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关于ibatis出现AutoResultMap错误的问题 -
关于ibatis出现AutoResultMap错误的问题 -
linux下编译安装zlib -
苦B程序员的数据验证之路 -
### Struts default properties
### Struts 默认属性文件
###(can be overridden by a struts.properties file in the root of the classpath)
### Specifies the Configuration used to configure Struts
### one could extend org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration
### to build one's customize way of getting the configurations parameters into Struts
### 指定一个扩展自org.apache.struts2.config.Configuration类的Cnfiguration类
### 来完成自定义的配置参数读入
# struts.configuration=org.apache.struts2.config.DefaultConfiguration
### This can be used to set your default locale and encoding scheme
### 用来设定默认的locale和encoding
# struts.locale=en_US
### if specified, the default object factory can be overridden here
### Note: short-hand notation is supported in some cases, such as "spring"
### Alternatively, you can provide a com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory subclass name here
### 如果该参数被指定,默认的对象工厂将被覆盖,注意:这里可以支持“简称”(如"spring")也可以提供一
### 个com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory的子类的全类名
# struts.objectFactory = spring
### specifies the autoWiring logic when using the SpringObjectFactory.
### 当struts.objectFactory使用SpringObjectFactory时,这里指定spring自动装配的策略
### valid values are: name, type, auto, and constructor (name is the default)
### 可选的值有:name,type,auto和constructor(name是默认的)
struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire = name
### indicates to the struts-spring integration if Class instances should be cached
### this should, until a future Spring release makes it possible, be left as true
### unless you know exactly what you are doing!
### valid values are: true, false (true is the default)
### 表明struts-spring集成时类实例是否要被缓存,这要spring的支持(好像是现在没用)默认值是true
struts.objectFactory.spring.useClassCache = true
### ensures the autowire strategy is always respected.
### 确保spring的自动装配策略总是被考虑的
### valid values are: true, false (false is the default)
struts.objectFactory.spring.autoWire.alwaysRespect = false
### if specified, the default object type determiner can be overridden here
### Note: short-hand notation is supported in some cases, such as "tiger" or "notiger"
### Alternatively, you can provide a com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ObjectTypeDeterminer implementation name here
### Note: By default, com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer is used which handles type detection
### using generics. com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.GenericsObjectTypeDeterminer was deprecated since XWork 2, it's
