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项目地址:http://code.google.com/p/flex-iframe/ ,查看IFrame.as的源码,发现给当前html增加函数可以这样写,不过看的也挺眼花:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // IFrame.as, Alistair Rutherford, www.netthreads.co.uk // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Revision Date Who Notes // -------- ---- --- ----- // 1.0 16/09/07 AJR .Initial version // 1.1 29/09/07 AJR .Fixed bug where the frame wasn't resizing itself // when the source url was assigned. // 1.2 14/12/07 Max .http://16-bits.com/HTMLTest/HTMLTest.html // I modified it a little bit so that you can also set // a content property instead of source to display a div // container instead of iFrame. // 1.3 22/09/08 RAB .Frame will now move with the Flex component // (for example, dragging a popup TitleWindow parent) // It does this by seeding a second event listener up // the displayList for MoveEvent.MOVE // .Fixed issue where frame might not display if it // was visible at component creation and not a child // of a navigator control like TabNavigator, // ViewStack or Accordion // .IFrame now registers an onLoad callback for its // iframe element and will dispatch a 'frameLoad' flash // event when the browser reports iframe content load // .Added callIFrameFunction that allows calling of // JavaScript functions defined on the IFrame content's // document object, if everything is in the same domain // (if the iframe hasn't fully loaded yet, the call will // be queued and executed once it has loaded) // .Added option for IFrame component to try and detect // new global objects such as alerts, tooltips and // pop up windows that are added on top of it and hide the // browser iframe temporarily. This option must be // explicitly enabled with the overlayDetection property // as it's a total hack with no guarantees of working // .Added 'debug' property to component that can be // used to switch trace statements on and off and // changed all traces to go through a logger // .Added property "loadIndicatorClass". If this is // defined, iframe will create an instance of this // class and use it to display a centered indicator // over the iframe container while its contents are // being loaded by the browser // .IFrame will now ensure that it's using a unique // id within the application by tracking all IFrame // component ids in use with a static var and // appending a unique number to the end if needed. // This allows use of IFrame within a reusable MXML // component that gets instantiated more than once // 1.3.1 13/10/08 RAB .Fixed issue where parent document body could be // accidentally set to invisible when using content // div mode // 1.3.2 20/10/08 RAB .Added checks for cross-domain security violations. // Fixes a problem with hiding and showing iframes with // content from a different domain, and will now log // a warning in debug mode when attempting to call // a function inside an iframe in a different domain // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This component is based on the work of: // // Christophe Conraets // www.coenraets.org // // and // // Brian Deitte // http://www.deitte.com/archives/2006/08/finally_updated.htm // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // I have made some additions to the original code // // - javascript support functions are now generated by the component and // inserted directly into the DOM. // // - Component generates it's own div and iframe element and inserts them // into the DOM. // // - When the component is created the display list is traversed from the // component down to the root element. At each traversal a test is made to // see if current component is a container. If it is a container then the // child of the element which leads back to the component is determined and // a note madeof the appropriate 'index' on the path. The index is stored // against a reference to the Container in a Dictionary. Also the container // is 'seeded' with an event handler so that if the container triggers an // IndexChangedEvent.CHANGE (i.e. when you click on a tab in a tab navigator) // the path of 'index' values down to the component can be checked. If the // path indicates that the indexes 'line up' to expose the component then // the view is made visible. I hope I have explained this correctly :) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- package { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; import flash.events.Event; import flash.external.ExternalInterface; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import mx.core.Application; import mx.core.Container; import