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Session 1-Step 1: Start a New Project



  1. <!----><!---->Choose File > New.
  2. <!----><!---->Choose Project, then click OK

During the course of this tutorial you will create graphs, edit your worksheet, and more. If you need to stop before completing the session, you'll want to save your work as a Project. When you save your project, you save all your work at once: all the data, all the output in the Session window, and all the open Graph windows. When you reopen the project, all that information will be waiting for you, right where you left it. Follow these steps for saving your project: 


  1. Choose File > Save Project As.
  2. <!----><!---->In Save in, navigate to the location where you'd like to keep your project.
  3. <!----><!---->In File name, enter a name for your project, and click Save.

After this, simply choose File > Save Project to save all of your work.


If you want to use output or data in another application or another Minitab project, you can save your Session window output, data, and graphs as separate files. These separate files are copies of what is currently in your project-the contents of your project are not changed in any way.





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