Author(s): Haoyi Xiong, Ying Jiang
Paper abstract: With the rapid development and wide application of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) theory, the constraints are manifold diversities. In order to support a general solving mechanism, we borrow the OWL reasoning technology in semantic web, and turn the traditional CSP solving into CSP solving based on OWL reasoning (Ocr). According to Ocr, we present the Domain and Constrains of CSP by using OWL classes, and describe variables’ states with OWL individuals. We apply OWL knowledge conflicts detection, which can detect the conflicts between OWL individual and OWL class, to evaluate whether the variables’ state is satisfied all constrains. This paper first briefly introduces the basic description of Ocr, and Enumerating-Reasoning algorithm for solution space searching. We provide a demo of solving a practical four color problem with Ocr. Finally, in this paper, we pay an outlook to the future works about the more effective and intelligent Ocr.
Keywords: CSP, RDF/OWL, OWL Knowledge Conflicts Detection
First Page: 177
Last Page: 182
Year: 2008
Editors: Pedro Isaías, Miguel Baptista Nunes and Dirk Ifenthaler
ISBN: 978-972-8924-68-3
Language: English
Conference Name: IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2008
Volume: Single
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