### functions are integrated in DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer now.
### To disable tiger support use the "notiger" property value here.
### 这个没有用过不知道是做什么的
#struts.objectTypeDeterminer = tiger
#struts.objectTypeDeterminer = notiger
### Parser to handle HTTP POST requests, encoded using the MIME-type multipart/form-data
### 指定用什么来解析MIME-type是multipart/form-data(即上传文件)的request的post提交
### 有cos、pell、jakarta三个选择
# struts.multipart.parser=cos
# struts.multipart.parser=pell
# uses javax.servlet.context.tempdir by default
### 上传临时文件存放路径(默认是javax.servlet.context.tempdir)
### 上传临时文件大小最大限制
### Load custom property files (does not override struts.properties!)
### 用户自定义属性文件路径(不能是struts.properties)
# struts.custom.properties=application,org/apache/struts2/extension/custom
### How request URLs are mapped to and from actions
### 设置如何将URLs关联到actions
### Used by the DefaultActionMapper
### You may provide a comma separated list, e.g. struts.action.extension=action,jnlp,do
### The blank extension allows you to match directory listings as well as pure action names
### without interfering with static resources.
### 如果使用了DefaultActionMapper那么这里你可以提供一个以逗号分隔的列表作为后缀,如:
### struts.action.extension=action,jnlp,do空白的后缀允许你以目录列表作为更好的action名进行匹配
### Used by FilterDispatcher
### If true then Struts serves static content from inside its jar.
### If false then the static content must be available at <context_path>/struts
### 如果使用FilterDispatcher,当该设为true时struts从jar里提供静态资源(如dojo提供的时间控件)
### 当该设为false时静态资源必须在<context_path>/struts才有效
### Used by FilterDispatcher
### This is good for development where one wants changes to the static content be
### fetch on each request.
### NOTE: This will only have effect if struts.serve.static=true
### If true -> Struts will write out header for static contents such that they will
### be cached by web browsers (using Date, Cache-Content, Pragma, Expires)
### headers).
### If false -> Struts will write out header for static contents such that they are
### NOT to be cached by web browser (using Cache-Content, Pragma, Expires
### headers)
### 设置是否缓存静态资源
### Set this to false if you wish to disable implicit dynamic method invocation
### via the URL request. This includes URLs like foo!bar.action, as well as params
### like method:bar (but not action:foo).
### An alternative to implicit dynamic method invocation is to use wildcard
### mappings, such as <action name="*/*" method="{2}" class="actions.{1}">
### 设置struts是否支持动态方法调用
struts.enable.DynamicMethodInvocation = true
### Set this to true if you wish to allow slashes in your action names. If false,
### Actions names cannot have slashes, and will be accessible via any directory
### prefix. This is the traditional behavior expected of WebWork applications.
### Setting to true is useful when you want to use wildcards and store values
### in the URL, to be extracted by wildcard patterns, such as
### <action name="*/*" method="{2}" class="actions.{1}"> to match "/foo/edit" or
### "/foo/save".
### 设置是否允许action的name里有"/"
struts.enable.SlashesInActionNames = false
### use alternative syntax that requires %{} in most places
### to evaluate expressions for String attributes for tags
### when set to true, Struts will act much more friendly for developers. This
### includes:
### - struts.i18n.reload = true
### - struts.configuration.xml.reload = true
### - raising various debug or ignorable problems to errors
### For example: normally a request to foo.action?someUnknownField=true should
### be ignored (given that any value can come from the web and it
### should not be trusted). However, during development, it may be
### useful to know when these errors are happening and be told of
### them right away.
### 是否是开发模式,true:i18n自动重新加载,struts配置文件自动重新加载
struts.devMode = false
### when set to true, resource bundles will be reloaded on _every_ request.
### this is good during development, but should never be used in production
### Standard UI theme
### Change this to reflect which path should be used for JSP control tag templates by default
### struts标签使用哪种默认样式
### struts标签的模板所在路径
#sets the default template type. Either ftl, vm, or jsp
### 设置模板类型
### Configuration reloading
### This will cause the configuration to reload struts.xml when it is changed
### Location of velocity.properties file. defaults to velocity.properties
### velocit的配置文件
struts.velocity.configfile = velocity.properties
### Comma separated list of VelocityContext classnames to chain to the StrutsVelocityContext
struts.velocity.contexts =
### Location of the velocity toolbox
### used to build URLs, such as the UrlTag
### 用struts标签构造的url的http端口号和https端口号
struts.url.http.port = 80
struts.url.https.port = 443
### possible values are: none, get or all
struts.url.includeParams = get
### Load custom default resource bundles
### 自定义的i18n
# struts.custom.i18n.resources=testmessages,testmessages2
### workaround for some app servers that don't handle HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap()
### often used for WebLogic, Orion, and OC4J
### workaround对于一些不处理HttpServletRequest.getParameterMap()的应用服务器,如:WebLogic, Orion, and OC4J
struts.dispatcher.parametersWorkaround = false
### configure the Freemarker Manager class to be used
### Allows user to plug-in customised Freemarker Manager if necessary
### MUST extends off org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager
### 配置Freemarker Manager类,如果必要可以使用自定义的Freemarker Manager插件
### 必须扩展自org.apache.struts2.views.freemarker.FreemarkerManager
### Enables caching of FreeMarker templates
### Has the same effect as copying the templates under WEB_APP/templates
### 允许缓存FreeMarker的模板,与把模板文件考到web_app/templates目录下有一样的效果
### Enables caching of models on the BeanWrapper
### 允许缓存BeanWrapper的models
### See the StrutsBeanWrapper javadocs for more information
### maxStrongSize for MruCacheStorage for freemarker
### FreeMarker缓存大小
### configure the XSLTResult class to use stylesheet caching.
### Set to true for developers and false for production.
### Whether to always select the namespace to be everything before the last slash or not
### 是否总是选择最后一个斜杠前的namespace
### Whether to allow static method access in OGNL expressions or not
### 是否允许在OGNL表达式的表态方法访问
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### Struts2属性文件详解 #### struts.configuration 该属性用于指定加载Struts 2配置文件的配置文件管理器,默认值为`org.apache.struts2.config.DefaultConfiguration`,这是Struts 2默认的配置文件管理器。若...