mx.core.UIComponent; import mx.events.FlexEvent; import mx.events.IndexChangedEvent; import mx.events.MoveEvent; import mx.logging.ILogger; import mx.logging.Log; import mx.logging.targets.TraceTarget; import mx.managers.BrowserManager; import mx.utils.URLUtil; [Event(name="frameLoad", type="flash.events.Event")] public class IFrame extends Container { public var debug:Boolean = false; public var overlayDetection:Boolean = false; private var logTarget:TraceTarget; private var __source: String; private var __content: String; private var frameId:String; private var iframeId:String; private var validForDisplay:Boolean = true; private var containerDict:Object = null; private var settingDict:Object = null; private var frameLoaded:Boolean = false; private var functionQueue:Array = []; private static var logger:ILogger = Log.getLogger("com.plus.arutherford.ccgi.IFrame"); /** * Here we define javascript functions which will be inserted into the DOM * */ private static var FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.createIFrame==null)" + "{" + "createIFrame = function (frameID)" + "{ " + "var bodyID = document.getElementsByTagName(\"body\")[0];" + "var newDiv = document.createElement('div');" + "newDiv.id = frameID;" + "newDiv.style.position ='absolute';" + "newDiv.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';" + "newDiv.style.border = '0px';" + "newDiv.style.visibility = 'hidden';" + "bodyID.appendChild(newDiv);" + "}" + "}" + "}"; private static var FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.moveIFrame==null)" + "{" + "moveIFrame = function(frameID, iframeID, x,y,w,h) " + "{" + "var frameRef=document.getElementById(frameID);" + "frameRef.style.left=x;" + "frameRef.style.top=y;" + "var iFrameRef=document.getElementById(iframeID);" + "iFrameRef.width=w;" + "iFrameRef.height=h;" + "}" + "}" + "}"; private static var FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.hideIFrame==null)" + "{" + "hideIFrame = function (frameID, iframeID)" + "{" + "var iframeRef = document.getElementById(iframeID);" + "var iframeDoc;" + "if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentWindow.document;" + "} else if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentDocument;" + "} else if (iframeRef.document) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.document;" + "}" + "if (iframeDoc) {" + "iframeDoc.body.style.visibility='hidden';" + "}" + "document.getElementById(frameID).style.visibility='hidden';" + "}" + "}" + "}"; private static var FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.showIFrame==null)" + "{" + "showIFrame = function (frameID, iframeID)" + "{" + "var iframeRef = document.getElementById(iframeID);" + "document.getElementById(frameID).style.visibility='visible';" + "var iframeDoc;" + "if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentWindow.document;" + "} else if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentDocument;" + "} else if (iframeRef.document) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.document;" + "}" + "if (iframeDoc) {" + "iframeDoc.body.style.visibility='visible';" + "}" + "}" + "}" + "}"; private static var FUNCTION_HIDEDIV:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.hideDiv==null)" + "{" + "hideDiv = function (frameID, iframeID)" + "{" + "document.getElementById(frameID).style.visibility='hidden';" + "}" + "}" + "}"; private static var FUNCTION_SHOWDIV:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.showDiv==null)" + "{" + "showDiv = function (frameID, iframeID)" + "{" + "document.getElementById(frameID).style.visibility='visible';" + "}" + "}" + "}"; private static var FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.loadIFrame==null)" + "{" + "loadIFrame = function (frameID, iframeID, url)" + "{" + "document.getElementById(frameID).innerHTML = \"<iframe id='\"+iframeID+\"' src='\"+url+\"' onLoad='" + Application.application.id + ".\"+frameID+\"_load()' frameborder='0'></iframe>\";" + "}" + "}" + "}"; private static var FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.loadDivContent==null)" + "{" + "loadDivContent = function (frameID, iframeID, content)" + "{" + "document.getElementById(frameID).innerHTML = \"<div id='\"+iframeID+\"' frameborder='0'>\"+content+\"</div>\";" + "}" + "}" + "}"; private static var FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION:String = "document.insertScript = function ()" + "{ " + "if (document.callIFrameFunction==null)" + "{" + "callIFrameFunction = function (iframeID, functionName, args)" + "{" + "var iframeRef=document.getElementById(iframeID);" + "var iframeDoc;" + "if (iframeRef.contentDocument) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentDocument;" + "} else if (iframeRef.contentWindow) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.contentWindow.document;" + "} else if (iframeRef.document) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeRef.document;" + "}" + "if (iframeDoc.wrappedJSObject != undefined) {" + "iframeDoc = iframeDoc.wrappedJSObject;" + "}" + "return iframeDoc[functionName](args);" + "}" + "}" + "}"; /** * Track IDs in use throughout the app for iframe * instances in order to detect and prevent collisions * */ public static var idList:Object = new Object(); private var appHost:String; private var iframeContentHost:String; /** * Constructor * */ public function IFrame() { super(); this.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, handleRemove); this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, handleAdd); } /** * Generate DOM elements and build display path. * */ override protected function createChildren():void { super.createChildren(); if (! ExternalInterface.available) { throw new Error("ExternalInterface is not available in this container. Internet Explorer ActiveX, Firefox, Mozilla 1.7.5 and greater, or other browsers that support NPRuntime are required."); } if (debug) { logTarget = new TraceTarget(); logTarget.addLogger(logger); } // Get the host info to check for cross-domain issues BrowserManager.getInstance().initForHistoryManager(); var url:String = BrowserManager.getInstance().url; appHost = URLUtil.getProtocol(url) + "://" + URLUtil.getServerNameWithPort(url); // Generate unique id's for frame div name var idSuffix:int = 0; while (idList[id + idSuffix]) { idSuffix++; } frameId = id + idSuffix; iframeId = "iframe_"+frameId; idList[frameId] = true; // Register a uniquely-named load event callback for this frame (for load notification) ExternalInterface.addCallback(frameId + "_load", this.handleFrameLoad); // Add functions to DOM if they aren't already there ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_CREATEIFRAME); ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_MOVEIFRAME); ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_HIDEIFRAME); ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_SHOWIFRAME); ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_SHOWDIV); ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_HIDEDIV); ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_LOADIFRAME); ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_LOADDIV_CONTENT); ExternalInterface.call(FUNCTION_CALLIFRAMEFUNCTION); // Insert frame into DOM using our precreated function 'createIFrame' ExternalInterface.call("createIFrame", frameId); buildContainerList(); if (loadIndicatorClass) { logger.debug("loadIndicatorClass is {0}", loadIndicatorClass); _loadIndicator = UIComponent(new loadIndicatorClass()); addChild(_loadIndicator); } else { logger.debug("loadIndicatorClass is null"); } } /** * Build list of container objects on the display list path all the way down * to this object. We will seed the container classes we find with an event * listener which will be used to test if this object is to be displayed or not. * */ private function buildContainerList():void { // We are going to store containers against index of child which leads down // to IFrame item. containerDict = new Dictionary(); settingDict = new Dictionary(); var current:DisplayObjectContainer = parent; var previous:DisplayObjectContainer = this; while (current!=null) { if (current is Container) { if (current.contains(previous)) { var childIndex:Number = current.getChildIndex(previous); logger.debug("index: {0}", childIndex); // Store child index against container containerDict[current] = childIndex; settingDict[current] = childIndex; // Tag on a change listener current.addEventListener(IndexChangedEvent.CHANGE, handleChange); current.addEventListener(MoveEvent.MOVE, handleMove); } } previous = current; current = current.parent; } // make sure frame runs visible setter using initial visible state visible = visible; } /** * Triggered by removal of this object from the stage * * @param event Event trigger * */ private function handleRemove(event:Event):void { // Remove systemManager hooks for overlay detection if (overlayDetection) { systemManager.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED, systemManager_addedHandler); systemManager.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, systemManager_removedHandler); } visible = false; } /** * Triggered by addition of this object to the stage * * @param event Event trigger * */ private function handleAdd(event:Event):void { // Hook the systemManager to provide overlaying object detection if (overlayDetection) { systemManager.