
Checker and Maker roles in the Financial


What's the Checker or Maker?


Maker-checker (or Maker and Checker, or 4-Eyes) is one of the central principles of authorization in the Information Systems of financial organizations.The principle of maker and checker means that for each transaction, there must be at least two individuals necessary for its completion. While one individual may create a transaction, the other individual should be involved in confirmation or authorization of the same. Here the segregation of duties plays an important role. In this way, strict control is kept over system software and data keeping in mind functional division of labor between all classes of employees.


These information comes from Answers.com.

就是一个是操作员,一个是监督的; 每个事务流程需要这两个角色一起来完成.


如何判断当前User 是maker 或者 checker?



    The Ultimate PID Checker

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    The Spin Model Checker

    The Spin Model Checker - Primer and Reference Manual - Addison Wesley.chm

    Spin Model Checker, The Primer and Reference Manual




    Bounds Checker6.01 for Delphi

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    spin a model checker

    The software has been available freely since 1991, and continues to evolve to keep pace with new developments in the field. In April 2002 the tool was awarded the prestigious System Software Award ...

    DevPartner for Visual C++ BoundsChecker Suite 11.3.1812.0 (4)

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    一本SVA的外语书《Power of Assertions in SystemVerilog》,详细,清晰!

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    The Ultimate PID Checker【支持Windows 8.1】

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    A Code Style Checker and Analyzer for Matlab Code.zip

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    KW Index Checker and Amazon Rank Tracker-crx插件

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    赠送jar包:checker-qual-2.11.1.jar; 赠送原API文档:checker-qual-2.11.1-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:checker-qual-2.11.1-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:checker-qual-2.11.1.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档...



    PayPal Checker_checker_paypal_


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