Lucasfilm is one of the world's leading film and entertainment companies.
- Qt enabled cross platform graphical element development
- Qt helped LucasFilm Entertainment save time and money on development projects
“We used Qt for a few small projects and were impressed with its
ease-of-use and support for cross-platform development. We were
convinced our company could leverage this on a larger scale in our
mainstream artist tools.”
Steve Sullivan Director of R&D at Lucasfilm Ltd
DAZ Productions, a market leader in 3D software and digital
content creation. The company's model library is renowned for its
high-quality 3D content at the industry's most competitive prices. DAZ
3D also develops powerful software applications that support its
content, including Bryce®, a 3D environment and animation package;
Carrara™, a complete 3D modeling, animation and rendering solution; DAZ
Studio™, a free 3D digital art creation tool; Hexagon™, polygonal
modeling software for the creation of 'ready-to-render' 3D models; and
Mimic™, a lip-synching application.
The Foundry
Qt provided The Foundry with a solution that
required minimal tweaking and customization.
The Foundry is a leading developer of visual effects and image processing
technologies that boost productivity and workflow in film and video post
production. The company was established in 1996 by Bruno Nicoletti and Simon
Robinson, both intimate with high-end post production facilities across the
globe, and together they produced the Tinder plug-ins for Discreet's® Flame®
systems – the first set of such plug-ins to be commercially available. The
Foundry has grown considerably since its early days; the company now
successfully licenses its sophisticated image processing technology to third
parties, holds a portfolio comprising three Academy Award® winning products
including high-end compositing application Nuke and operates offices in London and LA. The
Foundry’s innovative products are renowned worldwide and support a wide range
of host platforms including After Effects, Autodesk® Media and Entertainment
Systems, Avid DS, Baselight, Film Master, Fusion, Nuke, Scratch and Shake.
Next Limit Technologies
Next Limit expands its market with Qt-driven Cross
Platform Development
When film production companies and visual effects
studios including Pixar, Disney and WETA Digital need industry-leading
simulation solutions, they turn to Next Limit Technologies’ RealFlow, the
high-end 3D and visual effects application. Another solution from Next Limit,
Maxwell Render, provides simulation technologies for the CAD and Computer
Graphics market with a focus on architecture, product design and engineering
customers. With clients in such demanding and exacting fields, the company
needed to develop a User Interface that would deliver the highest level of
customer satisfaction. For that, Next Limit chose Qt.
使用Qt开发《智能灯光控制系统》的上位机软件.zip 使用Qt开发《智能灯光控制系统》的上位机软件.zip 使用Qt开发《智能灯光控制系统》的上位机软件.zip 使用Qt开发《智能灯光控制系统》的上位机软件.zip 使用Qt开发...
在这个"使用QT制作的主界面滑动窗口"项目中,开发者创建了一个类似于手机上滑动窗口的主界面模型,适用于桌面应用程序,提供了更现代和用户友好的用户体验。 首先,让我们了解一下QT5中的关键组件和技术,这对于...
### Qt5.9.1可执行程序转换为软件安装包的方法及步骤 #### 一、前言 在软件开发过程中,尤其是使用Qt框架开发的应用程序,开发者常常需要将编译生成的可执行程序(exe文件)封装成安装包,以便于用户安装与使用。...
### QT教程及软件知识点概述 #### 一、QT教程概览 QT是一种跨平台的应用程序开发框架,广泛应用于桌面应用程序的开发。QT以其强大的GUI工具、丰富的API集合以及高效的性能而受到开发者的青睐。该教程及软件包为QT...
本项目使用Qt框架来构建一个简单的视频通话工具,这展示了Qt在多媒体处理和网络通信方面的强大功能。 【描述】:这个工具的核心是通过TCP套接字(TCPsocket)进行通信,TCP协议因其可靠性而被广泛用于需要稳定数据...
基于Python+QT开发的Modbus采集软件+源码+软件使用说明,适合毕业设计、课程设计、项目开发。项目源码已经过严格测试,可以放心参考并在此基础上延申使用~ 基于Python+QT开发的Modbus采集软件+源码+软件使用说明,...
在构建电力组态软件时,以下几个关键知识点是必不可少的: 1. **Qt图形库**:Qt的QGraphicsView和QGraphicsScene组件是构建图形界面的核心。通过这两个类,我们可以创建自定义的图形元素,并在场景中进行动态布局和...
QT入门之Qt软件安装指南,对于初学者而言,掌握正确的安装步骤是至关重要的。Qt是一款强大的跨平台应用程序开发框架,广泛应用于桌面、移动和嵌入式系统。在本指南中,我们将详细介绍如何在Windows 10操作系统上安装...
在“QT 帮写软件帮助文档”项目中,很可能就是利用Qt Assistant来构建和组织与QT相关的各种开发指南和API信息。 编写QT帮助文档通常涉及以下几个关键知识点: 1. **Qt Creator**:这是QT的主要集成开发环境(IDE)...
QT5.14是一款强大的跨平台应用程序开发框架,由Digia公司开发,广泛应用于桌面、移动和嵌入式系统。本项目是基于QT5.14的一个实例,它展示了一个功能丰富的仪表盘小工具,可以作为开发自己的GUI应用时的参考。 在QT...
总的来说,使用Qt Creator制作和风日历是一个综合性的过程,涉及了Qt的基础知识、QML界面设计、数据处理和用户交互等多个方面。通过这个项目,开发者不仅能掌握Qt的使用,还能提升对C++和GUI设计的理解,同时体验到...
仿微信的个人项目(客户端使用QT,后端cpp)(源码)! 仿微信的个人项目(客户端使用QT,后端cpp)(源码)! 仿微信的个人项目(客户端使用QT,后端cpp)(源码)! 仿微信的个人项目(客户端使用QT,后端cpp)...
QT制作的简单界面通常涉及到以下几个关键知识点: 1. **Qt库安装与环境配置**:在开始使用Qt进行界面开发前,你需要先下载并安装Qt库,包括编译器、Qt Creator IDE以及必要的模块。安装过程中需要选择对应的开发...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何使用Qt5框架创建一个目录树视图,即"Qt目录树制作"。Qt是一个跨平台的应用程序开发框架,广泛应用于桌面、移动和嵌入式设备。目录树视图(Tree View)是Qt Widgets库中的一个组件,用于...