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, systemManager_addedHandler); systemManager.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, systemManager_removedHandler); } visible = true; } /** * Triggered by one of our listeners seeded all the way up the display * list to catch a 'changed' event which might hide or display this object. * * @param event Event trigger * */ private function handleChange(event:Event):void { var target:Object = event.target; if (event is IndexChangedEvent) { var changedEvent:IndexChangedEvent = IndexChangedEvent(event) var newIndex:Number = changedEvent.newIndex; visible = checkDisplay(target, newIndex); } } /** * Triggered by one of our listeners seeded all the way up the display * list to catch a 'move' event which might reposition this object. * * @param event Event trigger * */ private function handleMove(event:Event):void { moveIFrame(); } /** * This function updates the selected view child of the signalling container * and then compares the path from our IFrame up the displaylist to see if * the index settings match. Only an exact match all the way down to our * IFrame will satisfy the condition to display the IFrame contents. * * @param target Object event source * @param newIndex Number index from target object. * */ private function checkDisplay(target:Object, newIndex:Number):Boolean { var valid:Boolean = false; if (target is Container) { var container:DisplayObjectContainer = DisplayObjectContainer(target); // Update current setting settingDict[container] = newIndex; valid = true; for (var item:Object in containerDict) { var index:Number = lookupIndex(item as Container); var setting:Number = lookupSetting(item as Container); logger.debug(item.toString()); valid = valid&&(index==setting); } } // Remember this state so we can re-check later without a new IndexChangedEvent validForDisplay = valid; return valid; } /** * Return index of child item on path down to this object. If not * found then return -1; * * @param target Container object * */ public function lookupIndex(target:Container):Number { var index:Number = -1; try { index = containerDict[target]; } catch (e:Error) { // Error not found, we have to catch this or a silent exception // will be thrown. logger.debug(e.toString()); } return index; } /** * Return index of child item on path down to this object. If not * found then return -1; * * @param target Container object * */ public function lookupSetting(target:Container):Number { var index:Number = -1; try { index = settingDict[target]; } catch (e:Error) { // Error not found, we have to catch this or a silent exception // will be thrown. logger.debug(e.toString()); } return index; } /** * Adjust frame position to match the exposed area in the application. * */ private function moveIFrame(): void { var localPt:Point = new Point(0, 0); var globalPt:Point = this.localToGlobal(localPt); ExternalInterface.call("moveIFrame", frameId, iframeId, globalPt.x, globalPt.y, this.width, this.height); logger.debug("move iframe id {0}", frameId); } /** * Triggered by change to component properties. * */ override protected function commitProperties():void { super.commitProperties(); if (source) { frameLoaded = false; ExternalInterface.call("loadIFrame", frameId, iframeId, source); logger.debug("load Iframe id {0}", frameId); // Trigger re-layout of iframe contents. invalidateDisplayList(); } else if (content) { ExternalInterface.call("loadDivContent", frameId, iframeId, content); logger.debug("load Content id {0}", frameId); // Trigger re-layout of iframe contents. invalidateDisplayList(); } } protected function handleFrameLoad():void { logger.debug("browser reports frame loaded with id {0}", frameId); frameLoaded = true; var queuedCall:Object; var result:Object; // Execute any queued function calls now that the frame is loaded while (functionQueue.length > 0) { queuedCall = functionQueue.pop(); logger.debug("frame id {0} calling queued function {1}", frameId, queuedCall.functionName); this.callIFrameFunction(queuedCall.functionName, queuedCall.args, queuedCall.callback); } dispatchEvent(new Event("frameLoad")); invalidateDisplayList(); } /** * Triggered when display contents change. Adjusts frame layout. * * @param unscaledWidth * @param unscaledHeight * */ override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void { super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight); if (_loadIndicator) { if (frameLoaded) { _loadIndicator.visible = false; } else { _loadIndicator.visible = true; var w:int = _loadIndicator.measuredWidth; var h:int = _loadIndicator.measuredHeight; _loadIndicator.setActualSize(w, h); _loadIndicator.move(this.width / 2 - w, this.height / 2 - h); } } moveIFrame(); } /** * Set source url * * @param url Frame contents * */ public function set source(source: String): void { if (source) { __source = source; // mark unloaded now so calls in this frame will be queued frameLoaded = false; invalidateProperties(); // Get the host info to check for cross-domain issues iframeContentHost = URLUtil.getProtocol(source) + "://" + URLUtil.getServerNameWithPort(source); } } /** * Return url of frame contents * */ public function get source(): String { return __source; } /** * Set content string * */ public function set content(content: String): void { if (content) { __content = content; invalidateProperties(); } } /** * Return content string of div contents * */ public function get content(): String { return __content; } /** * Sets visibility of html iframe. Rtn calls inserted javascript functions. * * @param visible Boolean flag * */ override public function set visible(value: Boolean): void { super.visible = value; // if we have an iframe in the same domain as the app, call the // specialized functions to update visibility inside the iframe if (visible) { if (source && iframeContentHost == appHost) ExternalInterface.call("showIFrame",frameId,iframeId); else ExternalInterface.call("showDiv",frameId,iframeId); logger.debug("show iframe id {0}", frameId); } else { if (source && iframeContentHost == appHost) ExternalInterface.call("hideIFrame",frameId,iframeId); else ExternalInterface.call("hideDiv",frameId,iframeId); logger.debug("hide iframe id {0}", frameId); } } /** * Calls a function of the specified name defined on the IFrame document * (like document.functionName = function () {...} ), passing it an array of arguments. * May not work if the iframe contents are in a different domain due to security. * * If the frame contents are loaded when this method is called, it will return any * results from the function immediately to the caller (as well as to the callback * function, if defined). Otherwise, the call will be queued, this method will return * null, and results will be passed to the callback function after the frame loads * and the queued function call executes. * * @param functionName String Name of function to call * @param args Array List of arguments to pass as an array * @param callback Function to call (if any) with results of IFrame function execution * */ public function callIFrameFunction(functionName:String, args:Array = null, callback:Function = null):String { if (!source) { throw new Error("No iframe to call functions on"); } if (iframeContentHost != appHost) { var msg:String = "Warning: attempt to call function " + functionName + " on iframe " + frameId + " may fail due to cross-domain security."; logger.debug(msg); } if (frameLoaded) { // Call the function immediately var result:Object = ExternalInterface.call("callIFrameFunction", iframeId, functionName, args); if (callback != null) { callback(result); } return String(result); } else { // Queue the function for call once the iframe has loaded var queuedCall:Object = {functionName: functionName, args: args, callback:callback}; functionQueue.push(queuedCall); return null; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loading indicator // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A UIComponent class to display centered over the iframe container while * the browser is loading its content. Should implement measuredHeight * and measuredWidth in order to be properly sized */ public var loadIndicatorClass:Class; protected var _loadIndicator:UIComponent; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Overlaying object detection // -------------------------------------------------------------------- private var overlappingDict:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true); private var overlapCount:int = 0; protected function systemManager_addedHandler(event:Event):void { // A display object was added somewhere var displayObj:DisplayObject = event.target as DisplayObject; if (displayObj.parent == systemManager && displayObj.name != "cursorHolder") { // If the object is a direct child of systemManager (i.e it floats) and isn't the cursor, // check to see if it overlaps me after it's been drawn this.callLater(checkOverlay, [displayObj]); } } protected function systemManager_removedHandler(event:Event):void { // A display object was removed somewhere var displayObj:DisplayObject = event.target as