开发者需要对这些...
`是一个针对火狐浏览器的私有前缀写法,确保了代码在火狐浏览器中的兼容性。`column-gap: 70px;`定义了列与列之间的间隙为70像素,而`-moz-column-gap: 70px;`则对应火狐浏览器的兼容性写法。`column-rule: 5px ...