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Criteria和Detachedcriteria的区别及应用 -
那就稍微翻译一下 啊....
Mysql autoReconnect 的问题 -
非常感谢,我正想做一个画线的控件,就和windows的画图板一 ...
一个简单的FLEX画图demo -
可以用一下flash builder 4,现在支持绝对定位了, ...
how to use flex layouts -
Autumn is here again and it’s time to review some of the happenings from the summer. Here are 43 hand selected Flex and ActionScript 3.0 libraries, APIs, tips, and tricks. There have been several new APIs launched, Cairngorm was open sourced, a Flex 3 update was released and Grant Skinner created a new tweening engine. There have been new Flex application development frameworks released. There was a Flex code generator update and there have also been some design pattern updates released. You don’t want to miss out on this link round up!
Introducing Flex SDK 3.1 and Flex Builder 3.0.1
Flex SDK 3.1 is what the team considers a milestone build, a
certification of all of that work and a roll-up into a build that is
recommended for all users
Cairngorm Moved to Adobe Open Source
Flex Architecture Basics - Models & Data Transfer Objects
Demonstrates a relatively easy way of setting up a small Flex application using a model and a data transfer object
Tutorial: ActionScript 3 Dragging Methods
This tutorial is all about dragging an object around the stage.
Flex Paginate Component
A little paginator component
ModuleManager and IModuleInfo - loading Flex Modules dynamically
Getting started with Degrafa
Simple code example by Mike Huntington
Advanced CSS with Degrafa
Another great code example by Mike Huntington
Alcon 3
Rewritten for Adobe AIR. This is a little debuger/logger, I used to use
this back in the AS2 days and really enjoyed it. I still need to check
this out but I’m sure it’s really cool.
Remove css type selector warnings in Flex Builder
Quick little tip to remove css type selector warnings from the Flex Builder problems panel
VBox, HBox with gradient background
Flex designer/developer workflow video tutorials
A series of short tutorials that cover using Fireworks CS3 and Flex Builder 3 to create a visual theme for Flex applications.
Six reasons to use ActionScript 3.0 - Lee Brimelow
Custom flex skins
Creating web-applications with flex 3 is great. there are a ton of
pre-made components, and an open-ended architecture to allow you to
create your own.
Writing components in Flex, part 1
Writing components in Flex, part 2
Flash Enabled Blog Actionscript 3 API roundup
Create bitmap data object from a display object
FCG 1.0 (Flex code generator)
Goes final and open source
New ActionScript 3 Singleton Method
Daniel Love’s version using static initializers
AIR debuger for Mac
Fill Colors
Fill Colors is the embodiment of the separation between style and
layout in Flex and a demonstration of what’s possible in terms of
skinning a Flex application
Animation tweening library by Grant Skinner
Functional Testing Framework for AIR AJAX apps based on Selenium
Yahoo! Music API
The Yahoo! Music API gives developers access to the Yahoo! Music
catalog of artists, albums, tracks, videos, ratings and more. It
provides numerous ways to browse the catalog: through charts, search,
similarities, genres, artists, and user recommendations and ratings.
ActionScript 3 Flexible Layout Class
The NpFlexLayout Class is designed to simplify aligning DisplayObjects
to stage dimensions and responding to changes in stage dimensions at
run time by a user or between different users.
mediacorelib - media core library for ActionScript 3.0
The MediaCoreLib is an Actionscript 3.0 library toolset for playing
audio or video files effortlessly. MediaCoreLib allows you to manage a
playlist and seemlessly crossfade tracks.
Servebox ActionScript Foundry
An ActionScript 3 / Java framework designed for Flex 2 applications development. Its design is based on several design patterns,
Flest Framework
Flest is an ActionScript3 / Flex application framework for building
enterprise level RIAs. It uses such design pattern as Controller,
Factory, Command, etc. High efficiency, simplicity and practicality
were set as its mandatory design features.
Guasax Flex/AIR MVC - The MVC Flex/AIR Framework
Guasax is an ease of use programming framework to provide ordered and
scalable Flex applications. Life cycle of guasax framework is based in
the MVC pattern to take on our program actions
Flex Mojos - HelloWorldTutorial
Tutorial for building a simple Hello World Flex application with flex-mojos
Scott Evans - public discussion of new FlexBuilder 4 IDE features
Scott Evans, a lead engineer on the FlexBulder team, has started a new
blog - Getting and Setting that will be for public discussion of new
FlexBuilder 4 IDE features.
dpHibernate - Hibernate lazy loading with Adobe BlazeDS
dpHibernate is a custom Flex Library and a custom BlazeDS Hibernate
adapter that work together to give you support for lazy loading of
hibernate objects from inside your flex applications.