DisplayObject; if (displayObj.parent == systemManager && overlappingDict[displayObj]) { logger.debug("iframe {0} heard REMOVE for {1}", frameId, displayObj.toString()); // If the object is a direct child of systemManager and was an overlapping object, remove it delete overlappingDict[displayObj]; if (--overlapCount == 0) { visible = validForDisplay; } if (displayObj is UIComponent) { // Remove listeners for hide and show events on overlappiung UIComponents UIComponent(displayObj).removeEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, overlay_hideShowHandler); UIComponent(displayObj).removeEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, overlay_hideShowHandler); } } } protected function overlay_hideShowHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { var displayObj:DisplayObject = event.target as DisplayObject; if (event.type == FlexEvent.SHOW && !overlappingDict[displayObj]) { logger.debug("iframe {0} heard SHOW for {1}", frameId, displayObj.toString()); overlappingDict[displayObj] = displayObj; overlapCount++; visible = false; } else if (event.type == FlexEvent.HIDE && overlappingDict[displayObj]) { logger.debug("iframe {0} heard HIDE for {1}", frameId, displayObj.toString()); delete overlappingDict[displayObj]; if (--overlapCount == 0) { visible = validForDisplay; } } } /** * Check to see if the given DisplayObject overlaps this object. * If so, add it to a dictionary of overlapping objects and update * this object's visibility. * */ protected function checkOverlay(displayObj:DisplayObject):void { if (this.hitTestStageObject(displayObj)) { logger.debug("iframe {0} detected overlap of {1}", frameId, displayObj.toString()); overlappingDict[displayObj] = displayObj; overlapCount++; visible = false; if (displayObj is UIComponent) { // Listen for hide and show events on overlapping UIComponents // (ComboBox dropdowns for example aren't removed after use; they're just hidden) UIComponent(displayObj).addEventListener(FlexEvent.HIDE, overlay_hideShowHandler, false, 0, true); UIComponent(displayObj).addEventListener(FlexEvent.SHOW, overlay_hideShowHandler, false, 0, true); } } } /** * The native hitTestObject method seems to have some issues depending on * the situation. This is a custom implementation to work around that. * This method assumes that the passed DisplayObject is a direct child * of the stage and therefore has x and y coordinates that are already global * */ protected function hitTestStageObject(o:DisplayObject):Boolean { var overlapX:Boolean = false; var overlapY:Boolean = false; var localMe:Point = new Point(this.x, this.y); var globalMe:Point = this.parent.localToGlobal(localMe); var myLeft:int = globalMe.x; var myRight:int = globalMe.x + this.width; var oLeft:int = o.x; var oRight:int = o.x + o.width; // Does object's left edge fall between my left and right edges? overlapX = oLeft >= myLeft && oLeft <= myRight; // Or does my left edge fall between object's left and right edges? overlapX ||= oLeft <= myLeft && oRight >= myLeft; var myTop:int = globalMe.y; var myBottom:int = globalMe.y + this.height; var oTop:int = o.y; var oBottom:int = o.y + o.height; // Does object's top edge fall between my top and bottom edges? overlapY = oTop >= myTop && oTop <= myBottom; // Or does my top edge fall between object's top and bottom edges? overlapY ||= oTop <= myTop && oBottom >= myTop; return overlapX && overlapY; } } }
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标题提到的问题是在各种浏览器中,尤其是考虑到跨浏览器兼容性时,如何用JS实现主页面与`iframe`页面间的函数调用。在IE、Firefox和Chrome等现代浏览器中,有一些不同的处理方式。 首先,获取`iframe`页面的引用是...
【标题】"ifram jQuery-online xuanzuowei(动态加载) seat" 涉及的知识点主要集中在网页开发中的框架(iframe)、jQuery库以及动态加载的选座功能。在这个项目中,开发者可能正在创建一个在线售票系统或者某种类型的...
本文介绍的JavaScript方法,就是如何在iframe中实现获取父窗口URL地址的过程。这一过程利用了JavaScript中的window.parent对象,它是iframe元素与父窗口之间的桥梁。 首先,理解window对象在JavaScript中的地位非常...
当C.aspx需要刷新B.aspx时,可以在B.aspx的JavaScript或jQuery代码中使用`window.location.reload()`函数,这将导致B.aspx页面重新加载。例如,在B.aspx中可以添加一个按钮,点击按钮时触发刷新: ```javascript ...
在JavaScript中,操作`iframe`内的DOM元素是常见的需求,特别是在构建复杂的网页应用时。`iframe`(Inline Frame)是一种可以在HTML文档中嵌入另一个HTML文档的元素,它允许我们实现页面分隔、加载外部资源或者创建...
这段代码的作用是通过Layui的模块加载器加载layer模块,并在回调函数中获取到layer模块的实例。 而在iframe页面中,使用layer.msg弹出消息时,如果要让消息框在父页面居中显示,需要将消息框的父层设置到最外层的...
本文实例讲述了js改变Iframe中Src的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体实现方法如下: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title></title>...
在网页设计中,有时我们需要在页面中添加一个遮罩层,以实现如加载动画、弹窗提示或隐藏部分内容的效果。本话题将详细讲解如何在iframe中实现页面的遮罩层功能,结合`right.html`, `main.html`, `left.html`, `top....
在提供的示例代码中,父页面和子页面分别使用了简单的JavaScript函数实现了相互之间的元素访问。这种直接访问DOM元素的方法简单直接,适合在同源策略允许的情况下使用。 - **父页面**: ```html 获取子页面文本" ...