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his is an easy to use any helpers that rails provides in any other place besides views and view helpers
Plain TextExpand
# create a new file inside lib/ and call it helpers.rb # paste the following: def help Helper.instance end class Helper include Singleton # look inside ActionView::Helpers to include any other helpers that you might need include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper end # then in any model or controller: require 'lib/helpers' # to use: # help.name_of_helper # EX: help.pluralize 10, "person"
Google App Engine and others
2010-09-15 11:27 824有用的技术文章 先记载 有空 研究下 さくっとRails ... -
2010-09-15 11:07 1475引用网址 http://duyouhua1214.iteye ... -
ruby gem相关命令使用
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深入理解alias, alias_method和alias_method_chain
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Rails 3 特点
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Fix N+1 Queries
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query-reviewer sql explain and review in the page
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request-log-analyzer log分析工具
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IE7 Bug导致Rails Session保存失败
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2010-08-06 10:54 1357引用地址: http://www.letrails.cn/a ... -
how to generate qrcode on ror
2010-02-04 16:27 8751. In your rails project, in ... -
rmagick ror 上 安装
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Update Rails to 2.2.2 (Rails 2.2.2)
2009-03-08 14:53 990gem install -v=2.2.2 rails Suc ... -
2008-11-07 14:07 2438http://pullmonkey.com/2008/7/23 ... -
rake db:migrate
2008-11-07 11:58 1282【ruby on rails】rake db:migrate ... -
rss maker
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rails で model の変更を監視するプラグイン
2008-11-07 11:12 1367acts_as_modified モデルの変更を監視して、各 ... -
2008-11-07 11:03 12131 applicattion.rb 配置 incl ...
10.1 Use SOAP or Take a REST Instead? 10.2 Creating a Web Service 10.3 Publishing to Blogger IV Security and Deployment 11 Security, Error Handling, and Logging 11.1 Applying Additional Security ...
Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more ...
- **Controllers and Actions:** These components handle user requests and manage the business logic of the application. - **Views:** Responsible for displaying data to the user. - **Models:** Contain ...
4. **辅助函数 (Helpers)**: - 辅助函数提供了一组预定义的功能,比如 URL 辅助函数、HTML 辅助函数等。 - 例如:URL 重写、表单生成等。 5. **库 (Libraries)**: - 库包含一组预定义的类和方法,用于执行特定...
<use>core_setup</use> <use>core_write</use> <use>core_read</use> <use>standard</use> <module>Vendor_HelloWorld_Adminhtml <frontName>helloworld ``` 这段...
use frontend\models\Uploadm; use yii\web\UploadedFile; class FormController extends Controller { public function actionMyfiles() { $model = new Uploadm(); return $this->renderPartial('myfiles', ['...
Models, Views, and Controllers(模型、视图和控制器) MVC是Rails的核心架构之一,这一章节将详细介绍这三个组件的作用和相互关系。模型负责与数据库交互,管理数据;视图用于展示数据给用户;控制器则处理用户...
- **Controllers/Interactors**:Clean Architecture中的Use Cases,定义应用的核心功能。 - **Repositories**:数据源管理,可以是本地数据库、网络API或其他数据源。 - **DataSources**:具体的数据操作,例如...
- **controllers**: 控制器文件。 - **application.rb**: 主配置文件。 - **helpers**: 辅助方法文件。 - **application_helper.rb**: 全局辅助方法。 - **models**: 模型文件。 - **views**: 视图文件。 - *...