Alternativa3D — browser 3D-engine based on Adobe Flash
Create 3D-scenes in Flash: objects, mechanisms, buildings
visualization. Import geometry from 3D-formats, upload textures
(including animated). Three-dimentional projects and games, basic
physics simulation (friction, collision).
KwikUML - build UML models of ActionScript and PHP classes
A tool to quickly build UML models of ActionScript and PHP classes and
interfaces, as well as, SQL Entity Relationship Designs (ERDs). Built
on Adobe’s AIR runtime, this desktop application allows you to not only
build those models but export PNGs of the models for use in
specification documentation and generate stub code from the models to
use as a starting point once it’s time to actually begin development.
KitchenSync is an ActionScript 3.0 library for sequencing animations and other time-based actions.
as3xls - read and write Excel files in Flex
Supports reading text, numbers, formulas, and dates from Excel version
2.x-2003 and writing text, numbers, and dates. Formulas also update to
reflect changes in cells they reference.
ASDebugger - A run-time debugger for AS3 Projects
The ASDebugger allows you to trace variables. It has support for
strings, integers, arrays, dates, arraycollections, objects and
everything in between.
as3corelib update
This is an ActionScript 3 library that contains a lot of useful APIs for working with AS3.
swix framework - Flex development framework
Swiz is a framework for Adobe Flex that aims to bring complete
simplicity to RIA development. Swiz provides Inversion of Control,
event handing, and simple life cycle for asynchronous remote methods.
In contrast to other major frameworks for Flex, Swiz imposes no JEE
patterns on your code, no repetitive folder layouts, and no boilerplate
code on your development. Swiz represents best practices learned from
the top RIA developers at some of the best consulting firms in the
industry, enabling Swiz to be simple, lightweight, and extremely
Gaia - open-source front-end Flash Framework for AS3 and AS2
Gaia is an open-source front-end Flash Framework for AS3 and AS2 designed to dramatically reduce development time.
Penne Framework - lightweight framework for developing in Flex and Air
version 1.0 of The Penne Framework, a simplified Flex and Air framework, as a second option to the popular Cairngorm Framework.
An ActionScript Compiler Written In ActionScript
“It’s enough to warm the cockles of one’s heart. ActionScript nerds
around the globe can celebrate their graduation to “real programmer”
status (whatever that means).”
flex lcds 的日志配置
2009-06-16 17:26 1771Server-side logging <!-- ... -
2009-06-07 00:38 2084Java代码 <?xml vers ... -
how to use flex layouts
2009-06-06 21:27 2025当 我们新建一个flex应 ... -
Flex 3:Feature Introductions: Runtime Localization
2009-02-08 15:41 3936Runtime Localization Gordon Smi ... -
flex 装载多个module出现的问题
2009-02-02 23:24 3414TypeError: Error #1034: 强制转换类型失 ... -
Flash trace panel
2009-01-15 22:50 1580今天晚上下载了flash trace panel,调试flas ... -
2009-01-14 08:42 7515虽然只能画简单的矩形和线段,不过还是很有意思的。 http ... -
Top 10 Mistakes when building Flex Applications
2009-01-14 08:37 1032zz from http://www.infoq.com/ne ... -
2009-01-14 08:07 2782一、开发环境:eclipse3 ... -
2009-01-11 21:36 9051.前几天的项目都搭在公司的机器上, flex build p ... -
2009-01-06 09:03 946Adobe APIs 主要包含corelib, mappr, ... -
FLEX HTTPService vs RemoteObject
2009-01-06 08:38 4180zz from xxxx 仅供参考!!! 1.Remot ... -
使用Flash,Flex Builder和AS3创建自适应的用户界
2009-01-04 20:24 3102一、概述 1.1 关于作者 J ... -
Stop using mx.transitions.Tween
2009-01-04 20:07 1502zz from:http://www.psyked.co.uk ... -
FLEX 点点滴滴
2008-12-28 12:01 962ViewStack: A ViewStack naviga ... -
flex urls
2008-12-28 00:32 1197http://blog.csdn.net/Baijinwen ... -
初试FLEX Store中遇到的问题
2008-12-28 00:22 1470剛開始研究了一下Flex,看到FlexStore,感覺不錯 ...
Flex ActionScript 3.0是Adobe Flex框架中的编程语言,它是基于ActionScript 3.0的,一个面向对象的脚本语言,主要用于构建富互联网应用程序(RIA)。在本主题"Flex ActionScript 3.0交互式开发详解源码(四)"中,...