- 文件大小限制:Struts2默认有文件大小限制,可以通过配置参数`struts.multipart.maxSize`进行调整。 - 文件类型检查:为了安全,需要验证上传文件的类型,防止恶意文件上传。 - 错误处理:确保捕获并处理可能出现...
Struts2的默认拦截器栈(`defaultStack`)包含了文件上传所需的拦截器,所以不需要额外配置。 在Action的execute方法中,你可以访问并处理上传的文件: ```java public String execute() { for (int i = 0; i ();...
### Struts2属性文件struts.xml的配置 在Java Web开发中,Struts2框架作为MVC模式的一种实现,提供了一种简洁的方式来构建应用程序。其中,`struts.xml`是Struts2的核心配置文件,用于定义项目的包、常量、拦截器等...
**描述**: 该属性允许用户自定义额外的属性文件,这些文件中的属性不会覆盖`struts.properties`中的属性。多个自定义属性文件可以通过逗号分隔列出。 **示例代码**: ```properties struts.custom.properties=myapp...
6. struts.custom.i18n.resources:这是一个附加的国际化属性文件路径,Struts2将加载这个文件中的国际化信息。 7. struts.custom.properties:这是一个附加的配置文件路径,Struts2将加载这个文件中的设置和参数。...
- **struts.custom.properties**:指定Struts2应用加载用户自定义的属性文件。 - **struts.mapper.class**:指定将HTTP请求映射到指定Action的映射器,默认为 `org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper....
- **struts.properties**:该文件主要用于配置Struts2的全局属性,如默认使用的视图技术(如JSP或FreeMarker)等。 - **struts-default.xml**:这是Struts2框架提供的默认配置文件,包含了一些基本的拦截器和结果...
11. `struts.custom.properties`: 自定义属性文件,用于扩展Struts2配置,不会覆盖默认的`struts.properties`配置。 12. `struts.mapper.class`: 指定请求映射器,用于将HTTP请求映射到相应的Action。默认是`...
属性文件在Struts2中扮演着重要的角色,它们主要用于配置和定制框架的行为。以下是一些主要的Struts2属性及其详细解释: 1. `struts.configuration`:这个属性指定了配置文件管理器,负责加载Struts2的配置文件。...
struts.custom.properties 属性指定 Struts 2 应用加载用户自定义的属性文件,该自定义属性文件指定的属性不会覆盖 struts.properties 文件中指定的属性。 12. struts.mapper.class struts.mapper.class 属性指定...
OGNL支持访问对象属性、方法调用,以及复杂的表达式运算,是Struts2中数据绑定的关键技术。 5. **插件(Plugins)**:Struts2有众多插件,如Freemarker、Tiles、Struts2 jQuery等,这些插件扩展了Struts2的功能,...
4. **配置文件**: `struts.xml`是Struts2的主要配置文件,定义了Action、Interceptor、结果类型等。通过这个文件,开发者可以控制Action的映射、拦截器链的设置以及结果的跳转规则。 5. **Plug-in(插件)**: ...
这篇博文主要探讨的是如何在Struts2中设置和使用全局异常提示属性文件。 首先,我们要理解Struts2的异常处理机制。当控制器或业务逻辑抛出异常时,Struts2框架会捕获这些异常并根据配置决定如何响应。默认情况下,...
本文将深入探讨Struts2的配置文件,特别是`struts.xml`文件中的关键元素和属性。 在Struts2中,`package`元素是核心组件,用于组织Action、拦截器等。一个包可以看作是一个模块,其中包含多个Action和拦截器。`...
Struts1和Struts2是两个非常著名的Java Web框架,它们都提供了处理文件上传和下载的功能,但实现方式有所不同。本文将深入探讨这两个框架在文件操作方面的具体实现。 首先,让我们了解一下Struts1中的文件上传功能...
1. 配置依赖:首先,你需要在项目中添加Apache Commons FileUpload库,因为Struts2默认不包含文件上传功能。通过Maven或Gradle将其添加到构建配置中。 2. 创建表单:在HTML或JSP页面上,使用`<input type="file" />...
- `struts.properties`:Struts2的属性配置文件,设置全局属性。 - `web.xml`:Web应用的部署描述符,配置Struts2的Filter。 在实际开发中,你需要根据项目需求来调整这些配置和选择相应的插件。例如,如果你的项目...