
NS by Example 笔记(7)RED Queue Monitor Example


RED Queue Monitor Example



Example 5中OTcl脚本建立了网络拓扑并运行Figure 15所描述的模拟场景。


备注RED队列可以持有最多25个数据包用于连接r1-r2, 并且我们可以看到RED队列如何通过测量当前队列大小和平均队列大小的动态变化来运行。

Figure 15. RED Queue Monitor Example Setup

    Example 5. RED Queue Monitor Simulation Script




  • 高级的模拟对象的成员函数create-connection用来建立TCP连接。 
  • 在tracing a queue(monitoring)那段代码中, 首先给variable带入RED queue对象, 调用它的成员函数trace去监听当前队列大小(curq_)和平均队列大小(avg_), 然后让他们把结果写入到"all.q"文件中。下面是两个队列追踪信息输出的格式,分别是平均队列大小average queue size和当前队列大小current queue size.


    a time avg_q_size
    Q time crnt_q_size


    当模拟完成时,除了关闭"all.q"文件的以外,所有RED队列监听需要的命令都已经完成, 所以剩下的工作就是设计并编写post-simulation处理。 这个脚本使用awk去把监听信息转换到XGraph(a plotter)输入的格式, 然后启动它去根据已给信息画出分析图(见 Figure 16)。

    Figure 16. Red Queue Trace Graph





    # Polly Huang 8-7-98
    set ns [new Simulator]
    # Create a simple six node topology:
    #        s1                 s3
    #         \                 /
    # 10Mb,2ms \  1.5Mb,20ms   / 10Mb,4ms
    #           r1 --------- r2
    # 10Mb,3ms /               \ 10Mb,5ms
    #         /                 \
    #        s2                 s4 
    set node_(s1) [$ns node]
    set node_(s2) [$ns node]
    set node_(r1) [$ns node]
    set node_(r2) [$ns node]
    set node_(s3) [$ns node]
    set node_(s4) [$ns node]
    $ns duplex-link $node_(s1) $node_(r1) 10Mb 2ms DropTail 
    $ns duplex-link $node_(s2) $node_(r1) 10Mb 3ms DropTail 
    $ns duplex-link $node_(r1) $node_(r2) 1.5Mb 20ms RED 
    $ns queue-limit $node_(r1) $node_(r2) 25
    $ns queue-limit $node_(r2) $node_(r1) 25
    $ns duplex-link $node_(s3) $node_(r2) 10Mb 4ms DropTail 
    $ns duplex-link $node_(s4) $node_(r2) 10Mb 5ms DropTail 
    $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s1) $node_(r1) orient right-down
    $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s2) $node_(r1) orient right-up
    $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(r2) orient right
    $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r1) $node_(r2) queuePos 0
    $ns duplex-link-op $node_(r2) $node_(r1) queuePos 0
    $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s3) $node_(r2) orient left-down
    $ns duplex-link-op $node_(s4) $node_(r2) orient left-up
    set tcp1 [$ns create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s1) TCPSink $node_(s3) 0]
    $tcp1 set window_ 15
    set tcp2 [$ns create-connection TCP/Reno $node_(s2) TCPSink $node_(s3) 1]
    $tcp2 set window_ 15
    set ftp1 [$tcp1 attach-source FTP]
    set ftp2 [$tcp2 attach-source FTP]
    # Tracing a queue
    set redq [[$ns link $node_(r1) $node_(r2)] queue]
    set tchan_ [open all.q w]
    $redq trace curq_
    $redq trace ave_
    $redq attach $tchan_
    $ns at 0.0 "$ftp1 start"
    $ns at 3.0 "$ftp2 start"
    $ns at 10 "finish"
    # Define 'finish' procedure (include post-simulation processes)
    proc finish {} {
        global tchan_
        set awkCode {
    	    if ($1 == "Q" && NF>2) {
    		print $2, $3 >> "temp.q";
    		set end $2
    	    else if ($1 == "a" && NF>2)
    	    print $2, $3 >> "temp.a";
        set f [open temp.queue w]
        puts $f "TitleText: red"
        puts $f "Device: Postscript"
        if { [info exists tchan_] } {
    	close $tchan_
        exec rm -f temp.q temp.a 
        exec touch temp.a temp.q
        exec awk $awkCode all.q
        puts $f \"queue
        exec cat temp.q >@ $f  
        puts $f \n\"ave_queue
        exec cat temp.a >@ $f
        close $f
        exec xgraph -bb -tk -x time -y queue temp.queue &
        exit 0
    $ns run


  • 大小: 4.7 KB
  • 大小: 3.5 KB
  • 大小: 15.2 KB


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