Flex ActionScript 3.0是Adobe Flex框架中的编程语言,它是基于ActionScript 3.0的,具有更高效、类型安全的特性,适用于创建富互联网应用程序(RIA)。本资源为"Flex ActionScript 3.0交互式开发详解源码(二)",...
ActionScript 3.0 语言和组件参考概述Adobe Flex 2 语言参考ActionScript 3.0 语言和组件参考是适用于 Flash® Player 应用程序编程接口 (API) 的参考手册。 Adobe Flex 2 语言参考ActionScript 3.0 语言和组件...
《Flex资料合集》主要涵盖了Flex 3技术及其核心编程语言ActionScript 3.0的相关内容,这是一份中文版的资源集合,旨在帮助开发者深入理解和应用Flex技术。Flex是Adobe公司开发的一种开源框架,主要用于构建富互联网...
《精通Flex 3.0——基于ActionScript 3.0实现》一书源代码。 Flex 3.0 ActionScript 3.0源代码 Flex 3.0源代码。 --------------------------- 第1篇 Flex技术概述 第1章 Flex概述 3 1.1 Flex简介 3 1.2 Flex...
Flex ActionScript 3.0是Adobe Flex框架中的编程语言,用于构建富互联网应用程序(RIA)。这个压缩包包含的资源是关于如何使用ActionScript 3.0进行交互式开发的详细教程,特别适合初学者和进阶开发者提升技能。源码...
flex+actionScript3.0分页技术 也可以直接从第几页查看
《ActionScript 3.0 语言和组件参考》概述 《ActionScript 3.0 语言参考》是 Flash® Player 和 Adobe AIR™ 应用程序编程接口 (API) 的参考手册。 此版本包括支持 Adobe AIR 运行时环境的新 ActionScript 类、...
第1篇 ActionScript3.0语言基础 第1章 ActionScript3.0概述 第2章 搭建ActionScript3.0开发环境 第3章 ActionScript3.0语法 第2篇 ActionScript3.0面向对象特性 第4章 ActionScript3.0面向对象编程 第...
《Flash ActionScript3.0教程示例(从入门到精通)》是一本全面解析ActionScript3.0编程语言在Flash平台上的应用的教程。ActionScript3.0是Adobe Flash Professional中的核心编程语言,用于创建交互式动画、游戏、富...
《Foundation ActionScript 3.0 with Flash CS3 and Flex》一书由Steve Webster、Todd Yard和Sean McSharry合著,旨在为读者提供一个全面深入理解ActionScript 3.0编程语言及其在Adobe Flash CS3和Adobe Flex环境中...
《ActionScript3.0 Game Programming》是一本专为游戏开发者设计的权威教程,中文版的出版使得更多中国读者能够深入理解和掌握ActionScript3.0在游戏开发中的应用。这本书不仅覆盖了ActionScript的基础语法和面向...
- **书名**:《Foundation ActionScript 3.0 with Flash CS3 and Flex》 - **作者**:Steve Webster, Todd Yard 和 Sean McSharry - **出版年份**:2008年 - **ISBN**:978-1-59059-815-3(平装版)、978-1-4302-...
这份“Flex ActionScript3.0 API中文帮助文档”是官方发布的,旨在为开发者提供详细的API参考,帮助他们更好地理解和使用ActionScript 3.0。 API(Application Programming Interface)是一组预先定义的函数、类、...
ActionScript 3.0 是Adobe开发的一种编程语言,主要用于创建交互式内容,特别是在Flash和Flex平台上。这个“ActionScript 3.0 宝典”很可能是一本全面介绍该语言的教程,适合初学者和有一定经验的开发者。PDF版本...
flex学习ActionScript 3.0简介ActionScript 3.0简介ActionScript 3.0简介
Flash Builder是一款强大的集成开发环境(IDE),专为ActionScript 3.0和Flex应用程序设计。它提供了代码提示、调试工具、自动完成等功能,极大地方便了开发过程。通过Flash Builder,开发者可以创建、测试和部署RIA...
本书全面介绍了ActionScript 3.0的基本语法、类的架构以及面向对象程序的设计理念。内容安排上既适合刚刚接触到ActionScript脚本语言的初学者,也照顾到学习过ActionScript之前版本有一定编程经验的读者。 鉴于...
ActionScript 3.0是Adobe Flash Professional、Flash Player以及Adobe AIR中的主要编程语言,用于创建交互式内容、游戏和富互联网应用程序(RIA)。本教程针对ActionScript 3.0的动画制作进行了深入讲解,旨在帮助...